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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. [quote name='lowdowner' timestamp='1429642283' post='2753600'] Must be something in the water! Any particular groove-tonka catch your eye? [/quote] Well at the weekend I decided it had to be a Wal I actually have a very nice fretted P bass here, that I put together a couple of years back. I'm not gigging it these days, so what I'm thinking is, get myself a fretless neck for it. That way it won't be a costly exercise and if I don't get on with it, I can just swap the necks back and sell the fretless one again. If I do get on with the whole fretless thing, then it will be back to plan A and find a Wal.
  2. There might be one of the Bass Chat regional bass bashes that you could get along to, with fair chance of encountering a Wal.
  3. I've also found myself hankering for a fretless of late. Just when I thought I was all GAS free
  4. I've been playing disco tunes and also some rock today on this and it suits both styles very well. Even my not very accomplished slap sounded quite pleasing.
  5. [quote name='citymariner' timestamp='1429624688' post='2753348'] Karlfer, thanks for that - I forget you can daisy chain the cabs! No need to order another OBBM today then! [/quote] You're welcome
  6. No one is going to mock you for having a Squier, they are generally well regarded around these parts. I've used a Shuttle 6 for the last few years with a pair of Mark Bass 2 x 10"s. Powerful, versatile (in that one cab is enough for rehearsals) and lightweight.
  7. When I was gigging a Jazz a few years back an MXR M80 pedal did the trick and supplied all the oomph I desired
  8. My 1 metre OBBM cables are long enough when stacking my two MB 2 x 10"s vertically, if I "daisy chain" the cabs.
  9. [quote name='Raymondo' timestamp='1429543268' post='2752445'] I think I might have posted this before but KevB's post reminded me of this ..... I was playing my usual Saturday night gig at Route 66 in Puerto de Santiago Tenerife a few years back ...we played with our backs to the ,open,sliding doors.I noticed a little girl....no more than 5 or6 yrs old watching us along, with her toddler brother, from the street behind me.Their parents weren't far behind them so I took no more notice. When we finished our song she came up to me and said "excuse me" (in perfect English,they were a Scandinavian family) and gave me 10 cents from her purse ! The place was packed and as one all went "AAHH" it was so cute. they went on their way and we carried on playing .....I still have the 10 cents coin. [/quote] Was in there just a few weeks back Ray. Think they have recently had complaints about volume, Black Hole are now doing acoustic sets on a Friday night.
  10. In recent times I've been impressed with all of the rehearsal spaces that we have used. Things have certainly improved. A couple of nights back I went for an audition with a band at the Practice Roomz in Stevenage. The kit was all good, room very spacious, comfortable seating and everything clean.
  11. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1429260811' post='2749702'] I think some sort of test of this is on the cards for the hearts bash. [/quote] We did that last year, with a blind testing type set up. Can't remember the outcome now but seem to recall that I got the highest score for guessing which was maple and which was rosewood. Have to be honest though and say, it was probably more luck than judgement
  12. My Dingwall Super P/J has one and I love it, very versatile and a huge variation in tones available. It was already fitted when I purchased the bass, so I didn't have to make a decision. Have to agree with you that it is a little confusing. I can recommend the one that I have as a very worthwhile upgrade. If it helps I could photograph the packaging that came with it.
  13. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1429094342' post='2747856'] Shouldn't Gary Mac be on that list? [/quote] Thanks Jack, you have made me feel truly wanted
  14. Well done Mick, I plan on being there and looking forward to seeing you all again.
  15. Dingwall Super PJ has satisfied my modern bass desires.
  16. [quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1428832313' post='2744889'] Still here? What's gong on? If I had the room for this I'd snap it up in a heartbeat, such great value. GLWTS [/quote] [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1428834225' post='2744939'] It really is. IMHO it's the best non-white bass on here. [/quote] A thank you gents, type bump.
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