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[quote name='alanbass1' post='1283984' date='Jun 27 2011, 12:42 PM']As an old SVT/8x10 person I was concerned about going to the newer smaller gear. However, after a little trial and error I have settled on a pair of Bergantino 1x12 cabs (HT112ER & EX112ER) and a TC Electronics RH450 head. Combination really does it for me, being more than loud enough and also very flexible and portable. I recently added a classic 450 head which I chain up powering one cab from each head. The reason I got the second head is that I don't like gigging without a spare and as it has the same power amp section it seemed sensible to get one so I can use it. Having both heads in use gives a more solid and focued delivery, with much greater control of the lower frequencies.[/quote] Thanks for that Alan. Something else for me to think about. Jack
[quote name='molan' post='1283930' date='Jun 27 2011, 12:08 PM']That'll be the 'classic' Ashdown sound then I realise I'll probably get shouted at for this but 'indistinct' is exactly how I'd describe the sound of a lot of full Ashdown rigs I've heard. Some of these have sounded fine solo'd but just seem to turn to mush when the full band kicks in. In my experience quite a few rehearsal studios seem to have these as house amps and I've always struggled to get a decent sound out of them (unlike Trace who used to be the stock house amps in the past). When confronted with one I always try to bypass the pre-amp and use my little Sadowsky pre straight into the power section. Even then the cabs often sound pretty wooly. I've only ever gigged with one once and swore never to use one live again. There are so many options out there it's bewildering. The new Aguilar Tone Hammer is supposed to be great, as are the Genz Streamliners if you want a warmer valvey tone. One advantage to MarkBass is that they are pretty easy to sell on if you don't like them:) I'd definitely look here at the classifieds and see what's available [/quote] Thanks Molan. Interesting comments about the Ashdown cabs. Were the ones you used the Neo type with Neodymium speakers? Thanks Jack
[quote name='largo' post='1283720' date='Jun 27 2011, 09:20 AM']I moved from an Ashdown ABM 500 II amp to the Markbass SA450 (like to have the mid control if I need it) and it's a great sounding amp, very light and importantly for me very reliable. However. I still hanker after that Ashdown sound and would suggest you try to change the cabs first. I've got the Barefaced Compact and it's an amazing sounding cab and very light. However, if your swapping from 2 large cabs I'd go with the Super Twelve option.[/quote] That's consistent with a lot of advice I've been receiving. I have already been in touch with Barefaced about delivery etc but need to sell my (almost new) Ashdown cabinets first, so the time delay would be a problem. Thanks, Jack
[quote name='Telebass' post='1283805' date='Jun 27 2011, 10:31 AM']I use Precisions with flats into a Markbass 1x12 CMD121H and a 1x12 extension. Big rigs are gone![/quote] Thanks Telebass. Do you think your 2x12 arrangement is better than 4x10 (CMD102p plus 2x10 extension? Jack
[quote name='nottswarwick' post='1283451' date='Jun 26 2011, 10:35 PM']I've owned a 102p and whilst very good, it's nowhere near as full sounding as my 410. With an extension cab it's another story. Get a barefaced super12. Very very impressive cab. I've done PA for a band where the bassist had one with a mb littlemark3, and trust me it was awesome in terms of tone, clarity and volume.[/quote] Thanks for that. I'm beginning to get the idea. Jack
[quote name='AndyMartin' post='1283411' date='Jun 26 2011, 09:41 PM']I'm not familiar with the 415T. Is that a 4x15? Surely not I used to use a mixture of 10s and 15s with my ABM head and have to say I could never get a sound I liked consistently. The speaker experts will tell you that mixing different sized speakers will give very inconsistent results and my experience bore that out. My sound improved dramatically when I changed to Barefaced and Schroeder cabs with the ABM. That's why I suggest changing the cabs first.[/quote] Thanks for that Andy. Good advice. Well noticed. Should have been 115T. Jack
