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Everything posted by JetKing

  1. Did this sell?
  2. [quote name='CliveT' timestamp='1334590653' post='1618126'] Out of interest which PSU did you get? I tried a cheap one once from ebay once and it the pedal hummed when I plugged it in. [/quote] [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/9V-GUITAR-EFFECT-PEDAL-POWER-SUPPLY-5-WAY-DAISY-CHAIN-/150569460382?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item230ea3a29e"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/9V-GUITAR-EFFECT-PEDAL-POWER-SUPPLY-5-WAY-DAISY-CHAIN-/150569460382?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item230ea3a29e[/url] It was this one. Though I haven't tried it yet so I can't vouch for it.
  3. [size=5][sup]I've noticed the same thing with mine, I'm sure it will drian the battery a bit more but I can't say by how much. I was using batteries in my effects as well since I only have 3 pedals at the moment but I'm sick of changing batteries and have just ordered a daisy chained power supply off ebay (the last straw came when I forgot to unplug the jack leads from my MXR288 the other night only to find the battery completely dead the next day).[/sup][/size] [size=5][sup]The power supply definately makes sense economically when you look at the price (mine was ~£11) compared with battery changes. Plus there's nothing more annoying than being stuck without a tuner or effect because the battery has run out.[/sup][/size]
  4. Played a battle of the bands once where we each had about 12" square to play in. I couldn't move a muscle for fear of whacking our lead guitarist with my headstock. In the end the judges criticised us for being too static on stage!
  5. Talent-wise I'm sure I could be easily replaced since I only started playing bass to join our band (used to play drums). However the band had tried other bass players before but couldn't find anyone that fitted in personality, age etc. These types of things are very important to how a band gets along. Talent is only part of a much bigger equation.
  6. [quote name='obbm' timestamp='1326306750' post='1495281'] I pcked up a Boss TU-50 from here and mounted it with a dbx compressor and a GK MB200 is a half-rack case I giot from Ebay. One day I'm going transplant it into a 1/2 rack size aluminium flightcase. [/quote] This is brilliant. I've just got an MB200 myself and I've already started thinking of a rack mounted compressor and maybe a separate power amp so I can extend to two cabs for bigger gigs.
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1325683407' post='1486008'] Why wait? You could get one of these right now, just to be going on with... [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B000KIPUQG/ref=asc_df_B000KIPUQG5839712?smid=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&tag=googlecouk06-21&linkCode=asn&creative=22206&creativeASIN=B000KIPUQG"]http://www.amazon.co...ASIN=B000KIPUQG[/url] Recommended! [/quote] Yeah, that might be worth a look, all the reviews seem positive...
  8. Being realistic I'd be happy with a giggable rig in the next few weeks and a Sansamp or similar later in the year. Or if my New-Job-AS bears fruit then some more goodies might be on the cards....
  9. Any pics or an idea of what condition it's in?
  10. Why does one of these never come up for sale in NI?
  11. Apparently I put on a 'sex face' when I'm playing in an intense live situation. I've also noticed I stand on one leg a lot.
  12. No worries, good luck with the sale. I'd consider buying it but then I'd have to get my amp sold before I could get a cab. Looks like I'll have to stick with what I have until the new year though...
  13. Could a chain of pedals be set up to get power the same way (assuming all are 9V)? I suppose the power supply would need a pretty hefty current rating...
  14. Just a feeler here but would you consider a trade for the following? [url="http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_amps_detail.asp?stock=06070716481129"]http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_amps_detail.asp?stock=06070716481129[/url] Bought only around a year ago, never gigged, just used for practice and recording. Nice range of sounds and surprisingly loud for it's size. I just want something a bit more suitable for gigging...
  15. I was playing in a new rehearsal room last night and the amp they had there was a Behringer BXL3000 (I think). Could not get a nice sound out of the octaver at all Everything I tried was really harsh sounding. Has anyone else had this kind of difficulty when switching between amps?
