The future is out there waiting for you, nothing you can say or do will change that or change it. What will be will be. Now this may sound like I'm telling you you're doomed but I'm not, you may in fact become the next messiah, who knows. My point is enjoy what you're doing and let each band run their natural course and good luck. If you are meant to be in a funk/rock band then it will happen regardless of what you decide.
[quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1388524020' post='2323161']
Tapes. Absolutely get some tapes. I used to LOVE recording on my Fostex 4 track back in the day. You may end up getting more out of the process than the product, but there's nothing wrong with that.
"More from the process than the product" wow that's pretty deep stuff man. I'm gonna use that someday, hope you don't mind.
[quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1388500131' post='2322714']
Bugger me, and I thought it was a difficult choice last month!
Theboy: lovely. Really lovely. As everyone else has said, you could have stretched that one out for a lot longer - but maybe best to leave 'em wanting more, eh?
For me this month there was a track that ticked all the boxes with a very close second place.
Thank you for your kind comments EMB I normally write the months entry then chop it down to entry/verse/chorus/exit... I think that's enough for people to get the idea. However this month I genuinely wanted to make this one longer but didn't have the time. Typical.
Everyone is so aggressive around here these days. It sometimes feels like I'm on a bodybuilding website with all the testosterone grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr💪😬.....
[quote name='Bassman Steve' timestamp='1388495113' post='2322613']
No, I have a cretinous outpouring which seems to be rather threatening. Don't bother responding and leaving any more vitriol. Maybe there's something lost in translation.
Wow.... I would live to see that pm.
Read it now. (Doh edit for this.)
[quote name='the hand of john curley' timestamp='1388362410' post='2321310']
Ah....splendid! I thought it looked a gnats cock away from being level....maybe the nut needed filing down and some wholly inappropriate pickup sticking in it.......hold don't know my guitar restoring mate do you?....his names mark......???😁
Are you taking the mick...... I'm being deadly serious. It's an approved method used by master bodgers the world throughout.
Sound very dodgy. Month end is usually the max in my experience so you may have to wait four weeks but I have never experienced 90 days. Do you guys have a manager?
[quote name='ash' timestamp='1388349974' post='2321147']
It doesn't look like a scam to me and I think they are right to hold out if they are not sure of its value - given the condition - they also invite potential punters to come and have a look at it in the Q&A section. I'm tempted - could be a nice winter project.
[quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1388324584' post='2320730']
Hello there, bad boy, it's none other than the beautiful , talented and oh-so aptly-named Abbi Titmuss.
She is pure filth. The video was hilarious she made with Leslie. He's a wrongun.
[quote name='the hand of john curley' timestamp='1388334659' post='2320881']
How can you tell from the photos that the necks possibly warped? Not disputing it at all....just that I'm buggered if I can tell! I need your expert advices!!
Using an optical micrometer I measured the angle of incidence created by the shadow of the strings on the fretboard. I then divided this by the number of frets illustrated giving me a sloping gradient of .2ml/inch, this of course is not accounting for error of parallax which would possibly increase or decrease the factor depending on the viewing angle. 🍰
[quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1388174914' post='2319213']
If you want to be successful do you have to dress up? Yes, in most walks of life you do, in one way or another, but particulaly in show business. That is no great revelation.
Do I believe that the reason that Francis Dunnery ( or Alan Holdsworth, for that matter) isn't more commercially successful is because he refuses to dress up? No , that is complete bollocks. Short of a miracle, regardless of whatever he does now, relatively few people will ever be interested in him or his music.
Hello sir.... Who's your new Avatar?
It's legit...... I've contacted her and she seems ok. Neck looks warped to me though. The scratchplate is not original..... Other than that it all seems to be above board.
[quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1388275489' post='2320425']
No, I am Spartacus!
Oh yes, that's much better. I must confess I'm a little turned on......