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Everything posted by dangerboy

  1. Pete and I came up with the most complicated route for a pair of cabs across the country ever envisaged. Fair play to the man, he played along with it every step of the way and the cabs are sitting in my living room. Big thumbs up to this guy's selling. Spot on. Everyone applaud now.
  2. BUMP. Some sold. Everything going to the 'Bay soon.
  3. I used to use the Gibson ones a decade ago. When I picked up a bass after 8 years off I bought new ones, and found that they've changed the recipe. They now bend in a way they never did in the 90s... So I use Clayton's instead now. I can't stand bendiness!
  4. I name the ones I build from parts or have custom-built. I figure they're one-offs so need names to make up for not having model names. But I don't re-christen basses with perfectly good names from their manufacturers. So far I have The Bass Of Death, Ye Basse Of Olde, A Bass Named For The Decline Of Industrial Britain and now I have to think of a name for the frankojazz I've nearly finished.
  5. It works great. I used to use the 'spring' setting a lot to get quite an accented reverb, but the other settings work well too. It doesn't seem biased in the frequencies that it works on- it'll reverberate bass if you put in bass. It does have reverse reverb which is fun too. Here's a review [url="http://guitargeek.com/reviews/digitech_xdv_digiverb.php"]http://guitargeek.com/reviews/digitech_xdv_digiverb.php[/url]
  6. Xciter sold. Bump with even more pedals added.
  7. I used to have an active one. Nice basses. I reckon you could beat that price for a second-hand one on the 'Bay, though. Not by much, but I'm sure mine was £60ish and I sold it on for about the same.
  8. I have to admit I really like it. This is the bass Fred Flintstone would play. It's nice to see people stretching the idea of the bass - he's just stretching it the other way from the guys using space-age materials, neodymium magnets and 14 strings...
  9. bassace, Thanks for writing a full review. I'm more and more convinced that these would be a good buy. You didn't see a similar stick badged 'Eastcoast' in PMT did you? I was wondering if it was the same as the Stagg. It looked it to me. And where were you playing? I've been up some horrible staircases in Oxford...
  10. SOLD! I hope you will all remember the "bargain" price next time you're selling me something!
  11. I could have sworn I attached a picture. Anyway, it's fixed now.
  12. Teehee. BUY BUY BUY!
  13. A lovely Westone Thunder IA. I'm sure lots of people reading this will remember these. They were the first bass for lots of us who are now in our twenties and thirties. No-one thought much of them then, but I think a lot of people have come to realise just how good they are. Where can you get a japanese-made, active, beautiful-sounding bass made of big chunks of ash for £100 now? This is what Westone used to say about them: [url="http://www.westone.info/cats/82/11.html"]<a href="http://www.westone.info/cats/82/11.html" target="_blank">http://www.westone.info/cats/82/11.html[/url]</a> [url="http://www.westone.info/cats/81/06.html"]<a href="http://www.westone.info/cats/81/06.html" target="_blank">http://www.westone.info/cats/81/06.html[/url]</a> Loads of controls = loads of tone possibilities, even with one pickup. This was light oak finish, once, but it's aged to a beautiful amber. There are a few bumps and bruises, but they're pretty much invisible when playing because of the natural finish. £100ish in 1987. £100 to you now. Plus P&P. Or come meet me in London and I'll hand it to you. PM me your email address if you'd like more pics.
  14. I am giving up doing bass projects (I think I have my perfect set now) so I have a lot of bits to shift... All prices are plus P&P,or you can meet me in central London to pick things up for nothing. First up the body of a VOX bassmaster. Someone (not me) stripped this and re-sprayed it black. It has a couple of scratches in. £10 Second, a set of old Schaller tuners in gently scratched chrome. They look like they're 70s or 80s. The fact that they say 'made in W.Germany' would back that up. 4-a-side. £20 Third, a Seymour Duncan humbucker for the bridge position of a Rick or Rick copy. I'm sure it would be easy to change the support unit to make it fit somewhere else. £35 Do PM if you're after bridges (except BadAss), tuners or pickups. I have a whole bunch of stuff to list in the next few weeks.
  15. Hooray for mcgiver. PM me and we'll sort out the details. Steve
  16. If there was a fire... I'd grab the Travis Bean and run. Then I'd go back into the ashes and pick up the searing hot remains of this, and get a new neck put on it. [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/84144792@N00/2053176381/in/set-72157603263405555/"]http://www.flickr.com/photos/84144792@N00/...57603263405555/[/url]
  17. That's identical to the first bass I ever owned! But I already have 2 Westones, and I ain't going to Peterborough!
  18. Bump with a whole load of new pedals up for sale.
  19. + 10. Ulp. [size=6]284[/size]
  20. Is it safe to say you like the cab then, Sparky? ;-)
  21. I always let people use my amp, without complaints or worries. I figure they'd have to do something pretty loud to hurt it, and it's SO loud that the soundman would probably storm the stage and turn them off if they did, before it got hurt. Past '3' on the volume would totally overwhelm most venues. But then I don't have valves so my amp's indestructible. One of the reasons I chose GK was facing the reality that is kit-share. On the crummy London circuit I play nearly every gig is a drums and bassamp share. Can you imagine people trying to get 4 vans to a pub in Piccadilly Circus? Pretty much every band I've played with have been totally cool about it. The ones who don't like to share usually don't get booked again, and don't make themselves many friends. The funniest bassplayers are the ones who turn up having draged their amp from miles away despite knowing there's one available to use for free, and insist on a full breakdown so they can use their own crappy gear that sounds like someone's stuffed a sheep into the cab...
  22. Yes mate. It's a tele-shaped one, btw. [quote name='WarPig' post='99948' date='Dec 6 2007, 01:08 AM']is the pickup still avaliable?[/quote]
  23. I'm glad to know someone else had the same idea. I didn't find them, but I did stop looking after a while in order to feel more special ;-) Cost - I'm sure Pete will quote for you. This was a one-off project in that I bought all the parts myself and did all the wiring.
  24. A little something different... A while back I picked up an old Kramer aluminium neck, and I spent a lot of time looking for someone to make me an exotic wood body for it. Then, by chance, I came across Pete Longfellow (http://www.longfellowguitars.com) and thought I'd ask him to help me go all-aluminium. This bass is strongly influenced by Hooky's Eccleshall hollowbodies, but without the active circuitry and the trem bar. It's an attempt to fuse Epiphone Rivoli looks with Rick 4005 sound. The tuners are the original 70s Schallers, the bridge is a Hipshot Rick replacement and the pickups are Kent Armstrong toasters. The sustain is essentially endless if you're within hearing range of your amp. There are volume knobs for each of the pickups and a pull-switch that acts like an S1 switch on a jazz bass. The tone knobs are purely ornamental. They're not wired up because I've never used a tone knob. More pics here: [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/84144792@N00/sets/72157603263405555/"]http://www.flickr.com/photos/84144792@N00/...57603263405555/[/url] I also have incredible pictures of the inside of the bass; The bridge sits on a scaffold of 12mm aluminium rods connecting it directly to the neck, hence the sustain for months. I don't think I've ever had so many comments on my gear whilst playing live:
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