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paul, the

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Everything posted by paul, the

  1. You rarely see palantino(sp?) eubs over here.
  2. [quote name='Adee' post='189980' date='May 1 2008, 08:32 PM']especially one of this quality and has classic looks too Black / Black / Maple too ![/quote] I can't deny Lakland quality, and it looks great. Where are the Fralins it was born with?
  3. It's the tone that impresses me. That is to say: the tone of a Modulus Flea is very impressive.
  4. What a bunch of fugglers. Sell us something tasty, Jon .
  5. I think they should use the money to subsidise: book vouchers, bus passes, school meals.... That way it isn't seen as a reward, which in itself is insulting. It should also be on a gradient, not just cut off points. I use to not eat lunch and save the money for bass books/gear/lessons. I don't recommend it.
  6. Ooh, looks good. Love that passive tone. Deep.
  7. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='189490' date='May 1 2008, 09:49 AM']Maybe this website is to blame for the UK's bass player population suffering from incurable gas??[/quote] Sounds like more choice in the second hand market, to me. Congrats on getting in mags, guys.
  8. I'm sure it wanted to go. The jazz knew the day that those Precisions were going to gang up and kick its ass were nigh.
  9. I don't understand why someone would put Villex pups in a P. Surely there should be some paradoxical force that would cause the earth to implode if such a thing were ever to occur. Did any of the bass's "clients" do a sound sample. I kind of want to buy it just to find out why no one is keeping it.
  10. I haven't got anything to say, just wanted to share Stagg love ('though I haven't got one yet) and glad to hear it was a quick fix.
  11. I'd pop round some music shops and keep going until you find something you genuinely enjoy playing. Trade in the basses that aren't right for you.
  12. Is that just me? I feel a bit special
  13. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='189036' date='Apr 30 2008, 05:32 PM']Iii think they should do away with child benefit (an incentive to over-populate the world!) and invest the money in the arts i.e. support live music venues by not taxing ticket sales and stuff... give me a chance to get paid for some gigs, in other words! More money for bassists all round![/quote] But the boundaries between making children and making music are ever so cloudy.
  14. I think the Sandberg PM5 could fill some boots. Except for fretless/acoustic, obviously.
  15. Welcome Ben. Dave Pegg's old amp? Cool!
  16. [quote name='kennyrodg' post='188472' date='Apr 29 2008, 10:09 PM']you could look [url="http://stores.ebay.co.uk/BuildaBass_W0QQssPageNameZstrkQ3amefsQ3amesstQQtZkm"]here[/url]. ive dealt with goerdt a couple of times before,he's very helpfull and his customer service 1st class.he's in the US so shipping costs may be an issue. i got a jazz of him last year.it had a maple neck with mop block inlays and was stunning. drop him a line as i know he has other stuff knocking about that doesnt go on his shop page.he also knows a luthier who can get fender necks,worth a look see imo.[/quote] Interesting parts. Although I can't stand the 'J-bass' font.
  17. [quote name='Jobiebass' post='188318' date='Apr 29 2008, 06:55 PM']quite annoying, im 24 now, only been playing just over 2 years and there are 16 year olds with better knowledge and a HELL of a lot better then me. :'( Im happy with my gear for now for a noob, see my sig for my stuff. suppose I should start looking for a band, but my friends are either stupidly amazing and im nowhere neer thier level cause they have been giging for 10+ years, or my other mates "play guitar" and I ask them to play a D and they play an F# or something. Mehh, ill stick to being a bedroom bassist[/quote] Comparing yourself with others is the only thing that is holding you back.
  18. It's just marketing hype and conditioned economic propaganda. Your jazz is a fine bass. I'd put amps and cabs first.
  19. Love the look! A little dubious of the sound it would produce.
  20. Only the groove is important.
  21. I don't care who's considered overrated. It has little relevance to anything. If a popular bassist managed to inadvertently introduce the instrument to a kid, then that's more than good enough for me. [quote name='matty589' post='186880' date='Apr 27 2008, 11:26 PM'](how can someone who was nearly late for a Miles Davis gig because he was taking a balloon ride not be cool!)[/quote] Thank you for enlightening me on how cool MM is.
  22. Where be thee? I closed and re-opened the thread thinking, *'I bet that could muster up some reggae tones, I wonder if he's local'*
  23. Hot gear. It's great to hear that a Mustang is your workhorse. Why do you prefer it? I want to try a short-scale again soon. How does the lipstick'd jazz sound?
  24. [quote name='ped' post='187515' date='Apr 28 2008, 07:48 PM']Cool pics. Fave one is the one before last.[/quote] +1, real good pic, that.
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