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paul, the

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Everything posted by paul, the

  1. Try Shuker's unlicensed Polish equivalent, Shukerczak. Powodzenia!
  2. [quote name='budget bassist' post='169391' date='Apr 3 2008, 08:00 PM']fixed [/quote] It depends if your idea of funk is '70s BBC education programs.
  3. +1 with Bilbo's first post. I also get a little bitter about seeing clearly very talented musicians and technicians sounding a bit silly on a low-register electric fretted instrument when they could be virtuoso pianists etc. +more mean stuff I wont say. Tom's use seems sensible. Any specific songs where this use is noticeable?
  4. [quote name='bremen' post='169248' date='Apr 3 2008, 04:27 PM']Basses have more than 7 frets?[/quote] No no! They don't! shhh.
  5. I'm so sad. I didn't like these before, but now I keep seeing them on TV in Tango and flamenco bands. Now I think they're really cool. Especially sitting down when you're in a tie-less BnW suit.
  6. Spied him on World Jazz on Mainstreet, Renaud Garcia-Fons is a French 5-string upright player of jazz and classical with preference to Flamenco, Asian and folklore music. Precious little videos available on youtube, but he caught my attention playing a flamenco pizzicato solo. He didn't seem to need to look at the fingerboard, either, which always astounds me.
  7. And low, it has become a Status thread. I played a Highway 1 the other day. Such a simple bass, but substantial. Black satin finish. Lovely.
  8. Glad someone voted for fams.
  9. The more I read about different models, the more I want a Stagg. There are clips of NS basses on here and they sound wonderful (not sure if it's a WAV), so I think they would be worth the money if you can afford. I, personally, would only go to a certain price before wanting something more violin shaped. The Arias seem cool, but I'm not sure I could have one knowing the SWB-03 exists Let us know what you go for and how it sounds.
  10. If my town is any indication of the Nation's fashion sense, that will sell very well.
  11. Not a very good bassist in the first, but [b]much[/b] better in the second song. So perhaps a case of nerves as the opening act. I can see the Khumalo comparison in the second song (a million miles away in the first). As others have said, he will better with age, and learn that beauty comes with stripping away the superfluous. I'm falling in love with Adele, imagine waking up to that voice in the morning. She's gorgeous too.
  12. I played a few a couple of days ago, and my favourite was probably an Indie. You have to be careful as some have poor playability. 'though the Crafter seems popular, I'd love try one.
  13. I think a very short and funky one-off lick/run/fill can't be topped. That will draw attention and not bore anyone. My old tutor used to play in a mod band, fingerstyle mostly, but in one song would play an octave style with a pick, which was noticeably very different and drew attention to versatility. If anyone's really insecure enough, though, I'd say join a band where you're the only guitar-shaped musician. I do think it's part-and-parcel, in reggae or easy-going funk, you're unlikely to get noticed, but [b]you[/b] know you're the backbone. And so does the rest of the band.
  14. We act only according to our personality and environment. Yes, I wish I had stuck at piano when I was seven, but I was never going to. Maybe if I hadn't replaced Billie Holiday with sleep during my adolescence, I would have been able to stay awake during bass lessons. But if I had acted differently, I would be a different person; it was never going to happen. [quote]“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”[/quote] Regrets are there to be acted on; the latter acquired insight to now know better. Acknowledge that it was something you weren't ready to do then, but are now aware that it is something you need to do now. Insight=Aspiration=Action=Attainment Sometimes I regret playing bass. I can listen to a cello piece, or a piano piece and be brought to tears, yet I play motown. You only live once, you know. And I'm one of those awkwardly dramatic peak and trough people, so I only want to listen/play level-headed music about 10% of the time. So what am I doing about it? - Well, I'm selling off my electric gear and getting a Stagg EUB so I can learn tango and jazz. I wish I had bought some finger-less gloves and taken my bamboo flute with me on walks. = hope to be moving to Ringwood soon. There's a stream right by the houses and it's nearly summer. I think that will be a lovely spot to practice. --- Fortunately, by being on basschat, other members now become part of your environment. [quote post='167063' date='Mar 31 2008, 06:19 PM']I'm so critical of my sh*te playing.[/quote] This is cyclical. It's unlikely that ability is the block. [quote name='Dillsfretless' post='167131' date='Mar 31 2008, 07:27 PM']I have recently (the last two months or so) really got into bass playing in a big way like never before.[/quote] Sounds like the push you needed. So act on it. [quote name='birdy' post='167362' date='Apr 1 2008, 12:30 AM']With regards to regrets and what might have beens I always find a speech that Steve Jobs (Apple Computers) gave as highly inspirational and how all that we do can be right for us. Anyone who is interested can read it here [url="http://news-service.stanford.edu/news/2005/june15/jobs-061505.html"]http://news-service.stanford.edu/news/2005...obs-061505.html[/url] and hopefully it may be of some interest or comfort. Steve[/quote] Oh, great speech. Loved the connecting the dots idea.
