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Everything posted by Bassman77

  1. Well today I tried chopping up a car washing sponge and it worked pretty well, thanks for all the replys. Gaz
  2. Cool thanks for that !
  3. Hiya Anyone know where I can pick up some Labella deep talking flatwounds either online or mail order ? Cheers, Gaz
  4. Hiya all well I'm into a Motown phase at the moment and I'm looking for that deep mushy Jamerson sound from my MIM 60s Jazz bass, without having to get the Fender US 62 Precision re-issue!. Some months ago I fitted some flatwounds which when cranked on the neck pickup with the treble rolled down is close, but I need to deaden the strings more. Ive heard of people using erasers and other stuff under the strings to use as string mutes, anybody done this or have any other ideas?. (by the way I have got the big F ashtray bridge cover fitted) Cheers, Gaz
  5. I'll second that Rich, Im only 30, my band split about 2 and a half years ago, and I cannot find anyone of my age group willing to play the old crap that I'd love to play ! LOL
  6. 1st bass was a Vester P bass copy in red with a maple neck, not a bad bass actually, followed this with a 70s Ibanez Rick 4001 copy which was good................... for firewood !! LOL Gaz
  7. Blimey didn't know there were so many fellow cornish lads on here Cool !! I live just outside St Austell in the china clay country!, but as everyone from down here knows your always 10 minutes away from the beach ! Thanks for all the welcomes Gaz
  8. All My mums old 60s music inspired me to pick up the bass, especially the old Motown stuff, however I think the 1st bassline I learnt was Taxman by the Beatles. On a Vester P Bass copy through a Hohner guitar amp !
  9. Hi all good to be here, a proper UK based Bass site. I'm 30 years old been playing bass for around 14 years, but I can also play guitar and a bit on the drums too. Taught myself to play by ear, still learning everyday! I was in a band for 3 years, a rock n roll/rockabilly based outfit, we toured most of Devon/Cornwall and played a few places further up, I decided to leave in 2005 when I stopped enjoying the music. Since then I have done a few jam nights but no band action, must get myself back out there.! I bought my 1st bass in 1995 a cheap Vester Pbass copy, which was ok actually, traded this one in for a Ibanez Ricky 4001 copy which was horrid (neck like a railway sleeper!), Went through a couple of Epiphone EBOs, didnt like them. Then I stumbled across a mates Dad selling his 77 Precision not in very good nick, but its loud as hell and looks just like sid visious's one!. As for amps I have gone through a few Laney's a Hartke, them a few Peavey rigs, for home use I mess around on a Line 6 Lowdown. Influences primarily are John Entwistle, John Paul Jones, James Jamerson and so many more, I have a wide range in music tastes but cannot deal with really Heavy metal. Anyway enough waffling hope to speak to a you guys soon. Take care Gary
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