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Everything posted by 99ster

  1. [quote name='The Bass Doc' post='421985' date='Feb 28 2009, 09:19 PM']Neck could still be real, pegs definitely re-issue - worm and cogs too 'busy'-originals are more 'spare' in that department (does that make sense?). Truss rod adjust nut replaced with hex - hopefully with correct thread. Re-fin would explain the strange laquer behaviour. This guy has some cheek to say he 'no sell fakes'. You know what? if he told me he was a liar, I wouldn't believe him.[/quote] IMHO - I don't think the neck is real... as mentioned, not only should the truss rod adjuster nut have a deep cut hex nut, but the position of the truss rod itself doesn't look right - on 1958-62 slab board necks the hole for truss rod adjuster nut was actually cut into the rosewood (see pics of a real 1960 Jazz neck & a '62 P Bass neck). [attachment=21256:6ecc_1.JPG.jpg] [attachment=21257:62p_neck_date.jpg] The hole on this dodgy neck only just clips the edge of the fretboard - & only then because it's been so poorly drilled/re-drilled out... As for the body? No mutes holes by the bridge & no router hump - pretty conclusive that the body isn't original. And the finish definitely isn't right - all the early burst Jazz basses I've seen had a lot of black in the finish, with a much a smaller area used for the red/yellow. As for the dreadful faked ageing on the neck & the body... It's just comical.
  2. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='421826' date='Feb 28 2009, 06:04 PM']Run away![/quote] +1 A very poor attempt at a fake... with a long list of reasons why!
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  5. [quote name='alexclaber' post='411712' date='Feb 17 2009, 09:10 AM']I would always avoid using the same as that being used on the kickdrum otherwise you'll end up fighting each other to be heard. The cheaper kick mics are all very mid-scooped (I mean relatively cheap, I know the D112 isn't exactly disposable!) which works great for getting thump and click without honk and mud from a kick but sucks all the growl and punch out of a bass guitar. SM57 goes pretty damn low with proximity effect if you close mic, haven't used an M88 but have heard fantastic things about it. RE20 is amazing if you're feeling bling! Alex[/quote] I got a used RE27 (a souped up version of an RE20) off eBay for £200 from some guy in Canada. Retail price in the UK? £923!!! RE20's normally go for about £400 new - so used ones should be out there for £200 or less?
  6. [quote name='johnbiffa' post='410613' date='Feb 15 2009, 11:32 PM']I have a spare Marshall Super Bass 100 early 80's and incredibly loud, would you be interested in a p/ex with cash from me? I used to have one and should never have sold it !!![/quote] Many thanks for the PX offer - but I'm trying to sell two amps at the moment as I currently just don't need anything other than my B-15.
  7. The mutt's nuts for bass cabs, guitar cabs, kick & brass (& great for some vocalists) is the Electro Voice RE20 (or RE27). Expensive but fantastic.
  8. [url="http://www.provide.net/~cfh/fenderc.html"]Everything you could want to know about Fender custom colours[/url]
  9. [quote name='sixshooter' post='408825' date='Feb 13 2009, 05:21 PM']Nick, I know where you live. If it goes missing your the first one I will call on Work was done by Joe White, a very talented man who is in the process of turning a 51 butterscotch P into a 55 sonic blue for me... WOT and BBC, I knew this would have many different views which is why I posted, each to their own. At the end of the day I hope whoever owns it gets a fair price and the Bass gets a loving home![/quote] If Joe White's isn't on our list of recommended luthiers - judging by that he should be!
  10. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='408864' date='Feb 13 2009, 06:08 PM']Is that an ebony board? Not original, surely?[/quote] Not ebony. That'll be the original slab Brazilian Rosewood board... Just one of the reasons why early 60's pre-CBS Fenders are so sought after.
  11. [quote name='sixshooter' post='408783' date='Feb 13 2009, 04:43 PM']Thumb wear is original, as are a number of other wear marks. As there was no paint left on it all paint wear has been done sympathetically by the Luthier. It still has its crack in the headstock by the E tuner, and there is wear on the back. The neck has genuine dirt and wear from 50 years of playing, half a century old this year![/quote] Mmmmm.. Lovely. That's a fantastic restoration job - I don't think that could have been done any better. Can I ask who did the work for you?
