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paul, the

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Everything posted by paul, the

  1. Colour me intrigued. *pops downstairs for headphones*
  2. Probably a perfect rig right there. Hope you get a good price for it.
  3. Is there a website that in some way attempts to describe the tone of various amps? I know there are audio clips available but I haven't seen a site with markbass gear.
  4. I'd juice it. **** yea.
  5. Bootyfull. Modern yet classic.
  6. I thought it was going to be about the mental issues and alienation of genius. -- I have a friend who is double-jointed. It really annoys me.
  7. Some people don't like the feel so I'd try one out first. I love 'em!
  8. I wish someone would call me an elderly man. I think I spoke in 'txt speak' right up until about fifteen because of Messenger. A good Literature teacher will straighten anyone out.
  9. [quote name='lobematt' post='92768' date='Nov 22 2007, 02:26 PM']Does anybody want an albino rabbit and hutch? The hutch is worth £50. His names James but he doesn't really answer to it so you can call him whatever you want. Ideal xmas present, cute white rabbit! Any swaps considered, or if you want, you can just have him for nothing![/quote] £50 for a hutch?!! Is it HD ready?
  10. I already like it more on second viewing. And that binding gives me quivers
  11. It washes out the blue a bit because the contrast isn't so prominent. It still looks nice though, Sean. It might be a grower if you're not fond of it so much yourself.
  12. That Antoria is very smart indeed.
  13. [quote name='wotnwhy' post='92885' date='Nov 22 2007, 05:27 PM'][/quote] Off topic, I know. But that's a beaut' of an upright. What is it, if I may ask?
  14. Product diversification. Mcfly are squeeky clean. Busted are 'bad' boys. The main of the Mcfly came across as a competent musician, song writer and nice guy to me. Not that he'd ever get any control.
  15. What would you best compare the neck and nut width to?
  16. I have a touch pad. *man tears*
  17. mmm that's tatsy all right! I could tea that right up.
  18. paul, the


    [quote name='slowbo' post='92285' date='Nov 21 2007, 06:35 PM']I learned the rules and grammar at UNI. But it´s like playing an instrument. You can learn all the theory, but people won´t notice until you can actually do something!! When I came here, it was like I´d landed on Mars. Many people come here and pick up the language quickly, but you have to be quite resilient. You have to be able to take rejection from some quarters. The stories that everybody will be delighted to help you are not really true, unless you´re old. If you like Spanish Movies ,try to watch a few with subtitles. You could pick up some useful phrases and Spanish pronunciation rules are really easy. What you write is what you say, not like in English.[/quote] 'You have to be able to take rejection from some quarters. The stories that everybody will be delighted to help you are not really true, unless you´re old.' This happens in Britain. Not all the time, but I've seen and you hear about people turning their backs on broken English. I just think, they're trying there best and it's harder for them then it is for you. That really annoys me. I wouldn't dare watch them with out subtitles. One of my favourite films in any language is Spirit of The Beehive, which shares similarities with the relatively overrated Pan's Labyrinth. Spanish film has kicked global ass in the last ten years though. Sorry, shouldn't bore with film stuff. Welcome to the forum!
  19. paul, the


    [quote name='slowbo' post='92136' date='Nov 21 2007, 01:41 PM']I'm afraid they nearly all take it for granted. I'm not so bad cos I speak good Spanish, but the accent is really difficult here. Where I live all the expats have their sattelite dishes trained to get SKY TV. So, they never learn, which is a pity.[/quote] That's very cool. When/how did you learn the language? Learning a new language would be one of my main reasons for moving.
  20. That's a lovely looker. I just hope the other bidder wasn't too attached to it.
  21. [quote name='NJW' post='91956' date='Nov 21 2007, 04:22 AM']Im sorry to spoil the fun... I worked on crew for a McFly concert and there were no additional musicians... and they were quite good! They had a lot of dummy amps though, but they do play live (perhaps not on telly though!).[/quote] Fair enough. I mean busted then. yea, sure.
  22. I blame capitalism as ever. They do it because that's what makes money. It makes money because that's what the audience want to see (believe). Who controls what we want want to see/believe...? Communism. It's the only way.
  23. Howdy dudey, I'm seeing G&L popping up here and there now. Have never played one, they sound like they sound great Welcome to the forum. nanu nanu, paul.
  24. paul, the


    [quote name='slowbo' post='92016' date='Nov 21 2007, 10:03 AM']Expat heaven ?! Nerja on the south coast East of Malaga[/quote] Sweet. Sun, sea, sand and 45 mins from skiing. I don't know it myself but it looks bootful. I really like Spanish films. Sometimes I get the impression that the English that trot over take it for granted. Hopefully they embrace it on arrival.
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