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the boy

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Everything posted by the boy

  1. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1380402076' post='2224922'] 13 votes. It's pathetic. [/quote] He he.....Lol
  2. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1380313376' post='2223826'] This is doing my head in now , when I linked to soundcloud , the first link would play , no problem , but every subsequent link won't . the same thing happened the other night . has anyone else had issues ? [/quote] All workin fine here mate.
  3. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1379983859' post='2219219'] Just managed to get something done in time... phew. [/quote] Sounds awesome, well done.
  4. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1379945198' post='2218523'] You and me both, Skol. Trying to get a date for completion as we type. Next month is all but a write off for me BC-wise as my new studio arragement is to be an outbuilding that is not yet built!! October's entry could be a Zoom H1 recording of me humming an idea!! [/quote] Sounds awesome........(zoom h1).
  5. Oh yeah..... My favourite is 'the bucket' predictable, I know, but what a song.
  6. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1379699623' post='2215942'] I watched it and thought that the bassline was the only part of the song I liked. I used to like KOL in their earlier days but have gone off them now. Probably due to the popularity of Sex on Fire, which is ridiculous really, as I love the song. It`s just that everything else fades in comparison to that for me. [/quote] I used to love them when they were raw, hairy wild men. Now they are all ponsed up with haircuts and designer jackets. Also, all their music sounds like it's been fed through a planer, there's no edge anymore. It sounds to me like all their songs were cowritten with Bryan Adams. It has that popular touch but no soul whereas before it was the exact opposite. f***in record companies.............
  7. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1379525272' post='2213725'] This can be a bit of a can of worms on here. No-one has been able to adequately explain (IMO) why cheaper pots would affect the sound compared to more expensive pots of the same value, although many are adamant that CTS or similar sound better. The higher quality pots do feel nicer, last longer and have a better taper though. [/quote] A question and an answer all in one post.
  8. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1379504062' post='2213385'] apologies for my ignorance but what are half pots and where do i go to find replacements for my vmJ which is still stock apart from the bridge (which i have hacked away a chunk of the body with a sharp chisel to lower the gotoh bridge down flush to enable better adjustment)? [/quote] You animal....... You chiselled your body to fit a new bridge Your pots are whats behind the scratchplate attached to the nobs. On the vmjs they are half sized or mini pots. They are fine but they aren't the best. Type cts pots on eBay and you will find good alternates. They will need to be soldered etc so if you aren't happy doing it, dont.
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1379451756' post='2212952'] I was going to say, it's [i]very[/i] subtle. [/quote] Lol..... You can get away with very little around here believe me.
  10. Ok, so here's my sept entry. It's a bit unfinished as in its an edited down version. The original is about 8 mins long and full of terrible singing. It's called "hope thereafter" imagine if you will that this picture is a turning point and from here on things improve for the soldier. Hope you like it. It's not what I conceived, however it is, what it is. Enjoy. http://m.soundcloud.com/theboysings/hope-thereafter Edit for link attachment(what a twat).
  11. Definitely give visa a ring. Inform them of the situation. Thomann have good customer service policies so be patient. However if the milk does turn sour you don't wanna be the pussy who drinks it so let Visa know whats going down.
  12. These are good basses. The pickups are quite punchy. The Duncan designed pups are known for being punchy. The problem with these guitars are the half pots....... They are sh*t and can make the bass sound wooly. Upgrade the pots it should cost you about £10.
  13. Monday or Tuesday would be cool for me man. Some people want everything yesterday, but what they forget is that yesterday is already gone and so the impatient man never has anything. Wow.... I talk some sh*t.
  14. [quote name='stu_g' timestamp='1379340484' post='2211436'] heres my effort for this month managed to get my fretless pj bass up and running at the weekend, so rustled this tune up earlier today : [url="https://soundcloud.com/stuartgeary/still"]https://soundcloud.com/stuartgeary/still[/url] [/quote] That's pretty cool. Sounds like moondance on acid.
  15. Ok, so I've ditched my original plan and come up with a whole new angle. Lets hope it works. I've got the basics done. Now it needs a little fluffing. To hell with mmmmbop.
  16. Top bloke Jeff. Great to deal with. All round excellent transaction. Thank you Jeff.
  17. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1379141204' post='2209038'] .... his contempories are still doing the TOP gigs but this guy isn't..and that is such a shame and a waste. [/quote] You've all heard the expression 'recipe for success'........ Well that's exactly what it is. A recipe. Success is like baking a cake. Talent is only one ingredient. Without the other ingredients the cake will never rise. The world is full of unsuccessful guys with talent to spare. It takes a lot of hard work. Back on topic: I can't slap bass. In fact I can't play bass very well at all. I'm trying though. And I'm constantly improving. People tell me I can play well, but they are usually people who can't play at all. Lol.
  18. [quote name='stubass' timestamp='1378983380' post='2207280'] "My worst fear is dying and my wife selling my gear for what I told her I paid for it" [/quote] Lol....... That is so true.
  19. Very respectable. Not too shabby at all. Well done. No criticisms here.
  20. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1378938537' post='2206924'] "mmmbop"..? [/quote] The song by Hanson........
  21. All gone to sh*t. Tried to get a grungy depressed sound and it ended up sounding like "mmmbop". Back to the drawing board.
  22. In my head........ There's only me left.
  23. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1378544474' post='2201575'] My wife's a lovely person. If I said there was a bass I liked the look of she'd tell me to get it, without any hesitation. Right now I'm in credit after selling a bass and 2 cabs. She let me borrow the money for the last bass out of the housekeeping. She collects orchids, dolls houses, quilting material and handbags. We support each other's interests. [/quote] Happy people make me fell ill. Only joking. Good for you mate.
  24. Write her a song, give her the lyrics on paper. Let her read them. Fill the song with a load of soppy bollox stuff that women like. When she asks you to sing it, Go and get the new bass for accompaniment. If she asks where the bass came from, give her some bullshit of your choice, it won't matter what you say she will believe you. This trick is good for about two basses, a third one is pushing it. Tah-dah..... Welcome to my world, it's grim and selfish but I'm happy.
  25. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1378284947' post='2198009'] This months entry. The picture is not the best advert for IKEA in Syria though, is it? [url="http://soundcloud.com/garrycribb/closed-for-refurbishment"]http://soundcloud.co...r-refurbishment[/url] [/quote] You could drop that piece right into any Hollywood blockbuster, it's a masterpiece. Well done.
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