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the boy

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Everything posted by the boy

  1. Hi Pete that's very interesting, what a rotten sh1t.
  2. It's all good buddy, people can't helP commenting when things are topical. No one has suggested that you are in anyway fraudulent in fact Mist think you are an excellent human. Good luck with the sale of this beautiful guitar.
  3. I want to buy this but the white paint makes me feel Ill and I don't have the time to sort it out but I know if I did I wouldn't regret it. Aaargghhhh........
  4. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1329823832' post='1547837'] Is it? On what assumptions have you based this conclusion? If I stick some cheese between two slices of bread, can I call it a "Sandwich". It was not, after all, made by the Earl of Sandwich. Maybe it should be called "Conan's Sandwich-style cheese and bread snack"? OK, I'm just being silly now - but it's another bump for Anth's lovely bass! [/quote] He he.
  5. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1329812590' post='1547608'] It's a difficult one! I think the Op was right to change the title, and it raises the question of just what IS a GL jazz? Does it have to leave the Fender factory all in one piece? That being the case, if we make after-market mods does it cease to be a Geddy? I love philosophy!! [/quote] If I bought a milky way and added some toffee would that make it a mars bar alternately if I had a mars bar and ate all the toffee would that make it a milky way. The answer to both those questions is no. That being said I believe the current title for this thread is more appropriate than the original. This guitar is not a Geddy, it is a beautiful guitar in a Geddy style.
  6. I read the description again and it gets worse every time I read it. The lack of punctuation alone is enough to turn me off the guitar.
  7. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1329745158' post='1546597'] He was just standing round with the bass waiting to play at a party after the Chisora-Klitschko fight when someone smacked him and the bass with a video tripod. [/quote] I'm laughing but I don't get it.
  8. Nothing wrong with these guitars at all Gary, I've got two. The only offputting thing is the tuners. People detest these closed tuners. I'm a fan of them, but the consensus is that they are cheap and mass produced trash and this somehow reflects on the guitar. I think you are spot on with the price you should get a sale eventually. £110-£120 would gaurantee a quicker sale but that's up to you. Good luck with the sale and if I didn't have a pair Already I'd have made a cheeky offer.
  9. It's not all adding up. The neck is of standing but damaged. The rest is all a bit dodgy. It's gotta be worth £50 on a punt but after that I dunno.
  10. Anyone who buys that would get "fleeced" and then they would be in a "bah'd" " mooo'ed". Sorry, I've had a few drinks and I simply could not stop myself writing that. It must be some sort of alcohol induced literary turrets.
  11. My god that was the worst one I've seen on here. Imagine how awful it must have felt. Who would do that to a guitar. There should be a society for protection of endangered guitars. Guys like him should be put on an offenders register, never allowed to own a guitar again. That's abuse.
  12. Lees a top bloke. Bought a neck off me, no messing around straight business no b.s. trade with confidence.
  13. John is a fair guy. Helped me out a while back also.
  14. Sold Mike a neck a few weeks back. Smooth as butter. I recommend this guy highly.
  15. It would appear by this long feedback section that Tom is some kind of saint sent to us to teach us how to trade like gentlemen. This is true. He is honest and kind. If you ever put an add in the wanted section and Tom contacts you saying he has what you need, I advise you grab it with both hands quickly because if you don't someone like me will have it from under your nose. Good man Tom and thank you.
  16. It's worth what someone will pay for it and the buyers obviously not alone cos someone had to chase him all the way up to £520. I think it's nostalgia buying and Japan gear has so much cred these days it's ridiculous.
  17. It's not nice, the actual Adam Clayton guitar is quite nice. This looks cheap.
  18. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1327931363' post='1518929'] I know, I am narrowing my market. But I posted it to a guy who was really keen, then he got it and said that one of the tuners was misaligned and the nut didn't fit properly (I've checked it over and can't see any issues at all) and he sent it back. So, I don't wanna be messed about again basically. I'm losing £220 on this if I sell for £200 (which is my asking price) so I'd rather the buyer try before they buy. [/quote] FairPlay, I agree bad experiences like that can grow a cautious bone in the most horizontal of men.
  19. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1327928147' post='1518843'] Nope, sorry mate. I like people to see what they're buying before they buy it. It's the best way [/quote] You might be narrowing your market there mate. If you're confident the goods are alright and the buyer wants to have it shipped, I really don't understand the problem.
  20. [quote name='silentbob' timestamp='1327520844' post='1512895'] Yep, he's changed it. Originaly listed as Jazz pick-ups. Easy mistake to make for a professional pick up winder [/quote] :0
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1327778458' post='1516723'] Use the classic Fender BBOT bridge. These so-called 'upgrade' bridges don't make much difference IMHO. They can look nicer of course, but that's about as far as it goes. [/quote] +1
  22. Hope the block inlays worked out ok. How about a Saturday night fever bump.
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