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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. gary mac


    Mark very kindly drove all the way over from South London to Mac towers to deliver my latest purchase. I'm very happy with the bass and it was a pleasure to meet up, drink tea and chat. Deal with confidence Bass Chatters, he is one of the good guys
  2. [url="https://flic.kr/p/nRxtF1"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/fz8xKo"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/fhJifN"][/url]
  3. Good work. Might try this on one of mine, thanks for posting.
  4. If you always thought P's a bit mmeh, not sure an Affinity will change your mind. Nowt wrong with them but can't see one exciting you much. Why not save a little more and aim for a Classic Vibe or Vintage Modified. But concerning Affinity prices check on Ebay completed/sold listings, there will be loads of them and you should be able to get a good idea on a fair price.
  5. The necks on the couple of vintage instruments that I've owned were good enough for me to not feel the need to swap them out.
  6. I swap between my Dingwall and Fenders, G&L's etc. with no problems. I suppose I do have to pay attention and be a little careful when playing the disco type octave lines, if going beyond 12th fret. I've not played any of Combustions but I'm sure the standard will be high.
  7. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1414942917' post='2594880'] Wow! How did you get Prince to stand in on guitar for you? [/quote]
  8. A £100 off bump. I've seen another bass that I fancy buying but would like to sell this first. So until this time next week this lovely P bass is available for the bargain price of £1,800.
  9. Defunkt go all Halloween [url="https://flic.kr/p/oXCHu9"][/url]
  10. Don't know if the answer to your question is here but it is a good resource anyway http://home.provide.net/~cfh/fender2.html
  11. Listening to Chris Squire, Fragile or the Yes Album through proper old school hi-fi
  12. Ours isn't until tomorrow night. We have rehearsed Monster Mash and we are wearing make up
  13. [quote name='NoirBass' timestamp='1414689572' post='2592314'] Always wanted to try one of these for the Bass Synth algo. How is it? [/quote] Sorry for the late reply. I don't know the answer, or should say I can't remember I could get it set up and try to record for you, just let me know.
  14. High or low, I'd be happy using DR Highbeams or D'addario Pro Steels.
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