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paul, the

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Everything posted by paul, the

  1. Hey Ric. Tharts a lengthy migration. Welcome to't BC.
  2. paul, the


    'Will this site bring me love, happiness and purpose? Or is that Mastercard?! Failing that I hope to get some free inspiration in here!' Hey Brad! Welcome to BC. I think BC will supply all the above to varying degrees. A healthy mix of the ideal, real and surreal.
  3. I spied this. A bit nuts in Antigua, but very cool ntl.
  4. I'm sure it's fine, but it doesn't look good enough to me. The neck isn't dark and the pickguard looks red. Although, that must be the flash or something because no way would they put a red-tort pg on. For all that money you'd at least want it to look the same?
  5. [quote name='Hit&Run' post='135976' date='Feb 7 2008, 06:41 PM']I've got some dimarzio model J (DP123) pups in my squier 70s VMJ and they're sweet. Series & parallel wiring/switching is an option I took advantage of (why not?), and Dimarzios can be had for very reasonable prices from the [url="http://www.bestbassgear.com/dimarzio-pickups.htm"]USA[/url].[/quote] They're lovely sounding pups.
  6. I find the relationship between size and power interesting. It really brings home what a physical thing electricity/volume/power is. Apologies for being abstract on a specific thread.
  7. Missed these posts. now [b][i][url="http://www.mil-millington.com/"]Updated[/url][/i][/b]
  8. I know nothing of Metallica but [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=8009"]Bob's first bass thread[/url] is good even though it's your second. Didn't CB once use a Aria Pro II SB1000? Best of luck with the search.
  9. *gasp* that's the one from the fret less thread. Gorgeous.
  10. [quote name='tauzero' post='123373' date='Jan 19 2008, 01:49 PM'][url="http://www.upce.org.uk/"]http://www.upce.org.uk/[/url] The FAQ for the uk.people.consumers.ebay newsgroup. The first section is about the newsgroup itself, so is probably of little interest to most forum members, but the latter parts cover buying and selling.[/quote] This link isn't working for me, tauzero.
  11. [quote name='Absolute-beginner' post='137871' date='Feb 10 2008, 11:01 PM']Music to sooth the savage beast.[/quote] I tried Barry White. I was wrong.
  12. Have you successfully applied the discombobulator? WATCH OUT FOR QUANTUM FLUX!
  13. +1, that's such an attractive bass.
  14. [quote name='dmz' post='136182' date='Feb 7 2008, 11:42 PM']Yeah - I do know what you mean Standard is the 1.75 inch width - which the above bass has - apparently based on an old 64 P-bass (C-profile) that Dan Lakland owns. An option is the 1.50 inch width - so called Jazz-taper - or A-profile in old Fender speak....... I have a Japanese Fender Precision- see avatar above - that has a B-profile neck (1.65 inch width) - a stormer of a neck - will put some piccies of it in the porn section soon....[/quote] Oh, you lucky... I play a jazz neck but would prefer something in between probably. Also important (of course) is the actual shape. But I've never worked out how they categorize that. Where abouts are you located, dmz?
  15. Ugh, that was so poorly written. You know what I mean. Best of luck with the sale, dmz. I'm sure it'll shift. There's another US BG owner on the forum which will give this a mammoth praising if seen.
  16. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='124367' date='Jan 21 2008, 09:44 AM']My dream bass [/quote] +1 Did they do one with a thinner width at the nut?
  17. [quote name='Sparky' post='134844' date='Feb 6 2008, 09:17 AM']Haha - cheeky swine! The tort is stock but now that you mention it, i was thinking of treating the jazz to a black plate (after seeing some nice pics of a burst/black jazz for sale (i think from 'weird war') a while back)... and then never got round to it... i think at some point i'll pick up a tort for the P and a black for the jazz... give them an optional change of clothes.. be like having a ready to rock gas hit without the cash![/quote] Great idea Sparky! I know you can used to the look of an instrument, but a pg change can change the whole style of a bass. black or brown tort' look super shmexy on a jazz! A black one ought not be expensive neither.
  18. Anyone feel like going into business with me
  19. Hey Mark. indoor pot plants huzzah!
  20. Howdy Dan, another Southerner here. Welcome to't forum
  21. congrats d-b, sounds like you got a great deal there!
  22. Where does the power come from with headphones? (apologies for my ignorance) Ta for the links
  23. [quote name='ped' post='132959' date='Feb 3 2008, 12:28 PM']Then take out loads of credit cards, cane them all into the red and fake your own death[/quote] I was watching AP last night. I'd forgotten..how..brilliant.. "SMELL MY CHEESE YOU MOTHER"
  24. I haven't read the thread. -- Music played with integrity that others can empathise with will always be timeless. Very few bassists have roused universal attention and had much influence unto their style. Maybe Jamerson, Graham, Flea... I don't think bass has much of a say in the direction of popular music. Where there is rhythm, melody, harmony - bass will have a place. Bass is an interdependent part in most cases. I don't think subversionary or solo ideals will ever gain enough popularity to have influence. Sometimes the majority is right. Let popular music influence and inspire. Don't be defeatist about it or rude to other bassists. Look at the musicianship that had to compete/complement Stevie Wonder's left hand. The low notes have an important job and there will always be room for someone who dedicates all their time to them. Chill out and feel a stone-cold groove.
  25. That's a very pretty bass. I'm really attracted to acoustics. Have you played a Martin/something else normal shaped and expensive for comparison?
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