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Posts posted by Immo

  1. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1329998161' post='1551001']

    I refinished my 78 P last year in Capri Orange. Now with the proper black screws. Also, as I'm on a reggae tip, I've gone for RS black nylon tapewounds.
    Apart from the JB pickup chrome cover (sorry :P) this bass is PERFECT.
    And strings - those are TruBass 88's? My favorite strings. Congrats.

  2. In the base of the problem lie the two opposite ways of thinking among bassists.
    It is not uncommon that the older ones think that bass player should stand in the rear part of the stage and 'fill the bottom part' of the music. [i]No solos, no smiling, just listen to the drummer and shut up![/i]
    On the opposite side there are guys who have seen Claypool or Flea and want to stand on the bass drum in weird outfit, do the solos and play ridiculous lines.

    Each group will show their idols representing those two different stances and point them out as a fine example of bass players. In the meantime, the modern players usually are something in between the opposites - they do their 'bottom part' job and also want 'something for themselves' from the show, while for both groups pointing the modern bass players out as examples of fine players seems to be a bit [i]passée [/i]these days. Among the musicians the stereotype of today's music being 'pop' (in the means of being conformist, appealing to the masses etc.) or some sorts of genres considered slightly disgraceful lives on.
    The missed point is, that most of today's players ALSO 'want something for themselves from the show'!

    Of course I'm generalising, but I've witnessed this while reading forum threads and talking about bass players with my friends.

  3. [i]Danelectro Longhorn[/i] gives the vibe, lots of twang, unique sound. And it looks weird. Stylish, yes, but weird. And I guess that's not the tone you're looking for.
    [i]Fender Mustang[/i] has lots of mids, I consider it as a 'oldschool punk rock bass' as it was once inexpensive, entry level bass frequently used by garage bands. I love it's sound and certainly buy one if available cheap. But that's supposedly not the tone you're looking for.
    [i]Gibson SG[/i] is a thing you're looking for - full tonal spectrum with LOTS of warmth and low end. Has punch, blows the head off if plugged into proper amplification. Certainly, the most versatile of the three.

    I'd take SG (or same vintage Japanese copy, even the better choice!).

  4. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1328479329' post='1527905']
    In case you all think I look like a large cock, here's what I actually look like. You may of course still think I look like a large cock ...

    Psychobilly? Recently wanted to play this sub-genre but double bass is a bit difficult instrument, not only in termes of playing, but transporation and, well, obtaining cheap.

  5. Bloke born on 1987, raised with radio playing classic rock and pop. Fan of 70's and 80's music, as well as hard rock, heavy metal, funk, punk, hip-hop and practically anything else.
    Lazy player whose G.A.S. is bigger than skills.
    Trying to play anything he likes, but prefers to play southern rock, funk, punk, stoner or rockabilly. Soon will try out the band.

  6. [quote name='JimBobTTD' timestamp='1328430448' post='1526687']
    Is it hard to play with only one arm?[/quote]
    I was regenerating my right arm those days; after they found me playing slot machines in Vegas while being two weeks before 21st birthday, they decided to punish me with making me similar to the slot machine itself - and so I became the [i]one-armed bandit[/i]. ;)

  7. I use Pigtronix Mothership.
    Really different piece of equipment, this little effect is. Difficult to set, hard to operate properly and energy-guzzler for a quite tiny stompbox.

    But it's nice, it delivers really strange sounds and can be used with literally any input source - guitar, bass, vocals... Plus it looks like an orchid among clover in any pedalboard. While hard to operate and requiring hours of turning those dozens of pots, it really does the trick if you want to sound like a captain of an Alien Invasion Force. I can't wait to buy EHX Micro Bass Synth and an envelope filter to combine them into the weirdest bass effect of all time.

    Speaking of Micro Bass Synth - my guess it's the most versatile synth you can use with the bass.

  8. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1328009530' post='1520154']
    For me, the plan is to not have basses I won't use.[/quote]
    Yeah, but...
    [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1328010018' post='1520165']
    Unless money's tight I would keep hold of it...You'r more likely, in the future, to regret selling it than [i]not[/i] selling it.
    [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1328009819' post='1520159']
    Keep it, you'll never know when you might need it! Unless you really need the cash or you really need to upgrade your gear, there's no point in selling it. Just keep it in good nick and then maybe in a few years time it'll be more useful to you![/quote]
    That's my philosophy. But now I play all of my basses, switching from one to another if I need to change the technique (Tele's not too suitable for slap, T-40's not too suitable for warm, muddy sound, P has her unique funky vibe I love etc. etc.)

  9. I know I'm digging up pretty long forgotten (and virgin) thread, but I'm amazed nobody else had an experience with ANY Pigtronix effect.

    I have the [i]Mothership[/i] thing and I must admit it's one hell of a crazy sound generating gismo. Using it with bass is really difficult (hard to find a correct setting) and hazardous (some noises could bring Men in Black to your home) but it's really cool. I kinda GASsed for it after seeing a demo on YT, bought it on eBay for very good price and discovered it's not so versatile with bass as with a guitar, but my high output basses - T-40 and Telecaster Bass - communicate with it pretty good. For bass it's mainly useful to 'synth the sound a bit' or 'deliver low-end weirdness' for a moment. With a guitar it could be used constantly, I guess, and simply sounds better (see [url="http://www.pigtronix.com/products/mothership/"]http://www.pigtronix.com/products/mothership/[/url]).
    I'm pretty sure the overall design and components used are the explanation for the price, but I'm not sure it really pays to buy this for bass if you're only going to use it for few songs for a moment. But none the less I decided to keep it, as it really gives that '[i]something[/i]' to my pedalboard... :D

    And maybe I've missed some setting that brings something really great? When I'll get my [i]EHX BassBalls[/i] and custom slow attack effects, maybe I'll discover something really astounding with [i]Mothership[/i]?

    As for the other effects by Pigtronix, I'd be really glad to test the [i]Tremvelope[/i] and [i]Envelope Phaser[/i] (GASsing for both.).

  10. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1327764998' post='1516464']
    Immo i know what you mean, it's an insanely good price for what it is, the advantages of buying from family, and to be honest, if there wasn't a battery box route i would have already ordered a Wizard Thumper to replace the EMG.[/quote]
    I said it before in 'Precisions' topic - if EMG's sound 'not-so-Fender-ish', try Seymour Duncan APB-2 '[i]Lightnin' Rod[/i]' pickup. That active split PU delivers really vintage tone with good response and clarity, just the way they advertise it.
    When I bought my P with them already installed (battery's under the pickguard), my intention was to remove it and place something else, preferably old Ibanez Blazer PU, but after trying them out and stringing the P with tapewounds, I've found my perfect P-bass sound. :)

  11. That's the one of the coolest P's I've seen. A pity that she has those EMG's (I guess - I don't like their sound too much). If you want to replace it with something, try expensive but worthy 'Ligthnin' Rod' pickup by Seymour Duncan - they're active but deliver truly vintage sound. Don't know how they did this :D

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