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Everything posted by 99ster

  1. [quote name='backwater' post='181355' date='Apr 20 2008, 09:18 PM']Thanks 99ster, That's what I suspected but wasn't sure. Now to find one and try it. Thanks Andy [/quote] Cool - glad if I could help...
  2. [quote name='backwater' post='181147' date='Apr 20 2008, 05:11 PM']Hi Folks, Fairly simple question. What is the difference (if any) between the bridge cover for a 51 precision and the bridge cover for a 70s Telecaster bass? I'm looking at the tapered one rather than the curved one (like the one here : [url="http://www.allparts.uk.com/bridge-cover-tele-bass-p-3082.html?p=product"]Allparts[/url]) to fit my squier telecaster bass. Thanks Andy [/quote] There's no difference. They're identical. The Fender 51 Precision version should fit your Squier [b]IF[/b] Fender made them identical to the original 70's Telecaster bass...which I would guess they did?
  3. [quote name='ahpook' post='179907' date='Apr 18 2008, 04:23 PM']big fan of his - it was him, simon gallup and peter hook who made me want to play bass. many an hour when i was starting out playing was spent learning banshees basslines. and agreed about the bass playing on 'blue sunshine'. /doffs hat to mr. severin/[/quote] Yeah - I always liked his playing.... Here's what he's up to now: [url="http://www.myspace.com/stevenseverinmusic"]http://www.myspace.com/stevenseverinmusic[/url] I remember back in the day we were rehearsing at NOMIS (I think that's closed down now?) - & The Banshees were there as well - bumped into Severin in the toilet of all places - he was about 4ft tall. Yet another famous short arse! Yes - I think he played a WAL quite often - with aluminium plectrums! But for me the most talented musician from that era was Budgie - what a drummer.
  4. [quote name='TimmyC' post='179627' date='Apr 18 2008, 11:45 AM']I've seen this bass for sale from three different sellers now. I'd stay away if I were you.[/quote] +100 This one is definitely a very familiar old favourite from the eBay scammers' stock library. Stay well away from this one!
  5. [quote name='Wil' post='175958' date='Apr 13 2008, 11:24 PM']Ebay or the classifieds here are your best bet probably? You'll need to shell out serious dough though.[/quote] That sums it up pretty well. Pete has basically retired due to old age & ill health (Emphysema). There may possibly be another UK luthier taking on the production of Wal basses sometime in the future - but nothing concrete has been set-up & I wouldn't hold your breath. But even if that happens any 'new' Wal basses made by someone else can never be 'the real thing'. So the prices of any original Wal basses that do come up for sale will just get higher & higher... especially as they have also become the target of a number specialist collectors worldwide (I've met one guy who has 20+ Wals - but he can't play a note. Just likes to collect them & is using them as a pension fund). I bought my custom new in 1987 for about £600 I think - and I even had a matching fretless that I very foolishly sold about 10 years ago. And I'd love to get a 4 string fretless again... They seem to go for around £2K & upwards - & they do appear on eBay (& on here) fairly regularly - but you need to have the cash waiting so you can snap it up as they don't hang around for along!
  6. [quote name='Hutton' post='173843' date='Apr 10 2008, 12:34 PM']No need to apologise David.[/quote] +1 I didn't see the first posting - so THANKS for posting!
  7. Give Steve Rowse a call... [url="http://www.stevesamps.co.uk/"]http://www.stevesamps.co.uk/[/url]
  8. Hiscox every time - it's what I put all my hideously expensive vintage basses in (original cases go in the loft). Wouldn't use anything else.
  9. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='171048' date='Apr 6 2008, 11:02 PM']Not recommended for guitars with nitro lacquer. Whats that all about?[/quote] Gibson guitars in particular have a big problem with their nitro finishes getting ruined by contact with any sort of rubber or foam (seems to be some sort of chemical/pressure reaction) - & you have to be VERY careful on any guitar/bass that has had a recent nitro re-finish as well (it can take at least 6 months, if not longer for a nitro finish to completely finish drying). So it looks very much like Thomann have had some very upset guitar owners complain about their nitro finished guitars being damaged after being left on a stand (think how much pressure is on the bottom of a bass when its sat on a guitar stand) & maybe been threatened with legal action. This looks like them covering themselves against this by describing all their stands as 'Not recommended for guitars with nitro lacquer'. I emailed Thomann a while back when I was looking for a stand to ask them for a stand that they would recommend for a Nitro finished bass - & this was their reply: [i]" the problem with nitro guitars depends not only on the padding of these stands! Its also this special finish, which isn't so resist against longer pressure marks! The best place for this guitars is the gig bag or the case! "[/i] [i](Hercules stands have 'Specially Formulated Foam' that they used to claim was safe for Nitro finishes - but I think they no longer state that explicitly on their site...)[/i]
  10. [quote name='lateralus462' post='169625' date='Apr 4 2008, 09:12 AM']I'd only know by doing the same as you - checking on eBay I suppose... Sorry - that's not much help...! [i](You'll likely know that model was the standard DAT in a lot of studios back in the day - and you're right it must be around 20 years old - so difficult to say how much life it's got left in it...as it could have done a lot of miles if it lived in a commercial studio. And if anything goes wrong with them they nowadays they have to go in the skip as they cost a small fortune to get repaired - even if you can find the parts.)[/i] I reckon I'd accept 50 quid[/quote] ...just got given a SONY DAT player for free today - but that's a fair price for what was a great machine back in the day. Someone should snap it up!
