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the boy

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Everything posted by the boy

  1. [quote name='fumps' timestamp='1361790908' post='1990741'] these [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/SoundMAGIC-E10-Earphones-Black-Red/dp/B005HP3PNM/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=1PKQHJ2QVWIFA&coliid=I2E7QXT165SVIM"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/SoundMAGIC-E10-Earphones-Black-Red/dp/B005HP3PNM/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=1PKQHJ2QVWIFA&coliid=I2E7QXT165SVIM[/url] read about them here [url="http://www.whathifi.com/review/soundmagic-e10"]http://www.whathifi.com/review/soundmagic-e10[/url] [/quote] I will try these. Thank you.
  2. [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1361811760' post='1991265'] I've had no trouble - they seem no flimsier than any others. The neck band works really well too. Not only that but they sound very good indeed for £45. Not up with their £2000 model, but shedloads better than boomphones like Dre's Beats! [/quote] I bought the dr dre in ear type. They were rubbish.
  3. [quote name='gapiro' timestamp='1361813993' post='1991317'] No, it is just my number 1 bug bear. It really. Really. REALLY . frustrates me. Apologies for abruptness but it just winds me up something chronic. The amount of near misses I've had, and collisions i've seen are stupid. Lets say I want to cycle on the cycle path to work , and you can't hear me behind you , ringing my bell, etc, thats just stupid. Lets say you are cycling with head phones on, and someone hoots, or you can't hear the car coming behind you, or you cant hear the other cyclist coming behind you who is ringing his bell, or shouting, its just there is so much to hear with your ears, I dont see why you would ever want to remove yourself from hearing it. And it is dangerous. Taking risks that affect other people more than yourself is just not worth it in my opinion. If you wont listen to your surroundings yourself, why should anyone else take any notice of your surroundings [/quote] I was going to wear them on a treadmill in the gym. I wasn't planning on going for a jog on f1 day at the Gazza strip.
  4. [quote name='gapiro' timestamp='1361797425' post='1990926'] Triggering my pet peeve here. I ABSOLUTELY HATE joggers with headphones/earplugs in. The sheer amount of spatial awareness you lose really frustrates me. It is dangerous, and downright stupid. The only time it is acceptable is on private land or on a treadmill. Applies to cyclists too. And if you want to think about it from a jogging perspective , you are unable to hear your feet striking, or your breathing, [/quote] Sorry, thanks. That was really helpful. Are you a troll?
  5. Can anyone recommend good headphones for jogging. Clip behind ear type would be best I think.
  6. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1360979582' post='1979494'] One day, the Beatles will go away. Sadly not in my lifetime but... [/quote] It really surprises me when I meet people who don't like the Beatles. Their work is so wide and varied. Do you not like any of it?
  7. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1360923482' post='1978311'] I ain't no lady [/quote] I do believe that may be the case.......
  8. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1353000833' post='1870390'] ...fap [/quote] I too had to look this up....I must be getting old because I was genuinely shocked. I thought it meant bump initially.......I was wrong.
  9. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1359426346' post='1954669'] I depped for a band. They supplied no set list which is just not professional. When I eventually got to the gig I said I could play 25 of the 40 or so songs. The guitarist says to me "Do you know any Neil Diamond'" and I said "nope". He then steps up to the microphone and announces " This songs by Neil Diamond". Duh! In situations like that I just turn my volume down, pretend I'm actually playing, smile, take the money and run. [/quote] Similar story but I was singing at the time. Very embarrassing having to make up words for 20+ songs. I even got the chorus wrong on some songs. It was about 19 yrs ago and I still cringe when I think about it.
  10. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1358441663' post='1939277'] So you'd all be happy to buy a bass when the photos advertising it are several months and one owner out of date? [/quote] Yes I would as long as the photos were tastefully done and not smutty.
  11. [quote name='jude_b' timestamp='1358285160' post='1936532'] I have a memory of seeing a female singer and a really good electric bass player, with no other musicians, on a programme like Pebble Mill when I was reasonably young - probably in the early eighties. This resurfaced again recently and I had a thought it might be Jaco/Joni, but I can't find anything relevant listed on the appearances section of the Joni website. I thought I'd mention on the forum because it is bugging me slightly, and if anyone else is going to remember this, it will be someone on here. I realise this is all a bit vague, but does it ring a bell with anyone? [/quote] Do a bass player and singer ring a bell?.......,
  12. Beautiful bass man. Good luck with the sale. Mmmmm that bass has inspired me.
  13. I bought some jazz pups off you a while back that I never used, I'll swap for these if you're interested as I need some precision pups at the mo. Mark.
  14. These guitars take a few months to turn up as well. Worth noting. I know a guy who bought a bass from them. Good deal though when it finally arrived. You can upgrade the postage I think but it starts to get really silly.
  15. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1356780414' post='1913462'] For an experiment I attempted to log in using their username and the same for the password... straight into their account, which I assume the hacker had done. Some folks can be dim! [/quote] You what? Fookin ell !!!!!!! Mark Chapman could take lessons from you.
  16. That body looks awesome, good luck with the build.
  17. What have you in mind trade wise.
  18. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1355751806' post='1902152'] Another advantage is your Dad can make you one out of an abandoned bog door lock when you're a teenager and when you're still using it at 50 with 1000+ gigs and adventures under your belt and your Dad's not around any more , you realise what a truly precious possession you have !! [/quote] If you made that up then you are a genius who should write a book. If its true then what a lovely story it is.
  19. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1355758643' post='1902269'] To be honest you come across in your post as just as deluded and arrogant as this other guy. You've played in the same one band for 12 years, with the same guys from school. You're playing big gigs for big money and that makes you bigger and better than him? Good luck, but there's more to music. TBH, with those big gigs on I'm surprised you have time for your kickboxing. I think you should probably chill out and have a good look at what's going on around you. [/quote] Lol😂
  20. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1354061884' post='1881723'] I sold a picture on ebay once. [/quote] Was it the one missing from your avatar.
  21. If I'm selling something on eBay it's because I need the money. If somebody offers me the price I want before the auction ends then I will end early(bids or not). It's my stuff I can do what I like and I'm not gonna sell myself short so somebody I don't know gets a bargain. Am I a bad person for this? No. Am I greedy? No Does the mortgage need to be paid? Yes Etc etc..........you get the picture.
  22. Top bloke, Alex. Deal with confidence.
  23. Not this argument again. How many times are we all gonna disagree on this one. Are fenders, squiers and vice versa.
  24. I can't get the mobile site working on my iphone at the mo. I hated the mobile site at first but now I can't get the hang of the full site again. Bring back the mobile site please.
  25. Excellent deal with Mark. Proper nice guy. I can't recommend highly enough.
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