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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1412169031' post='2566374'] Yes "the new p/g" needs drilling, no mention of if there's an old one though [/quote] That hadn't occurred to me [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1412170591' post='2566404'] Hi guys, sorry for making this such a big deal! The old p/g and the body both have holes drilled, but whoever did it obviously used too big a bit! Not a problem for the body, which was plugged and redrilled, but I want to make sure I get the new p/g holes correct. Thanks again for all assistance. Gareth [/quote] No worries. Sorry if I have some how just made it all the more confusing. The 3/32" drill bit was a nice snug fit in the holes drilled in the p/g of my 75 P.
  2. Learning these today ready to add to our set [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEo9Bh679wM[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWhkbDMISl8[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGU_4-5RaxU[/media]
  3. Don't know what occurred with my metric conversion, put it down to a pre caffeine brain malfunction
  4. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1412160535' post='2566218'] 3/32" is almost 2.5mm BTW & if you want a clearance hole in the pickguard for the screw you'll probably need 3 or 3.5mm. Is the old scratch plate already drilled? Can you try a drill through the hole/s in that? [/quote] John, I think it's the p/g that needs drilling.
  5. Good on you for being so determined to learn. I have arthritis in both hands, it comes and goes and as yet is not too serious. On the days when it's painful, particularly if it's a gig day, then I just play in whatever way is least painful. Thumb if I have to, and then swap between fingers and pick. If you do end up playing with a pick, don't consider it a fail. Musicians who say that playing with a pick is somehow wrong or shows less skill, should be ashamed of themselves. Its a totally relevant technique and for some music is almost essential and much more efficient than fingers or thumb. Ideally a bass player should be able to employ all of the techniques.
  6. [quote name='DiMarco' timestamp='1408234019' post='2528322'] Mine. [/quote]What a great pic, love it
  7. Right, just removed the tug bar from my 75 to have a look. A 3/32" drill bit is what you want. In metric I think approx .8mm
  8. Glad you got that all fixed up Rich. Hope the band practice goes well.
  9. if no one else has answered by the morning, I will have a measure up .
  10. I'm a regular visitor to his website. Not yet made a purchase but I suspect it's only a matter of time. Thanks for the heads up
  11. Last time I fitted one, I just used a very small bit (1.5 mm or thereabouts) to start a pilot hole and then let the screw do the work. Unless the body is a very hard wood that will work just fine.
  12. Yep, what Tim said. Kiogon can supply you the pots all wired up and ready to pop in, with no soldering required.
  13. [quote name='Groove Harder' timestamp='1411926828' post='2563998'] You know how to take a photo man, very nice. Surprised this is still here actually...! [/quote] A thanks for the compliment bump
  14. My recent purchase and gigged with at the weekend [url="https://flic.kr/p/pkNgcf"][/url]
  15. [quote name='ikay' timestamp='1411994481' post='2564612'] Doesn't the intonation screw just need a regular Philips screwdriver (small/medium ish size)? [/quote] Yep, mine does.
  16. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1411923489' post='2563939'] Looking at the pic again you're dead right. That'd explain why disconnecting the leg of the cap would cut the sound out totally. Gary: remove that red capacitor and replace it with a piece of wire, shuffle the crimp connectors about to match your working cab and you should end up with two cabs the same. [/quote] Thanks Ian, carried out the alteration as per your instruction and very happy to report that all is good. Working as it should now. . Thanks to everyone else who contributed.
  17. I love their version of The Locomotion, keep suggesting it to my band mates but it has been rejected
  18. [quote name='rmorris' timestamp='1411943078' post='2564257'] Are we sure the red component is a capacitor ? I thought it might be a MOV Varistor for Overvoltage protection ? [/quote] If large parts of the South East are plunged in to darkness later today, please presume that it was an Overvoltage protector
  19. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1411918820' post='2563876'] Nice one Gary, I`ve found that the Mono GS1 strap really helps as well - especially with my 10lb `78 Precision. [/quote] thanks Lozz, maybe I will treat myself to a new strap. [quote name='rOB' timestamp='1411920892' post='2563905'] Good to hear. Good luck with it. [/quote] Cheers rOB
  20. I managed to miss your ad Paul. I had been looking for a lighter bass for a while and just recently got one. This would have certainly tempted me. It's got to go soon.
  21. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1411923489' post='2563939'] Looking at the pic again you're dead right. That'd explain why disconnecting the leg of the cap would cut the sound out totally. Gary: remove that red capacitor and replace it with a piece of wire, shuffle the crimp connectors about to match your working cab and you should end up with two cabs the same. [/quote] Will give that a go sometime over the next few days, thanks for all the help chaps.
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