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Everything posted by stevebasshead

  1. I love listening to Sade late at night, great songs, great voice. Does she have a limited range? I've never noticed. Even if she does, the fact that I've never noticed says to me that she doesn't need any more range, she's 100% musical with what she has Besides, any critique that suggested a lack of range was a valid way to judge a vocalist's music or ability would have to be applied to the number of strings a bass guitar needs in order to be taken seriously...
  2. If you use the squirty electronics cleaner stuff make sure you get the one with lube in it, there's different formulations for different purposes and pots ideally need the lubed version.
  3. Wrap some plumbers tape (the PTFE stuff) around the thread and screw it back in. I did this on my Ric about 4 years ago when it used to unscrew itself during a gig as I moved around (think my strap must've gripped the pin somehow) and it's never budged since. I was worried (probably unnecessarily) about the cocktail stick method as this would surely exert a lot of extra sideways pressure on the surrounding wood, hence the PTFE tape I eventually used as I figured I only needed a little extra girth in the screw to make it grip properly. As I say, it's never budged in 4 years now. [i]Edited for typo[/i]
  4. [quote name='steve-soar' post='995378' date='Oct 20 2010, 10:10 PM'] Magic, brilliance, virtuosity, studio technology, SONGS. Harmonies, arrangments, I waffle.[/quote] To paraphrase Jaco "It ain't waffling if you can back it up", and you did that nicely with Startship Trooper. My all time fav Yes track, my all time Desert Island band
  5. [quote name='charic' post='993968' date='Oct 19 2010, 07:25 PM']I would suggest keeping to a single thread. Not only will it keep the thread count but it is more attractive advertising as a teaser. You see Tue pieces come together much nicer. I'd also like to add in the spirit of bc: SVT![/quote] So [i]that's [/i]what SVT stands for...Several Vague Threads
  6. Bear in mind that most old Trace amps don't use a linear volume pot, that is to say that by half way it's pretty much giving out it's max volume and turning it up further doesn't actually give that much more increase in volume. I used to play through a 300SMX (lovely amp) and was quite surprised when I found this out! How much power you need is hard to judge, it depends on how loud your band is (sounds loud from your description) and whether your amp is an on stage monitor with your bass being projected by the PA or not, and how efficient your cab is (that's quite possibly the biggest factor.) Your Ampeg cab isn't bad in this regard at 98db/w/m, not the most efficient around but still decent. Also will depend on how much clean headroom you need.
  7. Some great music in this thread, may I add a HUGE recommendation for the beatiful music and voice of Melody Gardot
  8. [quote name='Silent Fly' post='979747' date='Oct 6 2010, 06:49 PM']There are other two ways to do it without loosing the tone control: 1) Replace the tone pot with a push/pull. The push/pull switch can be used to switch between cap and diodes. 2) Use a 500k pot wired as follows: mid contact: ground contact #1: to diodes contact #2: to cap the sides of the diodes/cap not connected to the pot are bot connected to the signal (i.e. out jack) When the pot is set in the middle, the clipping and tone are not active. One one side, it increases the clipping, on the other side it closes the tone. It should do the trick.[/quote] Intriguing! I hadn't wanted to lose the tone pot but this sounds like a very acceptable compromise. I've experimented with an outboard setup but this has set me thinking about an in-bass installation again. Cheers for that, I might just owe you a beer!
  9. I don't know if you're registered on Finnbass (I think you need to be registered to view posts there) but Brycee has a thread about a dirt cheap built in overdrive circuit (circuit! It's a fiendishly simple 2 diodes) which would fit anywhere without any woodwork and costs pennies. [url="http://www.finnbass.com/showthread.php?t=1384"]http://www.finnbass.com/showthread.php?t=1384[/url]
  10. It might be an idea to look at the Build Yer Own Clone kits and see if any are suitably small to build in. You might be able to fit one or two into a control cavity or as with the old MPC Electra's in the 70s, the FX cartridges fitted into the rear of the bass body, more or less in the centre. I suspect this requires some reinforcing of the body but I'm not sure. Just out of interest, Chris Squire still uses his MPC Electra Bass which has effects built in (up to 2 at any one time). Think he's been using it since the late 70s. Here's what Wikipedia says about MPC Electra: In 1976 Electra MPC (Modular Powered Circuits) models featured a pair of cartridge slots in the guitar body, which allowed effect modules to be plugged in and controlled from the front of the guitar. Today the unusual thing is that the effects are onboard, but even offering electronic effects to consumer musicians was fairly new at the time and offers an interesting alternate way to do it. There were a total of 18 guitar models which carried MPC circuits. The most notable was the Super Rock, which was a Les Paul copy. There were 12 total MPC modules offered.
  11. [quote name='KERMITNT' post='979415' date='Oct 6 2010, 02:22 PM']thats excactly what i want to use the analogue signal of power amp lm2 and all the compressor tube tone of the other i want to experiment using both filters of the amps hear how it sounds maybe is terrible Basically i want to use both preamps with LM2 power amp [/quote] Cool, then it should work for you. I don't think it will sound terrible at all, and you'll have fun finding out if the end result sounds right for you Regards, Steve.
