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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. I've recently been struggling a bit with shoulder pain during and post gig. I usually gig one of my G&L or Fender P basses, none of them are heavy at around 9lbs but most of our gigs are three sets spanning about two and a half hours. By the third set I find it pretty painful, even with a comfort strap. I do own some lighter Fenders and a Dingwall but don't really feel that I want to gig them in pubs. So, I've been on the look out for something light but not too costly. Got this Bass Collection 401 a couple of weeks back. Spent some time cleaning, polishing and getting the wiring sorted. Gave it a decent set up and took it out to gig with last night. I was fearful that it would not have the oomph of my usual gigging basses but I didn't need to worry and the drummer complained that the bass was rattling his rib cage It weighs 7lb and happy to report that I finished the gig pain free. So for the foreseeable, unless we start doing shorter gigs or playing a different sort of establishment, I shall be gigging this. [url="https://flic.kr/p/pkNgcf"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/piMPkm"][/url]
  2. Thanks for all the pointers chaps, I shall investigate further next week sometime.
  3. Don't think in this instance you can be surprised really. Don't let it fester and wind you up, have a word.
  4. Morning Rich. I had considered that but haven't actually tried it yet. After tonights gig we have a two week break, so I will take the opportunity of further investigation then. Thanks for the suggestion.
  5. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1411757201' post='2562611'] Liking my current cabs VERY much, surprisingly more than the B/F S12V I used for 18 months. Shame the Carvin overhangs a bit [url="http://s1354.photobucket.com/user/Karl_Altdorfer/media/DSCF0644_zpsdde44cfc.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] I've recently been stacking my MB 2 x 10"s vertically and wishing I had done it earlier. Don't know if it sounds any different out front to the punters but it's certainly better for me, getting some sound up closer to the ears. Nice set up Karl.
  6. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1411745882' post='2562512'] Oh that`s really bad. Having seen many suffer with this, including close relatives, my sympathies are with not just Malcolm, but his family and the band. It`s a rotten didease/condition that doens`t just affect the actual sufferer. [/quote] So right Lozz.
  7. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1411723037' post='2562221'] TBH I never bother with sound samples as all they show is how the bass sounds when the person selling it plays it through their rig/recording set up. I know from personal experience that it will sound nothing like that when I play through my rig. [/quote] Agreed but if people ask, then it's better to be obliging.
  8. Enjoy the gig, I'm sure it will sound superb and be a pleasure to play.
  9. [quote name='BassBunny' timestamp='1411642437' post='2561417'] If you look at the connections on the offending speaker, the driver/horn are connected to HF1 and HF3, whereas on the OK one it is HF1 and HF2. Still reckon John could be right, a new Speakon socket from Audiospares and then hopefully it can all go back as it should be. [/quote] I thought it might be that but swapping them over made no difference. Thanks though.
  10. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1411640686' post='2561386'] Hi Gary, The only thing I can suggest is that the metal contact inside the Speakon has moved/broken/fallen out & I'd say a replacement socket will most likely fix it! Cheerz, John [/quote] It is working though John, just not as loud as when using the other input.
  11. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1411543926' post='2560437'] That sounds suspiciously like a cunning plan. [/quote] Ian, I had the soldering iron out this morning for another job, so thought I might as try your suggestion on that capacitor. Unsoldered the leg to the tag. The result being no sound at all from that input, the other still worked as it should. I'm a bit stumped really
  12. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1411629509' post='2561235'] Another pic from a recent festival we played. [attachment=172518:10262140_1503092273271707_2670977579732010704_n.jpg] [/quote] You went and nodded off there and missed your bass solo Dave
  13. He's been unwell for a while I believe, i don't know what with though.
  14. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1411597290' post='2561152'] You guys seem so young, well most of the pics are of young guys.Where are the pics of my 60 plus brothers? [/quote] Blue go back a few pics and you will find this old codger Technically I'm not quite one of your 60+ brothers, though post gig I think I feel like one of the 70+ brothers.
  15. Good man Mark. Hope young Discreet sticks with it.
  16. That is a beaut. Love the roasted maple. Worth the wait by the looks of it.
  17. The BC'er I purchased it from didn't tell me about any "improvements", so don't know the answer to that Stoo.
  18. gary mac


    What a splendid wife and instrument.
  19. I'll join in with a few shots [url="https://flic.kr/p/p49vkT"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/pkmq3T"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/p48Jxu"][/url]
  20. [quote name='Vinny' timestamp='1411482304' post='2559907'] I was thinking of getting a Sandberg decal put on this, do you think it looks the part? [url="http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad50/vinnybassist/soundcheck_zps94d87c5e.jpg"]http://i920.photobuc...zps94d87c5e.jpg[/url] [/quote] Like your style.
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