[quote name='Lozz196' post='1283394' date='Jun 26 2011, 09:25 PM']+1 - I love mine, great Ampeg sound, not very much money. I`ve also had the Orange Terror, and a TC Electronics Classic 450, both great amps too. And, whenever I`ve been to a pub gig, and the bassist has sounded great, usually they have had a Markbass combo/head & tiny cab. Though there are so many that are great little amps out there at the moment, get otu there and try as many as possible, let your ears decide. And cab-wise, many Basschatters rave about the Barefaced Cabs.[/quote] Thanks Lozz196. I think I have enough positive responses for me to take a trip and try a Markbass. Jack
[quote name='xgsjx' post='1283390' date='Jun 26 2011, 09:23 PM']It's the CMD-102p that I have & it is a seriously loud combo for just a 2x10. I've went from a Trace Elliott 4x10 to it & it blows the hell out of anything the TE could do. Get a try on one if you can & see if it's got the sounds you want. I used to play in a 4 piece rock band with 2 noisy guitarists & a shed builder & now play in a folk/country/jazz band & also planing on starting a DnB/Dubstep band & it copes with whatever bass sounds I'm after, from no effects to a bit of overdrive & to filtered sounds. Get in a shop that has a few bits of lightweight kit & try combo's & separates, see what fits your needs.[/quote] I am seriously tempted by the Markbass. The Ashdown rig looks like a two storey house and gives me a headache. Jack
[quote name='Monckyman' post='1283265' date='Jun 26 2011, 07:41 PM']The new Ampeg PF500 is getting a lot of love at the mo, and is very good value. [url="http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?hl=en&xhr=t&q=ampeg+pf+500&cp=8&pq=ampeg+pg500&nord=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&ion=1&biw=1024&bih=485&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=8251370002985594953&sa=X&ei=BX0HTv3CM8-r8AP9gqC4DQ&sqi=2&ved=0CCoQ8wIwAQ"][color="#FF0000"]Ampeg PF 500[/color][/url] MM[/quote] Thanks Monckeyman, I'll take a look at that. Jack
[quote name='cycrowave' post='1283228' date='Jun 26 2011, 07:03 PM']sounds like the orange terror bass head would suit your needs pretty well [url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/orange-terror-bass-500-hybrid-bass-guitar-amp--61880"]http://www.dv247.com/guitars/orange-terror...itar-amp--61880[/url] its lightweight and small and oozes vintage charm, theres plenty of TB info on basschat just do a quick search[/quote] Thanks cycrowave. I noticed one for sale on the Forum today. Jack
[quote name='xgsjx' post='1283211' date='Jun 26 2011, 06:50 PM']Have a look at some of the lightweight gear available. Something like a markbass or genzbenz head thru a couple of light bergantino or barefaced cabs. Would be more of an upgrade than a downgrade tho. I use a markbass 2x10 combo & it suits my needs perfectly & if I did need to shift more air, I'd add another 2x10 (tho I think it'd need to be a pretty big venue with no PA support for that).[/quote] Thanks xgsjx. I was recommended the Markbass CMD 102p which is I think, the one you use, by Barry at the Bass Centre in Birmingham who reckoned it could compete with anything, even on a large venue. The addition of another cabinet would cover you for the really big gigs. Thanks again, Jack
[quote name='AndyMartin' post='1283279' date='Jun 26 2011, 07:51 PM']I'd keep the head and change the cabs. Swapping the head for another will cost you a lot and not save you a lot of weight. If you like a big fat traditional bass sound nothing does it better then the Ashdown ABM and you may spend a long time auditioning micro heads to find one that sounds as good. As for cabs I'd give Barefaced a try first if lightweight is your first priority. I used a Compact with an ABM500 and it sounded fab. If you are looking for stack type volumes then maybe a Compact + Midget or a Super 12. Both those combinations would sound monstrous. If 10s are your thing then a pair of Neo 2x10s from Bergantino, Markbass or Genz are very light if you can still get Neo drivered cabs within your budget.