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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. With reference to what Lozz was saying, that's exactly why I like it. I tend to take just one of the cabs to rehearsals, both cabs to gigs. Eq stays pretty much the same. Adding the second cab gives you the full fat version
  2. Have a good one mate, will look forward to your post gig report.
  3. I sometimes gig my USA P deluxe through my rig, which is two 2" x10" MB cabs. That works very well and I've not felt the need for a 15" speaker.
  4. Clarky had a run in with them recently. Think he did get a refund. they had some excuse about moving office and things being a bit hectic. Hope you get sorted.
  5. Ad has been re opened for business.
  6. Kev pm me details of ad. When it was, title etc.
  7. I'm not sure that it is worth it, particularly if you might want to sell it on at a later date. The resale value will be affected. I would say go for an external pre amp in pedal form, an MXR 80 or similar.
  8. Tyler was a pleasure to deal with. I didn't get messed about, he turned up at the appointed time, played my bass, liked it and paid up. The perfect Bass Chatter
  9. [quote name='TJ Spicer' timestamp='1424006882' post='2691423'] PM'd! [/quote] Thanks TJ pm back at you. And a bump whilst I'm here
  10. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1423990261' post='2691120'] It did indeed, at the Herts Bass Bash, and it wasn`t a close call - it won by miles. [/quote] But you did forget to get my SB1 out of its case
  11. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1424001379' post='2691311'] Is this slab fronted or is there a forearm contour? [/quote] This is the slab fronted model.
  12. Good luck with it Paul. It's good to be self critical but there is a fine line, it is quite possible to be overly critical to a point where you effectively depress yourself in to not playing at all I'm with Lozz on the advice front and infact I do the same. All the best mate.
  13. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1423953207' post='2690933'] They will never catch on those fender thingies... [/quote] Good man.
  14. Tom is everything else good with the tribute? I played Grangur's one a while back and that seemed like a very decent instrument.
  15. I wasn't aware that there were any quiet G&L's Both of mine are very loud, so much so that they have been christened the bra worriers by the girls in the band. Apparently I make their supporting wires vibrate and resonate in not too pleasing a fashion.
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