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Everything posted by Biggsy

  1. [quote name='josh3184' post='375670' date='Jan 9 2009, 09:42 PM']just so everyone is aware I'm dropping the price of my Zoot to £800 to encourage a sale. Trades still looked at- especially Warwick $$'s [/quote] Andy is keen as mustard mate, just got to find a replacement for the $$ at a relative price! Buy your MM for £570?!
  2. Some really nice basses here guys, tho nothing that yet fits my needs.. Apart from maybe the not-for-sale butchered Ric in Steve's av.. Are you the owner Steve? It's quite a 'celebribass' on the Ric forums. Do we have any more for any more? Specifically Stingrays, Rics, Warwicks, maybe Wal?
  3. A lefty '82 Vigier has just appeared on leftybass.com
  4. [quote name='metaltime' post='372840' date='Jan 7 2009, 10:51 AM']Maybe we should make a lefty porn thread and put all our basses in what do people think?[/quote] I'd contribute!
  5. [quote name='josh3184' post='372660' date='Jan 7 2009, 12:30 AM']I'd have thought it'd be fine- if you can navigate to it outside of this site by yourself, why would there be issues with us posting a link here? Only issue I could think of is posting an ad from somewhere you have to be a member to see it. I'd imagine if we keep it to links then there can't really be an issue.[/quote] I thought so too.. Mods can remove if that's not the case I suppose here's some more for the list Josh! [url="http://www.warwick.de/forum/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=8826"]Warwick custom Thumb NT 6-string[/url] Someone please buy this! [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Schecter-Stiletto-Custom-4-Left-Electric-Bass-Guitar_W0QQitemZ370140442749QQcmdZViewItemQQptZGuitar?hash=item370140442749&_trksid=p3286.m63.l1177"]Schecter Stiletto[/url] [url="http://www.leftybassist.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=553"]G&L Tribute L2000[/url] [url="http://www.leftybassist.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=480"]Bongo 5 HH "08" / GnL 4 Import "08"[/url] Big Kydd EUB, Another G&L L200, a Warwick 5 String Streamer Standard (for only £500!) all here: [url="http://www.leftybass.com/secondhand_offer.htm"]LeftyBass.com[/url] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=31498&hl=left"]CIJ P-Bass[/url] [b][/b] Thanks for joining us Bassmonster, I love your bass. Where in Scotland are you located?
  6. [quote name='metaltime' post='372267' date='Jan 6 2009, 06:19 PM']We could also use this space for lefty ebay links and deals that people see. For example the $$ Josh saw or Biggsy pointing us towards that 6 string on the warwick forums. I realise there is already a place for that on basschat but the lefty ones are hard to find in the sea of righty ones[/quote] Another vote for this too, are there any issues with posting other people's ad's? Public domain and all that?
  7. [quote name='josh3184' post='372514' date='Jan 6 2009, 10:19 PM']I'm back! Glad how this has been developing this eve, will update soon! If anyone has any suggestions then feel free by all means! Not sure how I'd enable you to change the first post tho Biggsy... Suggestions Mods? I'm happy to maintain if needs be, I'm on most nights.[/quote] Very wise indeed! I'll just message you with any updates, if enough of us do we can keep this a very useful thread!
  8. There's quite a pool of lefties for sale at www.leftybassist.com, I joined a few days ago and seems a friendly place. LeftyBass.com has quite a good turnaround too. It'd be good if we could update the original post with all applicable links as they arise, and disappear.. Josh I'd be happy to help maintain?
  9. [quote name='josh3184' post='372259' date='Jan 6 2009, 06:10 PM']I reckon we can get a really tight knit lefty group if this kicks off you know, we can gang up on people and everything [/quote] The 'Left Hand Gang' sounds a bit wrong..
  10. [quote name='metaltime' post='372246' date='Jan 6 2009, 05:53 PM']what a weird day normally there is like no lefties available but today everythings gone mad. I am PMing Kiwi to see if he will sticky this if it takes off. I think its a good idea.[/quote] +1, and not just cuz Josh gave me some cudos! It's arisen out of a need!
