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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1411502336' post='2560217'] Ah. You know that saying 'a picture is worth a thousand words'? The first picture shows a PCB that has been played with by someone. The soldering on CN2 isn't great, the capacitor near the R1 label has had the hotglue scraped away and that capacitor strapped onto the back of CN2 doesn't look like it was originally there. I'd be inclined to desolder one leg of that red capacitor and see what happens. [/quote] Thanks Ian. I wonder why the capacitor was added. Anyway, I will do as you suggest, although will leave it until after this weekends gig. Then if I get any bother, there will be a little more time for me to sort it before the next gig.
  2. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1411416335' post='2559393'] Nah, all gone now Russ, it`s a pale imitation of itself now, is The White Hart. Shame, I spent many a night (and shilling) in there. I suppose mine is more pitbull chewing wasp Gary, I look daft & simple most of the time, but sometimes needs can bring a change. To be honest, I think the bolivian marching powder is more of an issue in there. [/quote] Have to agree with you on the marching powder.
  3. Great post Fumps. On a morning that finds me in a mentally glum place, you have cheered me up.
  4. [quote name='Stompbox' timestamp='1411240406' post='2557860'] Nice instrument! GLWTS. [/quote] Thanks for that and it's still here awaiting a new home.
  5. [quote name='Thebassman75' timestamp='1411364675' post='2558692'] Thanks for the offer but I'm selling all but one of my basses. Just sold 4 x 70's P-Basses so couldn't really take in another one! :-) [/quote] No worries.
  6. I[quote name='icastle' timestamp='1411341025' post='2558644'] Reflow the solder joints to make totally sure they're good. If that doesn't fix it then it's going to be a replacement socket. HTH [/quote] Ian I've just been having another look and listen. The faulty socket is actually working but is much quieter than the other one. No crackling or cutting in and out, it just doesn't put out anywhere near the volume of the other input. I've actually got two of these cabs, so I thought I would look under the hood of the other one, to get a comparison. Didn't help much as the panel in the other has one less component. Take a look at the pics for a better idea. The first pic shows the panel in the cab with the fault. The second pic is just for a comparison and is from my other cab which is all functioning as it should. [url="https://flic.kr/p/p4dJvT"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/p4cGwB"][/url]
  7. Thanks for that Rich. If one is needed that will save a big search, good man.
  8. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1411371513' post='2558739'] Lovin' the frontline Gary [/quote] Concurred John.
  9. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1411371354' post='2558735'] Nice one Gazza! Near us too. Do you have a particular night in mind? [/quote] The date is up there matey but in the tag line [size=6]SATURDAY 27TH SEPTEMBER[/size] [size=6] [/size][size=6] [/size] [size=6] [/size]
  10. 9 p.m. start We will be playing three sets and finish at midnight. Free entry and a friendly sort of pub. [url="https://flic.kr/p/grKxBB"][/url]
  11. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1411334121' post='2558587'] Not surprised to hear of the abuse Gary, some pillock in there tried that with me when I played there a few weeks back. My best Paddington Stare got the effect required. [/quote] May be we both got heckled by the same pillock I'm afraid my menacing stare is not convincing Lozz and would probably just result in me getting a wallop
  12. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1411327205' post='2558492'] That is totally out of order. Really sorry to hear that Gary. [/quote]. thanks Rich. Goes with the territory , I think. Does sting a bit sometimes though.
  13. [quote name='Thebassman75' timestamp='1411312649' post='2558326'] Thanks.. Doesn't seem to be much love for it on here [/quote] Patience bassman75, have you seen how long my 75 P bass has been up for? Maybe we could have a trade.
  14. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1411323313' post='2558434'] The White Hart? Man that was my main stomping ground way back in.....OMG in the 70's.....I feel old It must have changed in there, there was never room to get a band in. [/quote] Don't think it has changed the band area is quite bijou I feel old as well mate, especially after last night when one of the drunken punters gave me abuse concerning my age.
  15. One of the input sockets on my Mark Bass 2 x 10" has failed. Not a huge problem because there are two inputs but I would prefer to fix it. I've had a look inside, expecting to find a failed solder joint/loose cable but there is nowt visibly wrong. So, any ideas as to the likely cause please?
  16. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1411301860' post='2558220'] That is a really extreme response isn't it? It surprising that the landlord doesn't warn the act he books. [/quote] Rich, I don't think he was worried, as most of them were facing him and ordering drinks.
  17. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1411297058' post='2558173'] Agree, I depped for a rock-covers band in there and it was largely met in silence - and it wasn`t cos of my playing, apparently it`s always like that in there. Obviously not a rockers pub (unlike in the day when it was known as Fraggle Rock due to the odd multi-coloured haircuts that went in there, myself being one of them). [/quote] It caught us by surprise last night, we were playing some disco stuff and had the whole of the main floor area full of dancers, next up was Plug in Baby by Muse, by the time we got to the first chorus the floor had cleared and just about everyone had turned their backs on us. the set list will need a tweak before our November visit.
  18. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1411281638' post='2558027'] Couldn`t make it in the end Gary, sorry `bout that, had band stuff to do. Hope all went well. [/quote] No worries Lozz, maybe next time. We had a good night, they like their soul, disco and dance in there. Some of our more rock numbers not so well received.
  19. It is still available Stevie. I have got it advertised elsewhere, someone made contact earlier today but we've not actually made any arrangements for a viewing as yet.
  20. Nice one Nige, just been and checked out her site.
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