[/quote] Thanks Andy I must admit, I am uncertain about parting with the Evo III head as it has such a good reputation and as you say doesn't contribute that much to overall weight. However, I have had trouble dialling-in a sound that I like. I was listening to Paul Simon's bass player on TV tonight (Glastonbury) Bakithi Kumalo, and heard my ideal bass sound, but all I can get from the Ashdown is an indestinct bass boom with a percussive top (probably from my finger nails). It may be the cabinets which have three position horn switches, but more likely, I am not using the amp properly. I don't know whether to use the guitar or amp EQ or a combination of both, and don't have much luck with compression. Also there is the valve pre-amp option. Also from years of playing, I am a bit deaf (warning to all you youngsters out there). Any advice. Jack
Can any of you experienced guys (or girls) out there help an experienced player, inexperienced in the world of gear, who played extensively in the 60s when bass gear was big? I have Ashdown Neo 410T and 415T cabinets with an ABM EVOiii amp. I bought it, as in the '60s, no one played with anything less than 18inch speakers. Admittedly the amps were small, usually about 30watts but you still got a deep, loud sound, fashionable in the days before slapping etc. I play in all kinds of venues sometimes fairly large and seldom use DI. We play all kinds of music from R and B to fairly modern (but I still dont slap). As I am now in my sixties and without roadies any more, I struggle to move the stuff! Can anyone advise whether or not a smaller, lighter rig or combo would handle my needs? I use a Fender 1964 NOS limited edition Jazz bass. Jack (Kedo)
[quote name='redstriper' post='1282972' date='Jun 26 2011, 01:34 PM']It's odd that Fender don't supply these basses with period correct strings because they are integral to that early 60s sound. I have only ever used flats and much prefer the feel and tone, but one man's meat etc...... My favourites are GHS precisions and I also like DRs and Fenders. Here's a review of the GHSs: [/quote] Thanks. I definately going to go for them. Jack
[quote name='redstriper' post='1282925' date='Jun 26 2011, 12:08 PM']Hi Jack, Thanks for the info on your bass, it sounds right up my street and I will be sure to try one when I get the chance. Did it come with period correct flat wound strings? As for amps, only you will know what suits you - I tried lots after deciding to go lightweight. It took a while for me to settle with the LM2 after my old Trace amp and it doesn't sound the same - it is more controlled and precise, almost compressed sounding, but I've grown to love it because it seems to work in any situation, has plenty of power and tone and it fits in a laptop bag. I'm not keen on the CMD102p but a lot of people are - I found it too middy and aggressive sounding for my taste, but it's certainly loud, although not exactly lightweight. I prefer a separate head, so I can choose cabs to suit the gig and I have 2 ultra lightweight 15s made by Flite in the states. The nearest UK equivalent is probably the barefaced compact afaik. I would recommend you get the amp first and try it with your existing cabs to give a comparison with your old amp and don't sell your old rig until you are happy with it's replacement. Steve.[/quote] Good advice Steve. Thanks. No, stangely the bass came with round wound. Maybe I can get some flat wound to keep it exactly as it should be for the period. I might aslo prefer the sound. Regards, Jack
[quote name='redstriper' post='1282211' date='Jun 25 2011, 03:41 PM']Hi Jack, Did you play the Custom Shop NOS '64 Limited Edition black Fender Jazz before buying it and did you compare it to new standard Fenders? I'm interested to know the difference in quality for the extra dough, but don't know anywhere to try one. I've also been playing a long time and still got the 'customised' '63 Fender Jazz that I bought in 1979. I changed from a heavy Trace rig to Markbass a few years ago and never looked back. I use the LM2 head with 2 lightweight 15s and it makes gigging a lot more enjoyable. Oh - and welcome to the forum. Steve.