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the boy

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Everything posted by the boy

  1. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1385881171' post='2293080'] Nice one Spoombung, it was a superb piece. Skol, I loved yours. The first 'movement' of your composition is probably my favourite of any piece of this entire competition so far. My vote actually went to The Boy this month, as it really grabbed me and captured the feeling of the image for me [/quote] Thanks mate..... I really enjoyed this months picture. I wish I'd had more time as I really enjoyed the challenge. I had a few good ideas to add after I'd entered but that's life. Well done again to Spoonbung it was a great track. Skol nearly had you at the end but it's all in the timing. Lol.
  2. Well done mate, great tune. Roll on the Santa picture.
  3. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1385625071' post='2290302'] The most fiddly bit for me is getting the level of fuzz/distortion right (something I always do with the full mix playing - rather than having the bass solo'd). After that it's easy peasy [/quote] Agreed undercooked distortion can go unnoticed and over cooked can blend in and go unnoticed for other reasons.
  4. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1385600589' post='2290264'] I've had a question from AL-the-Bassman on SoundCloud about how I got the tone on my bass in this month's track (during the Heavy Bit™). Thought I might as well reply here because a) the SoundCloud comment boxes are too titchy for the necessary waffle and b ) in case anyone else wants to know. So here's how: - It's a 5-string bass played with a pick. - The bass was DI'd (plugged directly into) my audio interface and recorded dry with no effects - just some gentle EQ'ing: a slight boost in the mid-range. - Once recorded, I normalised the track and fed it into an amp simulator (the Line 6 Pod that comes bundled with my DAW software: Reason). For anyone who has it, I chose the 'Fuzz Comp' preset as a starting point. For everyone else I basically added a mild 'fuzz/distortion' effect to the sound. I then dialled in a further boost in the low mids (around 300Hz) and high-mids/treble around 1kHz. The fuzz effect helps to kick up lots of new harmonics, which helps the bass cut through in a busy mix like this one. - I then added a saturation effect (in essence warming up the previous fuzz tone and reducing its 'brittleness'). - Then I added a compressor: vital in this case for giving a nice, even signal to mix with. - Finally, I added a second compressor - with its side chain input to linked to the kick drum, making the volume of the bassline duck a little every time the kick hits (around -2db), which just helps the kick stay punchy with all that low end going on. Et voila! PS: for plug-ins I highly rate [url="http://www.softube.com/"]Softube[/url]. They're fairly pricey, but if you're patient there are some real bargains to be had from time to time. [/quote] Wow, that sounds like a lot of work mate.
  5. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1385562915' post='2289671'] Wow! Another fabulous month of entries...... 1st place - [b]the boy[/b] - the intro grabbed me, I love a prominent bassline on an intro. Then the lyrics came in and actually made me laugh out loud. Which when you are having a real pants day at work is great. So, for brightening my day, you had to win in my head. I think my favourite line is "You bought your cake and made your list of of things to do", it just made me smile. I must have listened to it about 7 or 8 times today. [/quote] Thanks space chick. I have to say your entry about the wolve people always sticks in my head when I think about the competition. Thanks again.
  6. Pink Floyd are like a hobby. They take time. If you're married, forget about it. Definitely single mans music........
  7. I reckon Lennon is still alive. He faked his death had a bit of plastic surgery and reemerged as lily savage.
  8. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1385453759' post='2288336'] [Spock]That would be illogical, Captain.[/Spock] [/quote] You're a funny guy........
  9. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1385317977' post='2286839'] I've often wondered how Lennon would have stood the test of time. We'll never know, of course, but I suspect it wouldn't have gone well and his 'legend' has probably benefited from his sad and cruel early demise. [/quote] That's a bit unfair.......... Obviously his dying has immortalised him but he would still be a legend. Of that there is no doubt.
  10. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1385401411' post='2287820'] Thank you chaps! [/quote] It has changed my perspective of you. My minds avatar for you is completely different based on that song. Well done.