  11. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-TASCAM-1-2-ROLLER-38-48-42-44-TSR-8-MSR-16-REEL_W0QQitemZ270226131714QQihZ017QQcategoryZ15199QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD2VQQcmdZViewItem?_trksid=p1638.m122"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-TASCAM-1-2-ROLLE...ksid=p1638.m122[/url]
  12. [url="http://www.andyviccarscustom.co.uk/"]http://www.andyviccarscustom.co.uk/[/url]
  13. [quote name='lateralus462' post='169305' date='Apr 3 2008, 05:42 PM']I haven't - I was going to check what they go for on Ebay but haven't got round to it yet. I guess the next question would be what you would consider a fair price to be?[/quote] I'd only know by doing the same as you - checking on eBay I suppose... Sorry - that's not much help...! [i](You'll likely know that model was the standard DAT in a lot of studios back in the day - and you're right it must be around 20 years old - so difficult to say how much life it's got left in it...as it could have done a lot of miles if it lived in a commercial studio. And if anything goes wrong with them they nowadays they have to go in the skip as they cost a small fortune to get repaired - even if you can find the parts.)[/i]
  14. [quote name='lateralus462' post='169212' date='Apr 3 2008, 03:41 PM']I'm in Sonning Common - just outside Reading.[/quote] Been mountain biking round that way (from Watlington) a fair few times - that's a nice place to live.... Do you have a price in mind...?
  15. I'm interested.... Can I ask where are you based Chris? Thanks
  16. +1 to all the good advice already If you're not used to playing through headphones it can take a while to adjust...as it's a very different sound to playing together in a room. So if you can, maybe try & spend a bit of time playing your bass along to some sort of backing track listening only on headphones. I've done sessions where I had my bass rig right up next to me - just to get the 'feeling' of some low frequencies together with the headphone mix - & it adds a bit of ambient bass sound to the room which can be cool (though this may not be possible/desirable where you're going if they want to isolate the bass completely).
  17. [quote name='martthebass' post='165842' date='Mar 29 2008, 01:43 PM']Cheers, looks like the stuff - know of any stockists?[/quote] It is really good. I got mine off eBay (seller in the US)...
  18. This stuff from Fender/Meguiar is good: [url="http://www.fender.com/products//search.php?partno=0990512000"]http://www.fender.com/products//search.php?partno=0990512000[/url]
  19. Gulp. That looks special. Damn - that's giving me some serious GAS!
  20. [quote name='spike' post='165097' date='Mar 28 2008, 10:32 AM']Jerry Jemmott is definitely one of my bass heros. He played bass for King Curtis for a while. Check the tracks "Instant Groove" and the live version of "Memphis Soul Stew" for some great Jerry Jemmott bass playing. "Aretha Franklin Live at the Fillmore West" is also very much worth a listen Just found this on Youtube [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Loy55z4GpA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Loy55z4GpA[/url][/quote] [b]THANKS[/b] so much for posting that!!! I've got the original recording from the live LP - one of my all time favs - never thought it would be out there on video. And one more reason why I could never part with my '72 sunburst Jazz - you just gotta have one!
  21. [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/Fender-Jazz-Bass-1960_W0QQitemZ130209191429QQihZ003QQcategoryZ118984QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem#ebayphotohosting"]http://cgi.ebay.com/Fender-Jazz-Bass-1960_...bayphotohosting[/url] Now this old rocker really has lived a full & happy life!!!! So cool.
  22. Anyone have an experience with this...? [url="http://www.stirlingtrading.com/products_heartech_hear_back.htm"]http://www.stirlingtrading.com/products_he...h_hear_back.htm[/url] Thanks.
  23. Oh my goodness: [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/Original-1961-Fender-Stack-Knob-Jazz-Bass-Guitar_W0QQitemZ360035783175QQihZ023QQcategoryZ64400QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.com/Original-1961-Fender-S...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] Interesting how much black there is in the sunburst - the one featured in the Entwistle book is also finished like this... [i]Apparently the OW left hander at the bottom of the page used to belong to Joe Long (from 'Frankie Valli and the 4 seasons').[/i]
  24. [quote name='lwtait' post='161749' date='Mar 22 2008, 11:49 AM']i bet thats gonna look great! what finish you going for?[/quote] +1 Can't wait to see that one - I bet that's going to look awesome.
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