  12. [quote name='Shire' post='405141' date='Feb 10 2009, 10:34 AM']I'm in the same boat as you. Looking for a case fo a musicmaster bass but I don't want to pay the £160+ for the licensed fender case: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_case_f_mustang_bass.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_case_f_mustang_bass.htm[/url] I was thinking about trying out an extra long guitar case like this one: [url="http://www.gatorcases.com/productsmodeldetail.aspx?LID=2&PID=7&MID=32"]http://www.gatorcases.com/productsmodeldet...ID=7&MID=32[/url][/quote] The new Fender Mustang case prices are insane - I was looking for one for my 1966 Mustang... ending up getting an original 60's vintage one (in mint condition) from US eBay for less!! And the really frustrating thing with an EB-2 is that the body is actually the same size as a 335 (which you can easily get a case for) - but has a longer neck... Bah.
  13. Got a couple of odd sized semi-acoustic basses (a Gibson EB-2 and a Hofner Senator) that I need to get decent hard cases for (ideally Hiscox/SKB style). Flight cases would end up being huge, heavy & impractical because of the depth of the bodies - so no good. Have had no luck finding anything so far.... Any suggestions much appreciated!! Thanks.
  14. [quote name='The Burpster' post='402639' date='Feb 7 2009, 10:03 AM']H.J. Didn't Paul originally play a Hofner and then was GIVEN a P....? before he was seduced by Rickenbaker? Just checking up on my history? ( I'm sure I read that somewhere, but I do know he wasnt using Fenders for very long...) [/quote] When The Beatles started out in late 50's & then into the early 60's Fender basses (& most other US instruments) were VERY expensive (equivalnet to £ thousands now) & virtually impossible to get in the UK. They played Hofners as they were relatively affordable (though still expensive) & available. And as for LH versions of any bass or guitar for McCartney? No chance. Which is why the violin bass suited him so well. Also McCartney has never been much of a guitar/bass collector - he has no real passion for instruments (Harrison was the guitar collector of band). The Beatles were given a load of Fender gear in 1968 - & there are some photos of McCartney playing a LH Fender Jazz from the 'White Album' session. But his main bass at the time was his 4001S (made specially for him by Rickenbacker). Then in 1969 the Beatles acquired a RH Jazz - not for McCartney, but for Lennon/Harrison... though they actually used a Fender VI for playing bass parts of Paul was playing piano for example. But I've never seen photos or reference to any of them using a Precision bass... McCartney still uses one of his original Hofners, the 4001S and a Wal Custom 5 string. [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Beatles-Gear-Andy-Babiuk/dp/0879307315/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1234007328&sr=8-1"]There's a great book available about all the instruments & gear used by the Beatles.[/url]
  15. There was a guy playing a very sweet looking CAR (with matching headstock) Lakland 'Decade' on C4 'Sunday Night Project'... Mmmmm. Lovely.
  16. Always interested in trades as well... Thanks.
  17. The RTAS version for ProTools is mighty lovely too!
  18. [quote name='chris_b' post='324705' date='Nov 8 2008, 10:36 AM']I don't think there are good or bad years, but there are good and bad basses in every year and in some years Fender have produced more of one than the other!! But why bother to try harder when they all get sold anyway! This discussion has been going on for 40 years! Even by the late 60's it was known that you had to be careful or you could buy a duff Fender bass. Everyone played them because they were better than the competition but even then pre-CBS Fenders were already sought after and pricey![/quote] Just been reading the 'Beatles Gear' book & it's very interesting that when they bought their first pair of Fender Strats in the mid 60's (1965 I think - the book's not in front of me now) - they didn't buy new Strats, but instead got a pair of pre-CBS early 60's ones.
  19. [quote name='mike257' post='395267' date='Jan 30 2009, 11:35 AM']Couldn't agree more, I've been getting this for a year or so and it's absolutely fantastic. It's not cluttered up with reviews that kiss up to manufacturers like most recording mags. It's full of interesting interviews about how people make music, and even the letters page is filled with contributions from professionals... Steve Albini is a regular ranter in there! I still can't believe it's free, it's the best recording mag going.[/quote] +1000 on it being the best recording mag!
