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paul, the

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Everything posted by paul, the

  1. [quote name='Beedster' post='23478' date='Jun 26 2007, 12:28 PM']That's the problem with the current PBass specials, bloody Fender crap active electronics. I'd definitely stay passive if I were going the Fender route Chris[/quote] Cheers Chris, it's sad that I need it, but that's very reassuring. I do get jealous when I look at that Mexican one that I've posted the picture of - but painted the same colour, mine ought to look the same. Except with three control knobs and a rosewood neck - which I prefer. I'm not sure why they didn't last very long, perhaps they were expensive to make - routing different bodies, drilling into metal. Perhaps setting up the machinery wasn't cost effective and the bass wasn't selling being a bit of a mongrel. It's basically a Vintage Reissue Precision with a thinner neck and a little extra tonal versatility. - Perfect for me, although I had to get use to the neck.
  2. [quote name='Ba55man' post='23587' date='Jun 26 2007, 03:50 PM'][/quote] Beautiful.
  3. paul, the

    which bass

    To be honest, they all seem really soulless to me. It's like the companies have inadvertently performed a catch-22. They're trying to appeal to a wide audience with a simple design, but in doing so, the basses don't have enough character to appeal to anyone. Sorry if I sound a grump. If you like the Ibanez, get an Aria Pro II second hand. Try out a few basses and wait until you fall in love with one.
  4. Where are you Geoff? Any lacquer cracks/damage? paul.
  5. Warning rar file: [url="http://rapidshare.com/files/32676324/Funk_Disco_Bass.rar"]http://rapidshare.com/files/32676324/Funk_Disco_Bass.rar[/url]
  6. [quote name='Rumble' post='23450' date='Jun 26 2007, 11:35 AM']The second one has potential. I'm just a bit weiry of the Mexican's (not in a xenophobic way!!). Thanks for picking them out Paul. The other thing with these is the potential incurring of import duty and being high and dry should they decide to leg it with your hard earned cash in their pocket.[/quote] Everyone's weary of the Mexicans I didn't mean to shove them in your face, sorry about that, I just got over excited. My best advice is to try out different pickup arrangements see which you like best - think about the type of music you intend to cover and find the instrument best suited for the style. I find the p-special and Lakkys so interesting because of their vintage leanings - the lovely folks made a conscious decision that vintage pickups would be the best option. The problem is that they are so hard to come by - the passive American special was only made for two years and Laklands...well it seems people either don't want to let them go, or no one has found out about them yet.
  7. [quote name='paul h' post='23458' date='Jun 26 2007, 11:41 AM']"everybody here wants you" - jeff buckley. not sure who the bass player was...might have been jeff, but it's a stunning bassline. simple and effective, and responsible for the key change after the middle 8. if i am ever having trouble improvising a slow groove i actually try to emulate the feel of this bassline. it works a treat. i got a huge ovation once in scruffy murphys in watford after shoe-horning this bassline into some horrible cover we were doing. one of the greatest songs ever written as well. if you disagree, then well you're wrong. [/quote] I was sufficiently intrigued to find a link: [url="http://www2.potsdam.edu/boula79/songs/Jeff%20Buckley%20-%20Everybody%20Here%20Wants%20You.mp3"]http://www2.potsdam.edu/boula79/songs/Jeff...Wants%20You.mp3[/url] Acoustic version: [url="http://www2.potsdam.edu/boula79/songs/JEFF%20BUCKLEY-%20Everybody%20Here%20Wants%20You%20(Acoustic).mp3"]http://www2.potsdam.edu/boula79/songs/JEFF...0(Acoustic).mp3[/url]
  8. 467
  9. [quote name='Rumble' post='23440' date='Jun 26 2007, 11:19 AM']Personally, I prefer the look of the second one. Not into brown basses, but that's just me I think I may well get a simple straight forward P bass first. It's easier to add a PUP then remove one. Although having said that, if the PUP's already in, it can always be turned off![/quote] I always use a bit of the jazz pickup now, either a slight turn or them both up to 95% and I'll use it exclusively on some later Stevie Wonder songs. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-Deluxe-Precision-Bass-Special-Deluxe_W0QQitemZ170124460588QQihZ007QQcategoryZ64401QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD2VQQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-Deluxe-Precis...VQQcmdZViewItem[/url] Fwar. Already mentioned: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=110141576283&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=001"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...A:IT&ih=001[/url] I'm just chucking pictures at you now, sorry about that, a pretty bass makes me weak at the knees.
  10. But with a rosewood fretboard. Those who remember, this is/was owned by a BT member. I can't remember who it was or if they moved to BC.
  11. [quote name='Rumble' post='23420' date='Jun 26 2007, 10:45 AM']Having just looked at the cost of a Lakland BG with J PUP ($4000) I think I'll be going the Fender route. Like you said Chris, I may get a P bass and see how I get on with it. I can always install the J PUP at the bridge if needed. For some reason I hadn't thought of doing that!! Great idea. Cheers.[/quote] It sounds like a P bass-special would be perfect for you. The American ones made between '96 and '98 featured vintage hardware and pickups (noiseless and passive). It has a Jazz neck and Jazz bridge pup, three controls and a gold anodized pickguard. They go for under £500 s/h. Here's how I hope mine to look after a paint job: or (Although the pg isn't this shiny in reality, I think I stole it from a '50s RI - sorry about the thumb-rest scrub) Anyone know of any other brands other than Fender that make/have made a vintage equipped p/j?