[/quote] Hi Steve. I bought my Custom Shop Fender from Guitar Guitar in Edinburgh. They are aslo in Newcastle, Glasgow and Birmingham. They have a fantastic range of basses including Custom Shop Relics in stock. I paid just over £2,000 for the bass which came with the original chrome accessories which of course come straight off and into storage for the future. It also has original reverse tuners which cause all sorts of confusion as you change from one instrument to another. I did play it in the shop and liked it very much. You can tell from handling the instrument that it is a bit special compared to the regular American instruments. The finish is unbelievable and the playing action beautiful. The timber on the neck is so straight grained. It's almost too good to take it out gigging. However, I would say that by spending £100 on a luthier set-up, any regular American Standard bass could be brought up to the same standard of playability, and the pickups may even be better than the vintage ones. Thanks for your comments about Markbass. I have been assured that a CMD102p will perfom as well as my Classic Ashdown rig. Not sure. Regards, Jack
[quote name='Monckyman' post='1282621' date='Jun 25 2011, 11:45 PM']Hi Kedo, I Only have a Markbass amp, and not had that long, but I`m absolutely loving the tone and volume from it.It packs away into my document bag and weighs sod all. I have old fashioned taste in sound and have loads of 15"s lying about but the 210 Eden I have is comparable to most of them for warmth and beats them on volume simply because the design of the thing is so much more efficient. So the 15"s keep om lying about and the Eden gets used. There are others better placed for commenting on the new and light range of cabs like Barefaced or the Markbass ones, but if you want light loud and deep,there are plenty out there and you don`t have to carry two large heavy cabs anymore. MM[/quote] Thanks Monckeyman. I also have a taste for old fashioned sound and was brought u8p when 18inch speakers were standard for bass. They were of very low efficiency and usually driven by a crude 30w valve amplifier. I like what you say about your 2x10 cabinet. You have me convince that I don't need to hold on to my Ashdown Classic rig. Thanks again, Kedo
[quote name='Monckyman' post='1282138' date='Jun 25 2011, 02:05 PM']Hello! Never mind the bass , it`s what you get out of it now that counts. Plenty of nice basses about, only one life![/quote] Hi Monckyman, I agree. I note you have Mark bass equipment. Presently I have a rig and am looking for something more portable which can still deliver from the back line. Is this something I should consider? I have been recommended a Mark bass CMD 102p. What do you think? Seems like a 2x12inch combo can't compete with a 4x10 with 1x15 rig, but I come from the dark ages when bass equipment was big. Thanks, Jack
[quote name='Telebass' post='1282021' date='Jun 25 2011, 11:56 AM']Howdy! Also sold my share of old Fenders (75 P, 68 Jazz, 69 Telebass), and regretted two of the three. The Jazz was a dog... Happily playing MIM and MIJ Precisions now![/quote] Hi Telebass. Yes I regret that very much. I also had a 70s Precision which I sold 3 years ago. It was originally chrome yellow and in my youth I thought it would be a good idea to strip it back to the wood. Of course I reduced its value to about a quarter of its worth. I am not all that familiar with the models. What is MIM and MIJ? Jack
[quote name='stoker' post='1281902' date='Jun 25 2011, 10:05 AM']welcome![/quote] Thanks Stoker. I remember Verithins. Is it red? Jack
Played Cello and Double Bass at school, and at the age of 14, realised that a bass guitar was a bit like a double bass but easier to play. This led to an intensive period of playing in the clubs around Edinburgh. Thought I'd retired (for the third time)! but just can't give it up. Still being kept awake at night at the thought of selling my '64 Sunburst Precision and Vox Foundation amp for £30 in 1970 (first retiral). This cost me £134 with case. No choice of colour and a six month wait (I have kept this to myself for over 40 years but feel better now that I have shared it with someone) I now have a Custom Shop NOS '64 Limited Edition black Fender Jazz. Far too new-looking but nice. Now playing with some mostly younger guys . Looking forward to sharing ideas with Basschat members, particularly as I am looking to get a smaller amp which means I also have an existing one to sell. Cheers Jack