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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. I just play each and every note on the instrument, first unplugged and then through an amp. No tunes necessary.
  2. One of my faves. I recommend the album "A nod's as Good as a Wink" Just love their feel, it sounds a bit loose and like it could all fall to bits. [size=4] [/size]
  3. [quote name='Skinnyman' timestamp='1417776054' post='2623862'] Thank you. No, it's the black one. I looked long and hard at the blue beauty that was on here a while ago but SevenReason's black one just had something about it. Plus, he had the P pickup, guard and a Glock preamp all included which kind of made up my mind for me. Pics will come [/quote] Very nice, I was tempted by that one [size=4] [/size]
  4. Is it the blue one? Whichever one, congrats and get some pics up.
  5. There is far too much slating of Roger Waters. I was watching some footage a few nights back and thinking how what he was playing was exactly right for the particular number, very few notes but perfectly placed and very restrained.
  6. That must have been a disappointment, it went for less than it should have done. Someone got a lot of bass for that price.
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1417204170' post='2618263'] April..? That's a bit pessimistic! Though as you're on page 4, I can understand why... [/quote] Rather than being pessimistic, I look at it as enjoying a lovely instrument for a few more months......honest
  8. [quote name='gadgie' timestamp='1417183270' post='2617897'] I would reckon... yes it would have. [/quote] So do I but there was some really pleasing bass playing on that album.
  9. [size=6] IT'S JUST £85 [/size] [size=6] [/size][size=6] [/size] [size=6][size=1]BUMP[/size][/size]
  10. [quote name='Stuee' timestamp='1417044777' post='2616660'] I look at this ad daily, Gary. I really want it, but just can't justify it to my other half in the middle of a house renovation :-/ Argh! [/quote] I understand mate. you never know it might still be here when the house renovation is complete. [quote name='Rubbishatbass' timestamp='1417048860' post='2616688'] In 1981 I had one just like this save for the dark fingerboard and for it being a fretless ... had the thumb rest, the lot. I wish I still had it ... if I was single, I'd buy this just for the hell of it and not even play it which would be a shame but I'd just hang it on the wall or something. But I'm not so I can't get it through ... It's a beautiful piece of workmanship though ... [/quote] Cheers. [quote name='Tweedledum' timestamp='1417159172' post='2617544'] That's a beautiful bass indeed! I'll be in London next year in April. If it's still for sale by then, I'll come by and have a look at it... [/quote] I'll look forward to meeting you then
  11. Seeing your post and Robs has reminded me that I had to use my MXR M80 pre amp to get it sounding the way I like it.
  12. I love my Dingwall but have to admit that when gigging with it, I do have to mess a bit with eq'ing to get it sounding the way I like. The problem is probably me rather than the instrument, I'm just so used to my G&L's that are very much plug and play.
  13. Well that looks spectacular. Must be good to have kept you up all night. Great pics and write up.
  14. No worries. I'm not really in to the whole slap thing but couldn't resist a little slap and a few pops in our disco section, at last weeks gig. Mostly I play with a pick, along with some finger style and thumbing, so far these strings have been great with all styles.
  15. Thanks to Discreet, I'm a recent convert to Status Hot Wire half wounds. Silky smooth under the fingers but with the punch and growl that I usually favour in rounds.
  16. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1417137491' post='2617504'] that's not dramatic enough, can you please try again? [/quote]
  17. I think I would feel uncomfortable taking advantage of someones generosity and then spending money on a bass purchase. So for me it would have to be purchase a new amp. Not the reply you want to hear I guess but you did ask.
  18. About time for another bump, just in case there is anyone on Bass Chat who hasn't seen my ad
  19. Roy has proved to be another of the BC good guys. Pleasure to deal with. I'm happy to recommend him
  20. Our last visit to Hemel this year. Our lovely singer Loz. [url="https://flic.kr/p/p48x84"][/url] The basses ready for action. [url="https://flic.kr/p/pKkKws"][/url]
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