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Everything posted by ardi100

  1. I was going to suggest that. It looks like the same font as my Linebacker amp from the 80s.
  2. I use my Roland DB500 combo for rehearsals and gigs. Haven't done loads of gigs yet but for rehearsals it fills the room, and our drummer is loud. Playing a school hall with 1000 kids in it tomorrow so that should test it out!
  3. Nope, I don't get it either!
  4. [quote name='TPJ' post='355198' date='Dec 15 2008, 05:25 PM']That'll happen every time you play the DB. They are very gratifying to play. Enjoy and keep us posted.[/quote] Certainly happened at my gig last night. Not just mine either, it's great playing double bass where most acts are just acoustic guitars!
  5. Just had a great gig, unusually, covers only and the first time I've gigged my new double bass through my Roland DB500 combo. Sounded fantastic, even if the pickup was a super cheap borrowed jobbie! Can't wait for Tuesday's!
  6. FYI if you do want a nice bass, deaver is selling an ibanez SR900 in trans black with neck thru, barts and 3 band EQ on here for £315 + postage. This is a great bass, I nearly sold my American Jazz for one of these when they came into my shop!
  7. Good Luck!!
  8. [quote name='dougal' post='352716' date='Dec 12 2008, 02:13 PM']May I humbly suggest working through Vance for the southern end of things? [url="http://www.boosey.com/shop/prod/Vance-George-Progressive-Repertoire-Double-Bass-1-Book-CD/914712"]http://www.boosey.com/shop/prod/Vance-Geor...-Book-CD/914712[/url][/quote] Thanks for that, I'll tactically hint at it for Christmas - if there's any money left after the hints bout a pickup!
  9. I was teaching music genres to my Media Studies class this morning. Kids have little idea of where the music they listen to comes from. To illustrate Jazz i put on Fly me to the Moon (Sinatra) which they thought was OK, then I put on Coltrane Giant Steps. Most of them thought it was "alright"!. That's high praise indeed from 14 year olds!!
  10. [quote name='BigBeatNut' post='352057' date='Dec 11 2008, 06:59 PM']Have I got this right ... you've only just been introduced to the world of DB and it's been to a rehearsal already ?[/quote] Nay, a gig, last night! Actually, I played years ago back in Oz but had to leave my bass there. I hadn't picked one up for about 5 years with no real playing on DB for about 10! It's coming back to me slowly. First and thumb positions ok, anything further south is a bit wayward!
  11. First gig with my new double bass. No PA, all acoustic. Small room, hot and sweaty and my hands ache but it was great!
  12. My Mum made me play piano from when I was 8. When I say 'made', I really mean it! She would time my practice and I have vivid memories of coming off the piano and being told that 10 minutes weren't up yet! At 13 I got a hankering to play bass. Still not sure why. Loads of people told me I'd need to learn guitar first, thankfully I ignored them. It just so happened that my school had an amazing bass teacher (who I found out later, when I started learning double bass, was rather famous in Australia) who taught me well and nurtured my love for it. I've self taught guitar (badly) but only play drunkenly around campfires.
  13. [quote name='steviedee' post='347733' date='Dec 7 2008, 10:22 AM']Looks great![/quote] Is great!! Played at a full reheasal and it sounded great, played great and left me with a big stupid grin!!
  14. I put my feedback in my signature, but there's only one (That's all I could find!). What does that mean for someone being 'careful'?
  15. I'd get something from an established brand. Try second hand on here, but you'll struggle for anything decent at that price!
  16. Sorry for the spoiler!! There have been a few Trace Elliot 150W combos on here or ebay that would do the job. All you need is a decent amount of volume with a good DI out. Hartke, Ashdowne and Warwick are all pretty good.
  17. Buy the DB500 combo for sale in the fs section. It says 160W but it sounds way louder, it's small (not so light), has 2 digital channels so you can save 2 different sounds, has some effects (chorus and drive), sounds brilliant, is cheap and kennyrodge is a diamond gent to deal with. Did I leave anything out?
  18. Can't believe you're selling this! Have a bump for a brilliant combo that's amazing value.
  19. [quote name='MB1' post='347283' date='Dec 6 2008, 03:17 PM']MB1. "Ah!...So, your the lucky fella who bought the Zeller?...Sorry!...I'll get me Coat!". [/quote] Nice!!
  20. Helicore Hybrids were recommended so thats what I got. They sound pretty bright now but I think they'll settle down a bit. Medium gauge which, with such a good setup, are really easy to play. [attachment=16907:IMG_0458.JPG] [attachment=16906:IMG_0463.JPG]
  21. [quote name='Jezyorkshire' post='346919' date='Dec 6 2008, 12:13 AM']and get an estate car to get it about!,[/quote] Mine fits straight into the front of my 406 sedan. Even gats a passenger or 2!
  22. [attachment=16890:IMG_0454_2.JPG] [attachment=16891:IMG_0456.JPG]
  23. Cheers, How did your sale go? Or are you keeping it?
  24. I went ahead and bought my school's unused double bass. My fears it was too small were unfounded, turned out my measuring was suspect. It needed some work (new endpin, bridge, strings, tail wire and soundpost adjustment) and I've just got it back from Lawrence Dixon. Oh. My. God!! It's a different bass. Even my wife says it sounds beautiful!! Will post pics but having trouble uploading them. The action is so low, I'll have to stop finding excuses for bad playing!
  25. It's great, barely used it though, since I got my double bass.
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