  12. Save up for a US one? Lakland are so cruel. [quote name='paul, the' post='21184' date='Jun 21 2007, 02:52 AM']If I had the money I'd probably own a USA Bob Glaub with rosewood jazz nk and bridge pup.[/quote]
  13. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RSC-BASS-MAJOR-VINTAGE-VALVE-AMPLIFIER-RARE-MULLARD_W0QQitemZ270137506265QQihZ017QQcategoryZ10171QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RSC-BASS-MAJOR-VINTA...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  14. [quote name='paul h' post='23391' date='Jun 26 2007, 09:57 AM']excellent for the £190 or so i think it cost me! it was light as a feather, played well and the active eq was pretty versatile. it was a little bit soulless though. no real character to it but it was definitely a usable bass.[/quote] Cheers, sounds a bit like my Samick. I've seen Toby Pros, OLP MMs and Aria Pro IIs go for less than that though - but it's certainly in mind - I like the bubinga with gold ones I've seen. Perhaps a pickup mod later in life would give it some personality.
  15. [quote name='paul h' post='23371' date='Jun 26 2007, 09:09 AM']short scale Satellite bought from a junk shop for £25 Hohner Arbor P. still one of the best necks i have ever played. Aria Pro II "the cat". Brandoni neck-thru self build! i think it was an Eko in a former life. MIJ Fender P. MIM Fender J 5 string. Shine 6 string. Mania 4 string. Wishbass custom 6 string fretless. (recently found it's way onto ebay) MTD KIngston. Fender Aerodyne. Squier Vintage Modified J. Yamaha BB614. i've still got the last 3. i feel like i have had a lot more, but this is all i can remember.[/quote] What did you think of the Mania Paul? I've always got the lingering thought in the back of my mind that I will one day sell up and by cheap electric, a combo and a reasonably expensive upright. The Mania basses have always been in the back of my mind. paul.
  16. It's an object's idiosyncrasies that give it character; that chip behind the 7th fret, the nail marks on the pickup cover. Your influence on such an emotive object make it very hard to part with. Playing a new bass or a friend's is an equally difficult task. I like the idea of a custom but I also like the idea of adapting to what I have.
  17. [quote name='zedcar' post='23178' date='Jun 25 2007, 07:53 PM']The only problem is I really wanted a maple neck. Looks like I'm just gonna have to wait.[/quote] That sucketh. I'd love to try one of the active Mexicans, I think it would be a very different beast to mine. The maple neck sounds most lush also.
  18. They're sneaky not mentioning the weight on the website. It's an important factor for me and my lady shoulders.
  19. I don't think Paypal is a great idea if the first item is an expensive international transaction. Verification can be a PainI'TheA' and having to explain to the buyer that you can't send it yet will only induce worry. The language barrier doesn't help either when sincerely stalling. Paypal does have the monopoly though, so you might not have much of an option. My best advice, and I'm sorry to be of so little help, is to read up as much as you can on Paypal and verification and wait for a few more posts on this thread. There are a lot of experienced Paypal users on here, inevitably, at least one would have gone through hell and high water trying to fix a pp problem. You'll be fine though. I just hope the buyer speaks good English and is experienced with Paypal - that will hope with the sympathy jk.
  20. Kay SG bass - circa '70s (still own) Samick MM bass (still own) Hondo II Harley Benton Acoustic (still own) MIA Fender Precision 1984 '62 RI MIA Fender Precision Bass Special 1997 Not an esteemed bunch. The sex was good.
  21. James Jamerson George Porter Junior John Paul Jones I think you could take your pick of any song featuring any of these bassists and form a very persuasive argument. If I had to pick; probably either "My Girl" or "For Once in My Life." The very fact that I still can't play "For Once in My Life" despite its deceptive simplicity adds to its genius. Having three different transcriptions doesn't help .
  22. [quote name='obbm' post='22802' date='Jun 24 2007, 11:20 PM']If you ever get the chance read [url="http://www.mofoster.com/books/index.html"]this[/url] To quote Mo, "[i]Around 1960 my school band, The Tradewinds, upgraded its back line of little 5 watt amplifiers with the purchase of a wedge-shaped, blue and white, 17 watt, 4-input, Watkins Dominator amplifier which, at £38/10/-, we could just afford between us. But the band was divided by the prospect of such awesome power: did we really need 17 watts?".[/i] The Dominator used 2 x EL84. The Vox AC30s used 4 x EL84 to get 30-watts and they are a loud 30-watts.[/quote] - to better days.
  23. I'm on the edge of my poof
  24. [quote name='Sean' post='22749' date='Jun 24 2007, 09:06 PM']My 44-02 is 7.5 lbs and my 55-02 is 9 lbs. I've played a load of other laklands and none of them were heavy. Lakland only let them go if they are under 10 lb - so they claim.[/quote] I was on about the Skyline for the compromise, apologies for my incoherence. I'm very very jealous you have a US Fralin equipped Lak'. Any pics on BC Sean? paul.
  25. Welcome to the very small P-special club. Let me know if you get one of the ltd ed 24kt gold pickguards. You'll like it here, it's warm and smells of mushy peas.
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