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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. Would loved to have been there. Just have to hope for a DVD at some point.
  2. Welcome aboard from an exEnfieldian
  3. Our first visit to The Punch House. We start at 9 p.m. Free entry. We have a very mixed/varied set, focused on up beat and fun
  4. Longest break I had was about 14 years. Getting married, having kids and running my own business took up all my time and energy. During that time I would still occasionally play a bit of keyboard or acoustic guitar but that was it.
  5. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1408726714' post='2533033'] I'm bumping this because it is lovely (although Insufficiently battered of course). [/quote] Thanks Geek. I'm thinking about relicing it
  6. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1408867381' post='2534082'] I really should have heeded Gary's advice, as the same thing happened to me last night! [/quote] Unbelievably it happened to me again last night Brand new replacement strap lock fitted yesterday pre gig, right in the middle of a number it failed, I had to adopt the rather naff looking pose, of foot up on the kick drum support to allow me to get through the remainder of the song. Years of incident free strap related issues and then two nights in a row. Grolsh bottle top washers from here on in.
  7. Lozz what about if you took off the front grill panel, wrap some some sort of grill cloth material over and around it, then refit the whole lot. Then you just remove it again when you want be less punk.
  8. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1408793174' post='2533508'] The best and safest way to use Schaller strap locks is to keep them separate from the strap, attach the strap to the bass as normal, then clip the locks on. Otherwise metal is rubbing against metal with the weight of the bass. The buttons have been known to shear off. [/quote] It hadn't occurred to me, to use them like that
  9. I had a strap lock fail whilst gigging last night, fortunately no damage but it made playing a bit tricky, until a point in the song where the bass was not required for a bar or two. In the poor light I couldn't see what the problem was but on further investigation this morning, in decent light and with the aid of a magnifying glass it was evident that wear on the little retractable lug was the problem. Mine have certainly seen a lot of gigs, so maybe to be expected but it wasn't something that had occurred to me to check. I've put a new set on this morning and will in future check regularly for signs of wear. Just wanted to put this up as a warning to other Schaller strap lock users, it might save an embarrassing and potentially instrument damaging incident . If you are out gigging tonight, go check em now
  10. That didn't happen with the Trace combo I had. The idea is that when the extra cab is connected you will be able to deliver the max wattage.
  11. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1408690993' post='2532490'] It certainly appears so. And it has the thumbs up from Louisa too. [/quote] All good then mate. Just seen the pic, looks great.
  12. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1408655403' post='2532350'] Thanks for the excellent ideas here. What you've convinced me to do here today is keep everything and still go and try the G&L. I did just that. Its a SB-2 Tribute in burgundy red. with a perl white pick guard and rosewood neck. It sounds great and in new condition except for the addition of a thumb rest. I'll probably be experimenting with strings soon too. Many thanks to all.. You're amazing. [/quote] So Rich, is the G&L taking up residence in Grangur Towers?
  13. [quote name='andyonbass' timestamp='1408681553' post='2532454'] Nice to see a relic that doesn't look like it's been attacked with an angle grinder......Nicely done! [/quote] Totally agree
  14. I have on a couple of occasions been in dep situations where some reggae has cropped up. Tracks that I had heard over the years but never played. I got by reasonably well, without annoying the band or audience, by just keeping it sparse, a few well chosen roots and runs and plenty of space.
  15. That's a handsome combination of woods. Hope you enjoy.
  16. Free entry. Friendly crowd who like to have a dance. It will be fun. We start at 9.
  17. Good place to put them Welcome to the forum, look forward to seeing your vids.
  18. Getting in to a band will be great for you Rich, pleased to hear it. A few years back I regularly gigged a 100 watt combo. Mostly it could be heard but didn't really possess enough headroom to do it in a pleasing fashion. It all sounded a bit flubby (tech term) and like it was going to give up and expire. Things may have been better if an extension cab could have been added but with this particular combo, it wasn't possible. If a second cab could be added to the Roland, then maybe it would be enough for you. It will depend on a number of factors of course, not least the drummer. If a cab can be added to your Roland, you could borrow one of my Mark Bass Cabs and see how it sounds and whether it's loud enough. Don't know much about Ashdown kit but I'm sure there are plenty on here who do.
  19. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1408170093' post='2527722'] Thanks for the drink last night. We enjoyed the gig, type bump . [/quote] Good to see you and a thanks for the bump type of bump
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