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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. This is why it is a good idea to regularly practice amped up, rather than just acoustically. Any sloppiness can be a scarey thing when plugged in and playing at gig volume
  2. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1431369354' post='2770620'] Great, so the basses we have so far are: Maple Precision/Lozz196 Rosewood Precision/Seashell Rosewood EBMM Stingray/Jazzneck [/quote] Lozz, I could bring a G&L along again but only if you promise not to forget it and leave it languishing in its case (I'm not bitter really)
  3. I treated my wife to one of these for her jewellery making, comes in very handy when I undertaking work to basses. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Lightcraft-LC8093EUK-Table-Magnifier-Lamp/dp/B00336VD18/ref=sr_1_16?ie=UTF8&qid=1431371628&sr=8-16&keywords=magnifying+lamp
  4. Black on black 74 that I had a while back [url="https://flic.kr/p/jzkoFe"][/url] I thought the gold anodized looked pretty splendid on this one that I built. [url="https://flic.kr/p/fk9MrP"][/url]
  5. I've bought a couple of p/gs over the years from that seller. All good and when I did have a problem with one, they changed it with no fuss. Agree with Mr. Discreet about avoiding the cheaper tort guards.
  6. Nice one Rich. Good price too, especially given that you got a case and lead with it. Seeing that the p/g is damaged, you can take the opportunity to fit a 3 ply black one
  7. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1431304734' post='2769858'] I still have a hard time dealing with the fact that you guys in the UK play 2 hour bar gigs and for us here in the States it's 4 hours. Blue [/quote] I wouldn't be able to do it these days Blue. It would mean retirement from gigging for me. I had to rest up all day yesterday to recover from a 2 hour 30 min gig on Saturday night
  8. Only ever use Duracells for all my devices.
  9. Hard work for us in a social club, even though we played very well.
  10. If you are definitely happy with this gauge of string, then it would be worth doing some filing to get them sitting correctly. I have used needle/jewellers files and with a cautious approach it worked fine. I do plan to treat myself to a proper set at some point but decent ones are a quite an investment.
  11. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1431258515' post='2769277'] I'm not sure how relevant this might be to you, but in near on 40 years of me playing bass other than breaking a string I have never had to revert to my back-up! Maybe I have just been lucky? I'd keep both P's Lozz and not worry about trying to match the sounds too much, the chances of it being that critical are rather minimal imo. [/quote] I tend to agree with Highfox on this. But also I know that you love your 70's basses. Just to add even more confusion to the mix, how about looking for a lighter 70's P. You know you wanted that suggestion really
  12. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1431245886' post='2769059'] [attachment=191702:Hercules.jpg] Hercules. I've used them for years. You lower your bass into the spring-loaded clip and it closes around the neck. [/quote] Same here, used one for a good few years now at home and for gigs. They are robust, well made and easy to use. Not sure whether the foam would affect the cellulose finish. Almost certainly not for the short duration that it is in use at a gig but might be worth checking with the manufacturer if you are looking at long term use.
  13. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Raffle prizes include:[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]MM RAY4 SUB Bass in Walnut Satin Ernie Ball Regular Bass strings (6 sets) 12 Ernie Ball Black Poly Straps Various stickers ETC "Plectrum Technique"[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] by Stu Clayton[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]"Advanced Studies for Bass Guitar" by Stuart Clayton[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Various items from D'Addario (to be announce)[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]A couple of years worth of Bass Guitar Magazines, in very lovely condition.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Some very worthwhile prizes.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Any additional donations to the prize list would be great. [/font][/color]
  14. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1431008264' post='2766847'] Sod the amp ... how about identifying those pants! [/quote] I also think it's a Carlsbro
  15. [quote name='crez5150' timestamp='1431004660' post='2766798'] Most of the Socials we play have fairly large stages and pay at least double what the local pubs pay..... I like them. Meat Raffle anyone? [/quote] Yes, the meat raffle is more enthusiastically received than the band.
  16. The Sweet often had, what I thought were good B sides, much more Rock than Pop.
  17. Social clubs, such a joy to play The first time we played at what has since become a regular gig for us, an elderly couple sat down just in front of the stage. We launched in to our first number and she immediately stuck her fingers in her ears and sat there with a thundery face on. I looked at her husband and was pleased to see that he was enjoying himself and sort of bopping about in his seat. I noticed a little while later, when we were on a break that he was still "enjoying" himself, he had a twitch They sit at the same table every time we play there. Sorry Jack, it's not Dartford but it could be.
  18. [quote name='lastanthem88' timestamp='1425847344' post='2711465'] Had to share this with the bass community. I picked up an Orange BB414 about five years ago now, it was £120.00 in my local music shop second hand - at the time I needed a back up bass, and thought it was brilliant for the money, I actually did gig it with stock pick ups etc a couple of times and it was great, maybe lacked a bit of the punch of my Fender J Bass Special but overall very impressed. I then was inspired by some natural 70's P basses I had seen on here and decided to take a sander to the beast, only forgetting that I'm about as technical and practical as Frank Spencer with a cold - the result can be seen in the first pic below. Ouch. I made a real mess, and discovered this was a job for the pro's, or those who are a dab hand! My guitarist has an impressive array of instruments, and one caught my eye - cosmetically aged, home built... he mentioned it was his old man (with a little help from himself) that had done it. He offered to have him take a look at my BB414, and I gave them the freedom to do what the hell they liked. A week and some Seymour Duncan Quarter Pounders later, and the results can be seen below, step by step with pictures - my very own 'signature' bass, created by the Taylor dynasty! We left the J style pick up in, it sounds great. I now have a bass I totally love, the pictures are pretty good but it looks even better in the flesh and sounds superb. Can't wait to gig with it! [/quote] That looks great.
  19. Think I would have risked it for £60 Rich. Maybe it's just a lightweight, not very grainy wood, rather than MDF. I'm guessing, if it wasn't to your liking, you could pretty much get your dosh back if you had to break it and sell the parts.
  20. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1430644438' post='2763227'] Gary, where was the coded-message - it could have saved all that messing about. Still, I`m sure at some pint we`ll find Jazzes that work for us. In all honesty if mine doesn`t sell I won`t be that fussed, it`s only cos I won`t use it in the band that I`m selling it and think it`s a waste sat at home. Great to hear about the Fralins Don - am looking forward to hearing them, the guys on Talkbass seem to rate them highly. [/quote] GAS attack prevented delivery of the coded message.
  21. Know exactly what you mean. I've had some extremely good instruments that I just haven't bonded with, even when I've really wanted to. Others irrelevant of their price point, perceived coolness or lack of, have become firm faves.
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