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the boy

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Everything posted by the boy

  1. I'll have it Tom if it's still available.
  2. Hi mate, it looks the business, but is it any good. How does it compare to the shure.
  3. Dave is a good guy. I liked doing business with him it was a flawless trade. He is a bit if a whizz at the old bass building and knows what he wants.
  4. [quote name='vax2002' timestamp='1335364501' post='1629915'] This is posted in the wrong forum [/quote] Killjoy.
  5. [quote name='bassman2790' timestamp='1333707910' post='1605485'] Body shape looks like a Shine....no carbon neck and worth about £100 [/quote] Amen.
  6. Ah well the decision has been taken out if his hands so theres no problem anymore. If I bought a bass off somebody and it didn't turn up and then I hear it's back with the sender after a few weeks. I would wash my hands and ask for my money back. I don't think it's unreasonable. I know it's not our buddy's fault that things didnt work out but like I said earlier life's a bitch sometimes.
  7. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1333483184' post='1602456'] I'm always surprised when someone posts something along the lines ""62 Precision for £25...." as it's always the same with eBay, the serious bidders come in late in the day. The fact that this bass was £500 yesterday means - and clearly meant - nothing in terms of its final price. [/quote] Couldn't agree more. I immediately think why haven't you bought it you div until I open the link to find there's 9 days left on the auction. It seems pointless. Anyway i suppose reading these wild goosers keeps us off the streets or out of the pub so I can't complain.
  8. I would send the money back ASAP. To be fair if the guy Latvian or otherwise waited longer than expected for whatever reason then for the bass to end up back at the sender, it's perfectly reasonable for him to say enough is enough. I know it's not your fault but life sucks sometimes. Take it on the chin pal. Fork up for a quiet life. stick the bass on here you never know.
  9. That's more like it mate. You should definitely get a buyer at that price.
  10. That decal positioning looks a little skew to me. I also thought fender put the serial number on the neckplate in this era. The shape doesn't convince me either, maybe it's the photos but this guitar doesn't look mmmmmmm authentic. I can't quite put my finger on it, but do you that slightly turned on feeling you get when you see a 70s p bass. Well I'm not getting it when I see this bass. Does that make sense?
  11. [quote name='ziggydolphinboy' timestamp='1333401581' post='1601333'] is it tooo dear come on sensible offers guys? any takers? [/quote] Just a tad mate. That's not a criticism, I'm only trying to help.
  12. Andy and I did a little bit of business lately. This guy is sound as a pound. A real enthusiast who is passionate about what he does which makes him a pleasure to deal with.
  13. [quote name='tom1946' timestamp='1331630245' post='1575988'] What he said ^^^ no-one will buy without pics. [/quote] Ahem.
  14. This guys been knocking out basses for a while now. I think he's cool. He's got great feedback. He is a cheeky bugger but he's honest. More power to him I say.
  15. [quote name='rushbo' timestamp='1331671594' post='1577044'] Maybe he thought sticking a Tokai logo on it would arouse less suspicion than a Fender one... The fact that he's been told on a number of occasions that it's not what he's claiming it to be surely removes any benefit of the doubt. The irony is that it looks OK and if the seller wasn't so dishonest and greedy, he might have got a decent price anyway. [/quote] I think it looks dreadful. The blocks are obvious stickers, the neck pup pool sized cutout is retched, the headstock makes me ill. Could be that the guy doesn't know what he has. He has been told though and the listing is unchanged so I say feed him to the lions. Bar steward.
  16. Either this is for real or your gonna have a busy few days knocking one of those babies up. Either way I look forward to the photos.
  17. [quote name='uke' timestamp='1331158571' post='1568811'] This one was made a few years ago, had quite a few fans at the Moffat Bass Bash. Fenmanbacker, Jazz neck 21 frets for that high E, solid maple body and a MM pickup! [IMG]http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h327/uke2/397158_2928091374249_1619880660_2478775_1972048136_n.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h327/uke2/395350_2928090214220_1619880660_2478774_1875028847_n.jpg[/IMG] [/quote] Is this for real. Any picture of the whole guitar.
  18. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1331070285' post='1567305'] My guess would be a stripped Columbus. [/quote] No idea what it is, but fookin lovely. If it plays at all it's gotta be worth the money.
  19. [quote name='The Bass Doc' timestamp='1330982492' post='1565905'] Why should a bass being owned by someone relatively well known make it ten times it's actual value? Never quite understood that. [/quote] It's only worth that much to a handful of people, of that handful only one or two would have the moolah and the balls to buy it. This guy is having a punt if the right person sees it he will get a sale if they don't he won't. My buddy had a jazz bass about 20 years ago that was owned and played by Noel Redding of the Jimi Hendrix experience. He also had a strat that was played and signed by Rory Gallagher. It was a session guitar Rory had played quite a bit, Picked them both up for small money as well. I bet they're worth a few quid now.
  20. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' timestamp='1330896822' post='1564608'] Mark, you'll have no problems whatsoever dealing with phsycoandy. I bought a bass from him, and he's a great bloke. [/quote] I know, I'm an idiot, I was drinking another glass of wine sat at the dinner table wanting the pickups but weighing up the chances they might be crap all the while I was typing and before you knew it I'd posted. Ah well the deal is done now and I have invested 12.5 of the queens pounds in this good man. Now I must take my new dog for a walk. Good night and thank you.
  21. I'm actually sorry for that post I was thinking out loud. I didn't realise how facetious it sounded until I read your response. On the back of that I'll take that them. Let me know your paypal, and sincerely no disrespect intended. However I will hold you to that reasonable returns policy Mark.
  22. [quote name='phsycoandy' timestamp='1330889066' post='1564453'] I have no idea, hence the cheap price. [/quote] The price is only cheap if they are any good or at least work. I need a set of jazz pups but not being a gambling man I'll give these a skip. Good luck with the sale though.
  23. [quote name='SidVicious1978' timestamp='1330715253' post='1562167'] i have no idea but this guy always takes parts off a guitar and sit them in a box [/quote] Ha ha ha:0
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