  12. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='979396' date='Oct 6 2010, 02:01 PM']Spot on! In fact, my shoes are still stuck to the floor. I just left them there. big bash soon...[/quote] [quote name='BottomEndian' post='979397' date='Oct 6 2010, 02:01 PM']What gave it away? Was it the huge metal pole conveniently located in the middle of the room? Or could you hear the telltale sound of my shoes gently pulling away from the gaffa tape that's holding the carpet together? EDIT: Dammit! Beaten again![/quote] HA! Not been there for years now but I wouldn't be surprised if some of that gaffa is mine! The other giveaway was indeed the pole, all the other poles I've seen in Newcastle don't have paint chipped off them (well not unless the dancer was wearing fetish gear )
  13. My old Fane loaded Trace 1x15 was a lot brighter than the Trace 4x10 I had (both bought from Bass Doc's wonderful old emporium!) It quite surprised me at the time when I had the same assumptions about speaker sizes.
  14. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='979367' date='Oct 6 2010, 01:35 PM']It was very small and faintly impromptu. A proper big-room bash is overdue. Nearly a year since the last one! EDIT: Beaten to it by Geoff![/quote] Hehe no worries chaps I should've twigged it was just a small do, when I look properly that looks like First Ave rehearsal room in the vid, so yes, not really big enough for a proper NE bash
  15. Goddammit, another NE bass minibash I've missed...I really must check into BC more often!
  16. Bass --> LMII. LMII's FX Send --> RH450 front input (set the gain low as the LMII will be sending a line level signal). Then RH450 FX Send --> LMII FX Return. Connect the LMII [b][u]only[/u][/b] to the cab. The RH450 must not be connected in this scenario. This way you'd be using the preamp section of both amps but only the poweramp of the LMII so you won't blow anything up. I don't know the LMII in detail but if the FX Send can be set to pre-eq that would be ideal as it will allow the EQ of each amp to be independant of each other, rather than an EQ'd signal being sent to the RH450. The RH450's FX send would also need to be set (if possible) to post-EQ so that any EQ changes you make there are sent back to the LMII. Also, if you want to vary the blend between the two amps you'd need to either do this via the input gain on the RH450 or (if it has it) the FX Send Level). I'm not sure why you want to use both, perhaps if you tell us what you want to achieve it would help, we may be able to suggest a simpler approach. Regards, Steve.
  17. [quote name='TimR' post='971996' date='Sep 29 2010, 07:07 PM']...No little finger...[/quote] Yeah, the Yakuza make sh*t bass players But I wouldn't want to tell 'em!
  18. The t-shirt fix may not be 100% in the long term. The foams used by some stand manufactures gives off gas in small quantities and will seep through whatever fabric you wrap around your stand. It's effect on you bass's finish will be greatly reduced but not entirely eliminated. Hercules stands are supposed to be ok (or at least Rickenbacker's CEO recommends them for their conversion varnish finishes) but I don't know which other brands are also safe for nitro.
  19. What about...instead of cutting a panel out just drill lots of ventilation holes in the same vicinity? You'll get more or less the same airflow and still have the handle, along with a fair degree of structural rigidity.
  20. Ages ago I took my old Trace out of it's wooden sleeve and rackmounted it with a handful of bits of meccano. Perfect
  21. Hi, connecting both those cabs to an amp means they're presenting a 2 ohm load. Not many amps are capable of handling a 2ohm load, most prefer to work at 4 or 8 ohms. I don't know the specs of the Ashdown or the Impact, but you need to be sure the Impact will safely run at 2 ohms before you buy.
  22. This sounds like one of two things to me. If you're struggling to hear yourself onstage try tilting your combo so the speaker is pointing at your head. Chances are on most pub stages you're right beside your amp and your sound is wafting past your knees! Or get it up on a pub table, but get some grippy rubber matting like the stuff you put on car dashboards to keep mobiles etc in place otherwise you amp may vibrate off OR...if it's the case that you can't be heard out in the audience then yes, follow Bill's advice above, or get your bass put through the PA.
  23. [quote name='dave74200' post='941478' date='Aug 31 2010, 10:02 PM']<snip>...It was like selling a Ferrari and buying a Vauxhall Corsa...<snip>[/quote] [quote name='cycrowave' post='942777' date='Sep 1 2010, 10:45 PM']<snip>...I guess its a case of horses for courses...<snip>[/quote] Horses for Corsa's, surely? * Steve ambles off to to stroke and caress his new (old) Marshall Superbass :wub: ...can't wait for this weekend's gigs *
  24. Of [i]course [/i]valves are best, they're from ye olde days and ye olde days were best because [b]there was no wi-fi or mobile net connections back then, so Troll's couldn't get online from underneath the bridges where they live[/b]. I like this thread, it's the first time I've had a reason to use this smiley :snob: But I can't post without being constructive, so...I've used gear because I like it, I've used gear because it's what the "heavyweights of the bassworld used". In all cases I've had some nice sounds, some bad sounds, and I'm still searching for MY sound. If I end up a million miles away or right next to the heavyweights I don't care. It'll be my sound, and at that point I'll need a grin-ectomy before I can show any other facial expression!
  25. stevebasshead


    [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='886799' date='Jul 5 2010, 10:49 PM']This looks interesting too. Not available yet though. [/quote] Want. One. Mind, I'd probably never leave my bedroom ever again.
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