  11. I love it, you are a talented dude.
  12. I'm down to two………….
  13. Very hard this month. My favourite isn't the best suited (in my mind) to the picture. There are others that really suit the picture but don't harmonise with my ying-yang. I need time on this. Don't pressure me guys.......... Please. Lol.
  14. Here's my entry. It's rather basic and still very much at ideas level but I simply don't have time to do anything with it. I have modified the lyrics but I don't have time to record them. Anyway I like it and think it is worth entering so hear it is. http://m.soundcloud.com/theboysings/stranger
  15. I have an idea that was thrown together, but not developed. I may enter it in its raw form. I will not get time to do anything with so it's that or nothing. I'll mull it over..............
  16. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1385072723' post='2284284'] The problem I find is that you can fall into the trap of learning a song off rote and turn up only to find that the song doesn't work. We tend to go away, learn the structure, chords and general feel of the song. Come back and run through it, only then, if it looks like it's going somewhere, do we go away and learn it properly. But that's just my current band, all bands are different. I've gigged from charts where the only rehearsal for the whole band has been a single run through with the keys player and singer while we looked over the charts. [/quote] Yessir..... This sounds logical.
  17. [quote name='bobbytodd' timestamp='1385031128' post='2283543'] update.im no longer in this band.last night I got a nice email off the drummer saying they were going to look for another bassist because the singer felt he couldn't work with me as I take practice too serious.i replied with no hard feelings pal and good luck.the music was pure cheese and not really my thing but I admit I enjoyed learning some different styles of music rather than just rock/metal but im not going to have sleepless nights over it.so on to the next one lol [/quote] Sounds like sour grapes........lol.
  18. [quote name='Jimryan' timestamp='1384897192' post='2282130'] Wasn't seeing red, just a basic reply matey. [/quote] Ok cool, I thought I'd peed you off.
  19. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1384983100' post='2283217'] It's like holding up McBusted as being mascots of the rock scene. Or Jamie Cullum personifying jazz. [/quote] Not quite but I get the point. I like the tune and I'm a miserable old bastardized sh*t.
  20. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1384889470' post='2281969'] Im not a pro , but would not get involved with rehearsals like that, neither would many of the people I play with [/quote] Fair enough. Thanks for sharing. It wouldn't really bother me as long as it wasn't every time and the guy had an excuse.
  21. [quote name='Jimryan' timestamp='1384890921' post='2281993'] It's not me asking for the money. I've been asked to play for this established guy, with recordings already, but if I want to play I need to contribute to the cost. If I had been in from the beginning then I'd understand that, but I've just been asked to turn up, play live and play on the recordings. Oh, and help pay for it now. It's not a case of not being committed, it's more a case of showing caution before giving commitment. [/quote] Did you actually read my post or did you simply see red at the first line and fire off a response. I totally agree with you as I said in the rest of my post. Read it again and get Back to me.
  22. Don't take this the wrong way but it sounds to me like you're not really committed to this project. As such you feel its a little cheeky to ask for funding because it's only starting. I think you are right. The artist should stump the money. You guys are promoting and supporting him. If he makes it believe me all you guys are dumped for pro musicians. I'd tell them to poke it.
  23. I think it depends on what kind of band you are. If you're a working pro band, then this is not acceptable. However if you are a hobby band or the occasional gig type band then this is fair enough.
  24. Aaaaaaaaggggghhhhhh...... Change.........!!!!!!! Run for your lives, he's changing stuff......... This is not gonna do my compulsive disorder any good.
  25. I think we need to be clear on a few things. The vm range has had a few rebirths. The latest run are cheap and difficult to work with I will agree. However the earlier vm range is excellent. They are not on a par with the cv range as the cvs are amazing guitars and well worth the extra money but they are very good entry to intermediate guitars. I've had 2 of the new ones pass through here and I have to say I was surprised at how they felt like affinity guitars. It's as if there's no substance to the wood or the pups. The old dd pups were great. I dunno what's gone wrong but someone at Squier has lost the concept. Anyway if youre buying vm buy old.
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