  11. [quote name='josh3184' post='372235' date='Jan 6 2009, 05:44 PM']I get the feeling this might be quite fun, especially having not seen a lefty bass for sale other than mine for around two months. Last one I remember was a Sandberg for trade by MXM if I recall correctly, but maybe I'm senile.[/quote] There was a student fella selling a CIJ P-Bass too, can't remember who though.. Edit: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=31498&hl=left"]Lemoley[/url]
  12. Traded! [attachment=18243:landofthegiants.jpg]
  13. Great work so far, you've got so much done since the start of December! Puts my 6-months-to-date project to shame!
  14. If it's not been called already, I'd like to buy this! (PM'd!)
  15. Crazy. Jake is forgiven, and BC is the bad guy. What a joke.
  16. [quote name='noelk27' post='338440' date='Nov 27 2008, 02:22 PM']There's a little test you can do to see which leg is dominant ... Stand against a wall, with your heels touching the wall. Try to relax, and let your mind clear. Then, take a step away from the wall. The leg you use is your dominant leg. You might find that this is not the same side as your dominant arm. (I'm right/left - right arm/left leg.) Some things we learn by example, some things by mirroring, and others as a result of our dominant attributes. But, as to which has the biggest influence, I've no idea.[/quote] Just a nature/nurture kind of thing? How disappointing. I thought it might be down to sides of the brain, and I was some kind of genius flitting between both abnormally. Clearly I was just grasping at straws!
  17. I'd love to understand a bit more about this kind of thing.. I write with my left hand, When I play football, I'm very right footed, Golf I play right handed, Cricket I bat righty and bowl lefty In tennis I don't have a backhand () Snooker and pool I'm lefty, (but have taught myself to play adequately right handed to secretly amuse my team-mates,) Musically I learnt to play the violin the proper way around, but always had problems with my bowing arm. After binning that and taking up the guitar I found it much easier lefty. However, after years of picking up friends right handed guitars I can play them without any thought now, just left handed and 'upside down'. Drums cause me problems; My left hand wants to play the hi-hat, and my right foot wants to control the kick. So I can either play a lefty kit and have really poor timing on the kick, or a righty kit and losing time on the hats. I could play a righty kit open handed, but it makes fills really hard as I naturally lead with my left. Good job I'm not a drummer! Bass, I'm simply lefty.
  18. Mine will be finished very soon! Just got to hang a few doors and lay the carpet It's in Somersham, Cambridgeshire (PE28 3HJ), which might be a bit of a treck for your mate from Manchester but close to equidistant between you and Swindon. If the location works in any way let me know and I'll PM you specific details, but in short it's inexpensive, large, well kitted out and will be acoustically treated
  19. Hmm, I keep looking at this ad.. Sorely tempted to offer a trade for a pair of 12" Aguilars (+£100 my way), but they're so damned handy I can't make my mind up I notice you were specifically looking for something of lower value, plus you're on the other side of the country**. Could you put me out of my misery and tell me you're not interested please?! **You're actually closer than I thought.. damn.
  20. How much are you thinking mate?
  21. [quote name='dood' post='320714' date='Nov 3 2008, 09:59 AM']Hmmm... not so awesome!!! Thats me stuffed then.. looks like USB for me![/quote] Where are you based Dood, I'd be happy to lend you an old firewire MOTU 828 to see how it works with your computer.. The TI chipsets are reccommended, but not necessarily required.
  22. [quote name='dood' post='319171' date='Oct 31 2008, 04:15 PM']I'm trying to find out if the Motu stuff supports Vista 64bit. You guys know off hand? (Sorry to derail the thread.. but its all useful info!)[/quote] Yep! [attachment=15452:MOTU.jpg]
  23. [quote name='Prosebass' post='309797' date='Oct 19 2008, 12:14 PM']The Motu looks good stuff but I'm a little worried that they only state XP in the operating systems.[/quote] Just my 2p on MOTU; I've got 2 ancient 828 MK1's, and I've always found the drivers to be rock solid. The MOTU website does show Vista (you might need to be signed in to see that) and infact, MOTU were amongst the first to introduce Vista 64 drivers for their interfaces. Again, considering how old my MOTU's are, the driver support has been superb. I now use Vista, and am utterly impressed by the company's commitment to continue providing up-to-date drivers for even outdated products. So much so that I'm saving my pennies for the 828MkIII! Edit: I just remembered some other potentially helpful info; MOTU reccomend Texas Instruments Firewire chipsets, so it's worth checking what your shiny new PC has. I've never tried it on any other chipsets as all my PC's have come with TI, but that may explain why some people have had troubles.
  24. The Eden's sitting at an awesome price. I paid nearly double for a WT-300, and still worth every penny to me
  25. Beardyman with 'Jungle Drummer' this weekend, followed by Tim Minchin and Mr Scruff next week! Good times.
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