  20. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='395270' date='Jan 30 2009, 11:37 AM']Do you have to pay postage or is it completely free? Have I missed something? It looks great though so I can't work out why they sell it for free. Maybe they make a sh*t load from ads?[/quote] It is all free. I don't think they make a fortune from ads - I genuinely get the impression it's done because the guys that create it just love doing it. And that's why it's so highly regarded & gets contributions from the best people in the recording world... You can buy a couple of 'best of' books as well - they probably help with their finances. I think the last issue was delivered a couple of weeks ago - so you might have to wait a few weeks for the next one...
  21. [quote name='The Admiral' post='395041' date='Jan 29 2009, 11:07 PM']Just come across this - anyone know if it's any good. [url="http://www.tapeop.com/subscription/index.html"]http://www.tapeop.com/subscription/index.html[/url] I certainly like the price! A[/quote] It's brilliant - I'd actually be happy to pay a fair whack for this if it wasn't free. Highly recommended. A lot of really interesting people (e.g. Ethan Johns) have done interviews with this magazine when they usually don't do talk to other recording magazines. Sign up - you won't be disappointed.
  22. I'll probably regret this.... But here we have a very desirable Mesa Boogie Buster Bass 200 combo in excellent condition. It's the 2x10 'wedge' version. 200W all valve. Now discontinued & very hard to get hold of. specs: [list] [*]200 Watts, All Tube, Class A/B Power / 6x6L6-427, 3x12AX7 [*]EVM Basis Speakers [*]Assignable 7 Band Graphic EQ [*]Parallel FX Loop w/Mix Level Control [*]600 Ohm XLR Balanced Out [*]Silent Record Mute Switch [*]Tone Luggage™ Transport System (clever slide out handle & wheels system) [/list] [url="http://www.mesaboogie.com/Product_Info/Out_of%20_Production/Buster_Bass_200/buster_bass_200.html"]More info here on the Mesa Boogie site[/url] I had it completely re-valved when I bought it (off another basschatter) - with Mesa matched sets - which cost me £250 - so it's like a brand new amp. It's only had very little light home use & been to one rehearsal - & never been gigged. The tone this thing puts out is quite fabulous. I've only been doing recording work for the last year or so & I can't see me gigging in the forseeable future - & I just don't have the room for this & all my other kit. And I have a 1965 B-15 Portaflex that I use as a recording amp - so this lovely Mesa combo will just sit & collect dust... [attachment=19401:buster.jpg] [attachment=19402:buster_front.jpg] [attachment=19403:buster_rear.jpg] [attachment=19404:buster_handle.jpg] [b]£750[/b] - & you'll need to collect (I can't trust this to a courier & it is heavy). Trades considered as well. I'm very close to J10 M40. Thanks.
  23. Damn - that's triggered my GAS. I very nearly bought one new before I got hold of my Kern pre-amp. And I've also got an Avalon U5 & a Radial JDI... so I can hardly say that I need it. But...I'm feeling the urge.
  24. [quote name='paul, the' post='389953' date='Jan 23 2009, 08:07 PM']This track was recorded through the stock 15 driver, with foam by the bridge on the bass, Precision pup at 100%, and Jazz bridge pup at %80: [url="http://www.supload.com/listen?s=GR0dx8"]http://www.supload.com/listen?s=GR0dx8[/url] ---- These are a couple of tracks with me just noodling around Dmix' - Precision pup at %80 and the jazz bridge pup at %100: [url="http://www.supload.com/listen?s=yqKe2C"]http://www.supload.com/listen?s=yqKe2C[/url] w/Peavey 18" driver: [url="http://www.supload.com/listen?s=BBJCvw"]http://www.supload.com/listen?s=BBJCvw[/url] Files have been compressed for quick upload so I can watch Natural World. Animals give me my funky powers. Best of luck with the sale, Jim! paul[/quote] Hi Paul - that's great! Many thanks for posting the audio clips! All the best mate!
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