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Everything posted by dangerboy

  1. Email replied.
  2. Another bass that I adore but never use... A Peavey T-40. A real 80s powerhouse, and one of the best instruments Peavey have ever made (IMO). The pickups are humbuckers, with coil taps operated by the tone controls. As you turn the tone down, the pickups change character from being bitey single-coils into warm, thumping humbuckers. A clever bit of wiring, I'm sure you'll agree. There's also a phase switch, so the number of tones available is pretty astonishing. This is a passive bass, btw, although the output from these pickups (these are the 'blade' ones that T-40 fans seem to prefer) is really hot. Condition-wise this is nice - there's some buckle rash that looks like it's been touched-up (although the picture totally failed to show it - I'll try and get an ultra closeup tomorrow), and what looks like it might be a small crack by the E machinehead - it doesn't go through the wood and seems old and stable, though, so I don't think it's a problem. Other than that it's surprisingly lovely. This bass comes with the original fitted Peavey hard case - it's basically indestructable! 300 quid to you. Available for pickup from London, or I can ship it.
  3. Lots of interest but no bites yet! T-40 now for sale in another thread.
  4. [quote name='Boneless' post='363596' date='Dec 26 2008, 12:20 PM']I was also thinking of getting a RAT (don't know which one though... RAT, RAT2, Turbo RAT... I don't really understand the differences ), and blend it with the dry signal to preserve lows, but I'd obviously prefer a bass-dedicated pedal [/quote] It does sound to me like you need a RAT. I have a fairly similar tone to you from the sound of it, and find that one works great. RAT 2 is more grindy, Turbo RAT more like a guitar solo sound. I have my Turbo RAT rigged to do both sounds, and definitely use the RAT 2 one more. Preserves lows just fine. Have a listen to the bass sound of SCUL HAZZARDs (www.myspace.com/sculhazzards). Tiffany keeps her RAT on all the time.
  5. Post-Xmas bump.
  6. I bought MCW's jazz bass. Fantastic guy to deal with. A real pleasure.
  7. I stopped reading as soon as I saw a Primus tune listed. This list is presumably compiled by people who work in guitar shops, rather than people who listen to music.
  8. A touch of bump? Anyone started anticipating their post-Xmas budget yet? I have a black Peavey T-40 to shift if this doesn't sell, btw. PM for more details.
  9. Excellent. I look forward to SX fans queuing up at my door in 2009 to buy the spare 'classic-style' jazz neck I have lying around. I might even add 'RARE!!!!!' to the description after next summer.
  10. I find the economics of the whole originals scene in London a bit weird, but I guess it's evolved into a stable state. And honestly - if you can pull 200 people you won't be doing these nights. But everyone has to start somewhere, and the originals market is SO crowded in London that it's ludicrous. In most cases the PA and soundman are provided by the venue, who charge the promoter a fixed fee. The promoter then books bands, and charges what he/she thinks they can get away with on the door. Most promoters don't promote bands, and then don't pay them either - they make enough on the door to pay their costs plus a nice profit, then start to give bands a quid here or there if they bring more than 20 people (which in most cases is enough to pay all the promoter's costs outright regardless of whether anyone else brings any people at all). Everyone gets paid except for the people who are providing the content. Which is screwed. I don't understand why we need separate promoters anyway. All the best nights I go to are put on by bands or people closely associated with bands. I love playing and going to the Vapour Trail in Holloway, Club Hell in Kings Cross, Rip This Joint in Camden, Goonite, Tooting Bizarre, Spatchcock in Stoke Newington etc etc. All nights put on by bands or closely related people (as is my own Duel in the Deep in Shoreditch). The bands always make sense together, so more people turn up since they're getting better value. And the bands often get paid, because the promoters aren't in it to make a profit. When I promote I'm usually not that bothered about how many people a band will bring - I just want to know if they're making interesting and important music, and whether they're going to be fun to work with and put on. If we make a profit, cool - and we give it all to the bands. If we make a loss then I'm a fool. So London originals bands - start your own nights. One a month isn't that difficult to arrange, and you'll make a lot of new friends. Let's remove at least one layer of the people making money off our backs.
  11. I floated this in a thread in 'Items Wanted' and got a few nibbles but no serious bites. So let's see if anyone wants it. An Ovation Magnum II active bass. It is in lovely shape, with the foam in the mutes and everything, and has had the following modifications from original by a previous owner: 1 slider pot (treble) has been replaced with a rotary pot. An extra rotary pot has been fitted. It does SOMETHING, but too subtly for my ears to tell you what. The jack socket has been moved to the base. The scratchplate is non-original. All the work looks to have been done neatly. I haven't opened it up to look at the wiring, but the sounds are all there. It runs off 2 9V batteries, and has all the great features like individual coils for the pickup poles, so you can adjust the volume for each string. And it's so pretty... Loads more pics if you want them.
  12. A quick bump to say that I still have a Goliath II 4x10 for sale. I sold one, and have decided to go the way of 15" cabs, so the other has to go now. The one left for sale has a full set of original drivers in it, but the tweeter doesn't work - it looks like this might be because the fuse housing is loose but I can't guarantee it. Might be an easy fix. Personally I turn it off anyway so it never bothered me. With this is mind, I'll happily take £120 for the cab. It's in North London waiting for you, guys.
  13. [quote name='Gareth Hughes' post='358138' date='Dec 18 2008, 05:48 PM']What are the smaller pedals underneath the EHX Memory Man?[/quote] Catalinbreads.
  14. [quote name='MB1' post='358148' date='Dec 18 2008, 05:58 PM']MB1. SOLD????????????????????[/quote] I've paid for it. Yeah.
  15. PS-5 TRADED.
  16. BUMP with new stuff
  17. [quote name='pete.young' post='356433' date='Dec 16 2008, 10:13 PM']Er, yes it is. But Mr. Foxen was contemplating buying the driver, sticking it in his dead cab and then putting the whole lot back up for sale. The request was for pictures of Mr Foxen's cab. I think.[/quote] Yep - that's what I would be after if I was a potential buyer planning to marry them together.
  18. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='353309' date='Dec 13 2008, 01:15 AM']If I bought this and put it in my blown cab, would anyone buy the cab for not much more? Or someone buy this and come and get my cab.[/quote] Do you have any pictures of your cab? That might help people decide.
  19. I've got a Tech21 XXL for sale, if you fancy it.
  20. Stewart is a great seller - and a lovely guy too. I bought a bass from him, he hand-delivered to my local.
  21. And when Richard does sell something he's a great guy to deal with. And he's the king of packing. I now own the TL606 cab he built, and it came DHL without picking up a single mark. Incredible!
  22. Stewart is a real pleasure to deal with. I sold him a trem pedal and his communication was flawless.
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