  15. Thanks for your help, dmz. I now see the blue colour option on the GE website, SBL. I might have caught the auction if I hadn't been so specific with my ebay searches. The GE website says the nut width is 40mm, which is the same as on the jazz neck on my P-special. I'm not really shopping, tbh, but the fretboard and colour option really got my attention. It's great to know what's available.
  16. I've just seen this (already finished) bass on ebay. I had no idea this sort of thing was potentially available. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-Precision-Bass-1970-reissue_W0QQitemZ300208481730"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-Precision-Bas...emZ300208481730[/url] Plus points: [list] [*]Dark, almost black, fretboard (so important) [*]Nut width looks quite thin ('70s style, I guess) [*]Beautiful colour, I'd get a tort guard on that quick [/list] Is this sort of bass still potentially available? Is there any control over the shade of the fretboard? I'm not familiar with neck shapes. What's meant by a U -shaped neck?
  17. [quote name='Beedster' post='167026' date='Mar 31 2008, 05:26 PM']Red seems to go quicker than the other two colours, same on mine. Chris[/quote] I thought (some of) the '50s basses were two-colour bursts. Looking at Fullerton '60s reissues, I've yet to see the red fade. I prefer it with the gold pg, to be honest, the three-colour burst can look a little busy. This bass is 49 years old.
  18. A very attractive bass. Would love to know how she sounds with flats, foam and fingers. Best of luck with the sale.
  19. [quote name='Super Bass' post='162493' date='Mar 24 2008, 03:26 AM']Here's my baby [/quote] Wow! That's art. Definitely a Starry Night vibe there.
  20. So why is the red not visible in the burst on the front? Oh and, What a beautiful pickguard!
  21. What a beautiful pickguard! Here's a bass that's been loved:
  22. [quote name='Wil' post='165120' date='Mar 28 2008, 11:15 AM']I think Tommy C plays on Dusty Springfield's "Take a little piece of my heart" too, and its a stunning line.[/quote] You see, I don't like the tone there. It sounds very hollow and woody to me, rather than warm and sweet. But I agree, a very infectious line. Comparison: [url="http://www.last.fm/music/Dusty+Springfield/_/Take+Another+Little+Piece+of+My+Heart"]Dusty Springfield - Take Another Little Piece of My Heart at – Listen free at Last.fm[/url] [url="http://www.last.fm/music/Aretha+Franklin/_/Chain+Of+Fools"]Aretha Franklin – Chain Of Fools – Listen free at Last.fm[/url] ----- Another song with a great tone: [url="http://www.last.fm/music/Aretha+Franklin/_/People+Get+Ready"]Aretha Franklin – People Get Ready – Music at Last.fm[/url] Chain of Fools still has my vote. It's almost Tuba-like. I have no idea how they do it.
  23. V.interesting clips, Chris. G&L hadn't interested me, but I like the passive tones there. What strings were you using? Were you not going through the Radial JDI?
  24. What an awesome band! Great sounds, great arrangements. V.Funky! But very cool in that it leaves out the superfluous cheese funk. And beautifully played basslines, who are your influences? If I'm brutally honest, the bass didn't sound beefy and sweet enough for me, but I'm a Precision man. I liked it being passive, though. Oooh, 'though the tone is lovely on the reggae-ish bridge part of Afew Dollars More. *chair dances*
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