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paul, the

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Everything posted by paul, the

  1. Oohh +1 to the above. I preferred your tone too. Lovely playing.
  2. paul, the


    Very nice track. Ran on nicely from Ennio Morricone. Could go for some more.
  3. swish cabs and cool half-pipe foam
  4. It's been switch-reversed, but is still hot. *hails angry mob*
  5. This thread makes me hate guitars and want a singing frog.
  6. There's a tone you can always rely on.
  7. Gawjus. I bet it sounds even better than it looks.
  8. paul, the


    Welcome to't forum, Mic!
  9. A MIM jazz pretty much the same (DiMarzios, badass) didn't sell on ebay for £250 recently. I don't think market value really reflects their worth. Any pictures? Are they model Js or Ultras?
  10. That sounds like a great deal to me. How does she look?
  11. I've made a Sound Samples links page: [url="http://wiki.basschat.co.uk/info:industry:sound_sample_links"]http://wiki.basschat.co.uk/info:industry:sound_sample_links[/url] Please contact me with any contributions if you don't want to have a go at editing. I added a Tommy Cogbill profile, too.
  12. *claws out eyes*
  13. Oh well done! I've probably just missed it, but is everything active?
  14. [quote name='lowdown' post='165077' date='Mar 28 2008, 10:00 AM']Thanks for finding and sharing this Gem....! One of the best things to turn up on this site. [/quote] Glad you're finding it useful. Here's the directory: [url="http://pagesperso-orange.fr/freebasspart.pv24/my_favorite_bass_lines.htm"]http://pagesperso-orange.fr/freebasspart.p..._bass_lines.htm[/url] Donald '' Duck '' Dunn Tommy Cogbill David Hood Francis '' Rocco '' Prestia Chuck Rainey Jerry Jemmott James Alexander --- I'll have a look at the wiki. I'm listening to Lady Soul now and will recommend the tracks with the best tone.
  15. Shakin' it to Virgin Groove earlier, I noticed what a great tone Tommy Cogbill gets on Aretha Franklin's "Chain of Fools" (Lady Soul 1968) [center][/center] I had to find out more about the man and soon discovered the Bass Player info shown below. It describes and shows the beautiful '50s P-bass used along with the one-speakered Twin Reverb on "Son of a Preacher Man", but the tone created is completely different to the likes of the sound on Lady Soul. It's bound to be a flatwound strung Precision into an Ampeg combo (also pictured), but the article suggests it might not be the same Precision as used on SoaPM [url="http://www.last.fm/music/Aretha+Franklin/_/Chain+Of+Fools"]Aretha Franklin – Chain Of Fools – Listen free at Last.fm[/url] [url="http://www.last.fm/music/Dusty+Springfield/_/Son+of+a+Preacher+Man"]Dusty Springfield – Son of a Preacher Man – Listen free at Last.fm[/url] Some Tommy Cogbill (among others) transcriptions on Aretha Franklin songs: [url="http://pagesperso-orange.fr/freebasspart.pv24/Aretha_Franklin.htm"]http://pagesperso-orange.fr/freebasspart.p...ha_Franklin.htm[/url] So this thread celebrates the likes of Tommy Cogbill and Jerry Jemmott: the guys, like Jamerson, who knew how an electric bass should be played. [url="http://www.bassplayer.com/article/dusty-springfields-son/feb-06/18128"]Son of a Preacher Man Bass Player article[/url]. [center][/center]
  16. Yet teles are so distinctive; I'd never want to see two on the same stage.
  17. I think telecasters are pretty much the only cool solid-body electric guitar. Everything else has acquired some sort of cheese factor throughout the embarrassing history. Before that comes guitars in order of getting towards being totally acoustic. You get the idea.
  18. [quote name='RIM Basses' post='164161' date='Mar 26 2008, 10:56 PM'][/quote] That makes me dizzy. I'm so used to sparsely placed two-story buildings, those sky-scrapers would really freak me out.
  19. The TB. Cripes.
  20. An appropriate name since we 'Talk' so often about 'Bass'. Welcome to the forum.
  21. Welcome to BC Sam. Hawt combo, and I love that colour on the SUB.
  22. [quote name='Dillsfretless' post='164760' date='Mar 27 2008, 08:30 PM']Ooops! at least that explains why it was sweet to play![/quote] Listen to ShergoldSnickers' fretless, an awesome tone.
  23. How do the experienced feel about gigging quite soon after getting an upright? I'd advise a beginner electric bassist to get jamming at least. Could you ask the same for new upright player? ...and I have a terrible ear.
  24. [quote name='Bassmonkey' post='164775' date='Mar 27 2008, 08:48 PM']do I buy a cheap 3/4 scale new bass (which will likely have a cr@p action and playability)[/quote] Wait for a good value bass suggestion. Watch out for nut width! (he may not notice that's the problem) Re-title the thread/subtitle to include short-scale.
  25. Welcome to the forum Dave. Lovely gear you have there. I hope you get the help you're looking for on your Q.
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