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Everything posted by Reese2101

  1. A "still available bump". I'm sadly not looking for a trade. But in case you have an original Aria SB-R150 or SB-1000 you want to sell don't hesitate to offer a trade :-).
  2. Bump for the one and only price drop I will make on this bass. Instead of a direct price drop I will offer free shipping to the UK. That's an actual price drop of almost £70!
  3. Up for sale is this beautiful and immaculate white Fender Marcus Miller bass. The bass was crafted in 2008 in Japan, one of the last years before production was moved to Mexico. The condition is like new, no dings or dents noticable. The bass is a must have if you want that Marcus Miller slap sound of the 1970 jazz basses. This bass delivers. Given the fact that I need the money elsewhere and the fact that I haven't been giving it enough play time (wish I had more than two arms :-) ) as I would have liked, I am letting it go.I bought the bass a year ago on Ebay from a guitarist in Spain, who had been very generous to the bass, keeping it nice and unbruised. Giving its current condition he probably hadn't been playing it very much either. It looks and sounds brand new. I have only attached two pictures to this listing but more pictures are provided in this photobucket link. [url="http://s1293.photobucket.com/user/peteraam/library/Marcus%20Miller%20Jazz%20bass%202008%20Made%20in%20Japan?sort=2&page=1"]http://s1293.photobu...n?sort=2&page=1[/url] The pictures are a combination of the original Ebay pictures and new ones taken in my flat (the ones where it hangs on the wall) The serial # on the back of the neck indicates that it is a 2008 model, made in Japan. These basses were made in a collaboration between Fender Japan and Marcus Miller. Production has now moved to Mexico with retail prices of around £860. I have set the price very low, [b]more than £200 below the price of a brand new one[/b]! A great bargain. I originally acquired the bass along with a beautiful hardcase. It is shown in the pictures too. Of course, [b]this case will follow the bass. [/b] I live in Denmark but have both bought and sold basses before on Basschat without problems or issues. I recently sold an Aria SB-1000 to a Canadian on this forum. It arrived within a couple of days. I will be using a Danish courier company specialized in sending guitars and basses around the world. The courier company is called "Pakke.dk" (which means package in Danish). The link to their (English) website is: [url="http://www.pakke.dk/home.php?language=en"]http://www.pakke.dk/...php?language=en[/url] The standard rate of shipping for most destinations in Europe with a case of this size and total weight is around £60 to £70. But then the bass is [b]fully insured. [/b]If you're interested I can quickly figure out the cost of shipping. Or you can do that yourself by clicking the link above and typing in the postal code of where you want the bass to be shipped and the following specific information: My postal code in Denmark: 8660 Your postal code: ? Your country: ? Weight: 15kg. Width: 45cm. Height: 12cm. Length: 130 cm. I am willing to send it elsewhere than England for anyone interested who recides anywhere else in the world. You can either contact me here on Basschat or directly via e-mail at: [email protected] You are also welcome to telephone me (remember to type in the Danish country code "0045" in front of the telephone number: 28839727 I speak both English and a bit of German as well :-). Hope to hear from you guys soon. Cheers. Peter Mortensen
  4. Happy new year Bump. This bass is still for sale. At the price of £660 still with the free shipping to England. The free shipping may apply to the most of rest of the EU so if you are a "foreigner" (like me :-) ), don't feel scared to send me a message as well.
  5. Sorry jassbass. Not right now. I feel quite satisfied with what I have at the moment. I guess I need the money more.
  6. I am now going to make the [b]absolutely final[/b] price reduction, I am now asking [b]£660.[/b] [b]Free shipping[/b] included still. If it doesn't sell at this price, I am pulling it off the market. This bass is in close to brand new condition. No dings or dents and electronics work perfectly. A new one ordered from Japan will cost at least [b]£1200[/b]!! And that's a conservative estimate. This is a bargain for those who know the value and quality of these basses. So now I hope to hear from all of you other Aria fans out there .
  7. Indeed an 80's bass. Whether you want to sound like Trevor Horn from The Buggles, John Taylor from Duran Duran or Cliff Burton from Metallica, this bass delivers. A midweek bump!
  8. A final price reduction bump. The price is now £700 with [b]free and insured shipping to England[/b] from Denmark!!! This is a gem of an instrument in an immaculate condition and impossible to find anywhere else at a price lower than this.
  9. Bump. As I wrote last time the price is £750 but [b]free shipping[/b] is included. But send me a message, price is still negotiable.
  10. Bump. At the same time I have decided that instead of a direct price reduction I will make sure that the bass will be shipped insured and [b]free of costs[/b]. Hope to hear from you Aria fans (or future fans) out there. This is really an amazing deal for an amazing bass.
  11. [quote name='Clarky72' timestamp='1415716918' post='2602980'] must not buy this... arghhh! [/quote] You don't want to buy...I honestly don't want to sell. I guess we have an agreement [quote name='matski' timestamp='1415783983' post='2603644'] Nice bass. Have a free bump from a fellow Aria admirer! [/quote] I believe a "thank-you" is in order
  12. Another Bump. Feel free to send me an offer I cannot refuse.
  13. I know that the ones of you that know the quality of this bass know that this is really a bargain. But feel free to contact me for more info.
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