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Everything posted by funkyspuke

  1. the 'sounds' coming from the GB stand were not to my liking .. it was like listening to guitars rather than basses They just sounded way too aggressive and (as described earlier) 'hissey'. was this totally down to the bass? or did the amps have a part to play? They looked amazing, that I can not deny, but basses like the Xotic & Fodera just sounded way more like what I prefer!
  2. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='983955' date='Oct 10 2010, 11:46 PM']Tried a Dingwall four string on a stand, and was suitably impressed with the fanned frets - Could get used to it.[/quote] I tried that 4 string Dingwall and was quite impressed. might have walked away with one had it been active. [quote name='molan' post='983977' date='Oct 11 2010, 12:53 AM']This is the bass that won the mini shoot-out round at my place with a couple of friends one day vs a Sadowsky NYC Will Lee & a Celinder J Update. It really is very nice to play & has a great sizzle & snap to it [/quote] I am not surprised that the Fodera won I only needed to hear Chris play a few notes and I could tell instantly
  3. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='983925' date='Oct 10 2010, 11:03 PM']Would have loved to try the Walnut Alleva Coppolo 4 string, amongst others.[/quote] Chris Da Bass tries that walnut Alleva and it was awful!! there was also a mojor build fault on the neck near the nut .. it just dipped away as if a chunk was missing! rather odd indeed!
  4. [quote name='umph' post='983915' date='Oct 10 2010, 11:01 PM']was there not much amp porn?[/quote] Markbass and matamp were there .. but didn't look at the amps that much to be honest
  5. that would be the one wish I had £3k on me so I could have taken it home!
  6. this is the bass that made me buy a sadowsky! totally amazing bass and great price! shouldn't take long for this to sell
  7. hey, I was there and it was awesome! spent most of my time playing the Alleva and the Fodera NYC! the Fodera 4 string (in red) was amazing ... best bass of the day IMO.
  8. hehe it's looking very good sir should be able to sort valenti next Friday with you excited I am [quote name='LukeFRC' post='981841' date='Oct 8 2010, 06:05 PM']encouraging past tense there luke! [/quote]
  9. the modulus was 18v running off two 9v batteries ... I swear it was so powerful that if I'd have played at 88mph, I would have gone back to 1985! [quote name='LukeFRC' post='981090' date='Oct 7 2010, 11:48 PM']one of them was the same guy selling and buying it back again (and he made a trade offer on it to me too) possibly selling too. It is strange though, i guess on basschat once it has gone down to a cheaper price than it's possibly worth, noone is going to try sell at profit and its cheap enough to try for a while. I'm unsure. I bought it v. quickly because if i liked it it was an awesome bass for a silly price. As it is i realised within a day that something about the sound with the preamp meant it wasnt the bass for me. It just didn't feel like 'my' bass (as compared to the 75 which has been sitting about getting played evey 10 min.) and the active sound wasn't what i wanted. so so playable though, if i had any way on earth justifying 4 basses, i would keep it. BTW it's an 18v preamp nino got running (at 18v) off a single 9v battery. it's pretty powerful even passive...[/quote]
  10. what I can't understand is how so many people have have let this valenti go! I have just been looking back at the history and it's had about 5 owners!! madness
  11. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='980443' date='Oct 7 2010, 12:30 PM']Thats one hell of a good looking bass!! [/quote] indeed it is .. and soon it shall be mine! mine I tell thee! muhahahahahahaha tis a very nice looking P Bass as well though
  12. might be going to bass day in Manchester people ... so more than happy to bring this along for people who might want to see it, or even do a deal and save on delivery etc
  13. every bass had it's own unique tone .. but I must admit that (not being biased haha) the Valenti sounded really nice
  14. [quote name='Nell-E' post='979947' date='Oct 6 2010, 09:54 PM']Arrgh... I'm all out of unused basses to trade! If you play guitar I can throw a mint condition Jazzmaster your way with a bit of cash on top. How about a Nintendo Wii? Armani watch? I want it so bad! Life = Not fair[/quote] I'll take all 4 of those please ... and some gucci perfume for the lady
  15. come on people, £900 for a top flea bass there is a bass I want so bad it's killing me that I can't have it! had another jam tonight and was so hoping to have my new one tonight if needs, let me see some decent trade offers (sorry LukeFRC haha) jazz me up with a sadowsky, lakeland, sandberg or even a nice fender
  16. lovely looking sadowsky indeed
  17. Monday morning bump ... £900 and I will pay postage. I would like to get the full asking price for this, but am always open to offers
  18. come on people .. aaaaamazing bass for stupidly decent price. I want my new bass
  19. [quote name='Nell-E' post='975726' date='Oct 3 2010, 09:25 AM']Why oh why did I spend £800 on a 5 string $$ Streamer last month. I've been wanting a Flea bass for eons! My heart bleeds! [/quote] why oh why didn't I just bite the bullet a month ago and put this up for sale then!! have had lots of very interesting trade offers and one cash offer (although the lad has just stopped contacting me all of a sudden), but nothing firm as of yet!
  20. my worry is that people describe Barts as dark, warm and rounded sounding ... where as I love the crunch and top end that you get from Sadowskys own pickups. but then my modulus flea has Barts and they sounded awesome
  21. so from what I am hearing so far, would the Barts be better for an active set up?
  22. haha .. but I don't see why modulus wouldn't be able to do that! it's a custom bass
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