  16. My girlfriend has been to all of our gigs even though she was at uni in another country for some of them, and for my last birthday she bought me a big muff pi and made me the cake that's in my profile pic
  17. Our band is in a similar situation, we too are having a bit of trouble extending our range beyond our circle of friends. We've held a few gigs recently that were well supported by our mates but any support slots we've done have had a poor crowd so no luck there. We made it to the final of a fairly big battle of the bands that would have helped if we'd won as the prizes included recording time, support slots and radio play but unfortunately we didn't win. We're now concentrating on getting an EP recorded over the winter and plan to spend a bit of money on promotion when it's time to release it next spring. Just as an aside we've discussing the fact that being based in Northern Ireland doesn't seem to help. There have been a lot of bands that seem to be on their way up, getting radio play etc only to peter out. We think this is because they don't make an impact on the mainland UK scene and therefore can only go so far before they stall. Hopefully next year we'll be in a position to challenge this There's some useful info on here that hopefully be of use to us as well.
  18. [quote name='Nyl' timestamp='1318511550' post='1403119'] girlfriend saying..but you have enough basses now [/quote] My girlfriend says 'why do you need another pedal? You only have two feet!'
  19. Open E string tuned down to D, plucked just hard enough that it starts to sound like a squadron of helicopters in the distance
  20. Got a fantastic sound with the dry at about 12 and the growl and girth both full on. It just fills the air with a thick octavey goodness. It's not the most useable sound but for one of our tunes it'll be spot on. Also got some nice sounds following it with my Big Muff.
  21. One of these pedals is making it's way to me as I type. I'll get some settings up after messing around with it this weekend
  22. [quote name='squire5' post='1369207' date='Sep 11 2011, 10:58 AM']To any of the N.Ireland BCers.You know the Canal Court Hotel in Newry???.[/quote] I know it well. Memories of quite a few Saturday nights spent drinking in there (not too many memories of a few others...) Our gig last was night was support slot in Ma Nelson's in Belfast. It was quite good, we played 8 songs and all went quite well except for the guitar players wah pedal conking out leaving him to having improvise a few solos and our drummer stopped playing in the middle of an instrumental in one song (he thought the song was over). We managed to keep playing and he brought the drums back in in a sensible place so I don't think anyone even noticed. Not that the crowd was very big anyway. The joys of playing live eh? Still, I really enjoyed it. It's been a busy few months with gigs but we don't have another one scheduled at the moment. We're off to the studio next month to do some recording so for the next few weeks I'll be doing some serious work on my technique...
  23. [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1333043' date='Aug 9 2011, 12:29 AM']Welcome. Why sell the drum kit? I still have guitars / keyboard / bongo's but bass is the main thing at the moment. I would love a full drum kit to add to the collection! I'm getting a saxophone soon too [/quote] Basically our drummer needed a decent kit and I needed the money. Plus I knew he'd buy it and give me a decent price because he'd played it and knew how good it sounded. I still gave him a bargain though. I'll buy another one someday hopefully once I get some decent bass gear. Wouldn't mind a cajon in the meantime though...
  24. Thanks guys. Yeah, it's unfortunately the case that not everyone who has played drums has good rhythm. After teaching drums for a while I can vouch for this.
  25. Hi All. Yes, that's right I turned my back on drums to learn bass as my mates couldn't find a bassist for their band. I've been playing just over a year now and I'm starting to get the hang of it but I've lots more to learn. I haven't looked back yet although I do sometimes regret selling my drum kit. I live in Belfast and have a day job that takes up way too much time that could be better spent learning songs and working on technique but that's how it goes. Our band is called The Idle Revival, you can check us out on FaceBook. I suppose we play a melodic/psychadelic kinda indie rock. Gear-wise, I have an Ibanez JetKing Bass and a wee Line6 amp for practicing/recording. Luckily my boss lends me his Peavey amp for gigs but I'm looking out for a half decent gigging amp. I also dabble with a bit of Bass Big Muff Pi (a kind birthday pressie from my girlfriend) and I will definately add some more pedals as funds become available. I waste way too many hours on YouTube looking at vids of pedals, amps and gear that I can't afford. I've just joined the site and I've already seen loads of info that has answered a few of the burning questions I've had. Looking forward to a bit of debate and banter with you all. JetKing
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