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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. Great work. Good to see the baton is still out there and raising money.
  2. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1413225736' post='2576109'] Bump for a bass I'm trying not to buy myself [/quote] For you Rich, tea and biccies are part of the deal. The kettle is on standby. [quote name='sblueplanet' timestamp='1413223540' post='2576063'] Lovely bass and photos. I too can't understand why this hasn't sold. Sadly i'm a lefty. [/quote] Thanks sblueplanet
  3. Nige, after watching the vid this morning and seeing her fretting hand technique I was going to post and ask you if she played bass.
  4. [quote name='Kevin Dean' timestamp='1413203703' post='2575768'] I did the first gig the other night where the pub made us buy our own drinks !!! We got a great crowed in an otherwise empty pub , won't be playing there again . [/quote] You must have it good on the island, not many venues supply us with drinks. I've taken to taking my own along (non alcoholic)
  5. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1413040588' post='2574443'] Hoorah!! [/quote] Indeed. [quote name='Jigster' timestamp='1413049166' post='2574537'] Go Gaz, go Gaz [/quote] I'll be chuffed if this instrument stays within the Bass Chat family.
  6. Another bump for this great bass for not a lot of dosh.
  7. The BB1200's were superb. I had one that was my main gigging bass for a lot of years.
  8. Nice one Mark. My 80's G&L has been my regular gigging bass for the last four years. Love it. Yet to find a more powerful passive instrument. Hope you enjoy your one as much mate.
  9. I like everything about this. Such an interesting, absorbing mix of styles/influences. Really enjoyed listening to this Nige.
  10. I regularly gig a Genz Shuttle 6 and have been very happy with it. Have used the DI out on a few gigs and it has always been very good.
  11. [quote name='JamesFlashG' timestamp='1413038371' post='2574421'] can i put a half deposit down now and then pay rest next month and collect? I'm being serious [/quote] Of course. p.m. me and we can sort the details.
  12. [quote name='planer' timestamp='1412405218' post='2568599'] Mr Brightside by The Killers, I've been having a tinker with this on my own this week, and played it with the boys last night, a good fun song. [/quote] That one seems to always go down well. We haven't played it in a while but I would like to see it back in the set.
  13. Bit late notice but just in case any BC'ers fancy a night of beer at cheap prices and a rather fun band. Stanstead Abbotts Club. High Street. Stanstead Abbotts. Herts. SG12 8AB. [url="https://flic.kr/p/p48xTc"][/url]
  14. Got to commend you on sending in the lovely Mrs. G to infiltrate the WAGS.
  15. Thanks for posting that Jack, I will save it and watch another time. This afternoon I need to be learning new tunes for tonights band rehearsal and don't want to get distracted. Fragile and The Yes Album are still my faves and get regularly played here.
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