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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. Might be worth at least getting someone in the know to take a look at your TC. I know there is a well respected amp repair man in Essex, just can't recall his name at the mo.
  2. A few days rest from playing if possible. I've had to do the same over the last week for the same reason.
  3. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1405774471' post='2505138'] In what way is my post arrogant? Pat Badger probably isn't very well known on here, that's all. And as for posting a clip, the OP doesn't have to do anything but if he had I imagine he would have received a more positive response. Not everyone feels inclined to go search the internet on a whim but if an example is given I know I myself would have a listen and help the OP if I could. No 'arrogance' there at all, genuinely trying to help the OP. [/quote] I don't think many of us would have thought your reply to be arrogant.
  4. Went to see her a few year back at the Cambridge Corn Exchange, a very enjoyable gig
  5. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1404992757' post='2497627'] This then got me thinking about when, at a pro-gig, the guitarists (mainly) have a new guitar handed to them for each track. I guess this is because each track demands different tuning. So much for fans living under the illusion that [i]*insert name of well-know guitarist*[/i] is a brilliant musician. It's clearly mostly smoke and mirrors. [/quote] Not necessarily Rich, I know a couple of guitarists, one in particular, who plays superbly well but hasn't a clue as to what key he is playing in, or even the name of the chord. But can work out a tune from just a quick listen.
  6. Check out the pinned subject on this very subject on the General Discussion page.
  7. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1405517969' post='2502616'] I think many musicians don't realise that music is cultural. You have to grow up in, or at least immerse yourself in, the cultural aspects of the music you want to play, be that Latin, Middle Eastern, Indian, African, Asian, Caribbean or whatever. Just listening to a bit of the music and expecting to be able to execute its cultural nuances is an almost guaranteed fail. [/quote] So are you saying I need to be a tad more tolerant then Nige?
  8. Glad it went well, great pics.
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1405507289' post='2502475'] I had need to learn the bass line to 'I Shot The Sherrif' for a jam night pub band a while back, which I did - but unfortunately the rest of the band were unable to play the song as it is recorded here - the drummer in particular had no fecking idea whatsoever - so I had to bastardise it just so we could get through it which peed me off no end! It's a lovely line though, and his tone on this is superb. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXmhyc_QynE[/media] [/quote] It amazes me how many musicians can play Rock in a convincing manner but can have a total fail when it comes to Reggae, or, come to think of it Funk and Disco. There have been occasions when I've left the room thanks to a guitarist thinking he was funking it up
  10. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1405448144' post='2502000'] He's one of 'The Men' I reckon the simpler you play reggae the more likely it is to sound like reggae. And play on the beat, don't try dragging because you'll sound like white man dub When you get the feel of it, then you can start messing, only as long as you feel it. [/quote] so right Nige.
  11. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1405353621' post='2501131'] Shame that [i]some[/i] subsequent posters have used it as a platform to extend their sly, unpleasant mockery of BC-er Thunderbird beyond the thread he posted elsewhere [edit: and which is now locked]. AFAIC, a small clique of members have been idly ganging up on someone when they could profitably be contemplating the meaning of the word 'community'. [/quote] I also felt uncomfortable and actually very disappointed at the way Thunderbird was being mocked by some of the people that I've always previously had respect for.
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1405335030' post='2500836'] Ask him if he can play with a pick... [/quote]
  13. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1405177418' post='2499444'] Regarding feedback, I recently sent out some brand- new- but - cut to length strings on approval before payment ( at my suggestion) to a member who has excellent feedback from some senior Basschatters. The individual in question then claimed the E string had broken. No problem I said, I have another almost identical practically unused E string I can send you later today , shall I do that ? No reply, so after 24 hours I sent it anyway just in case he needed it , all at my own expense. The next thing , I get a PM saying he has bought a new set that afternoon, "what do you want to do? " I replied that he could keep the strings as a spare set with my compliments. What pisses me off is firstly that the fellow didn't tell me he had decided to buy a new set, and thus save me the expense and inconvenience of sending a replacement string, and, far, far more than that, after I told him to keep the strings for free, he didn't even say thank you or indeed acknowledge me in any way. Not so much as a" hello", "goodbye" or" kiss my arse". That is quite literally the definition of ignorant behaviour. Presumably he regards me with such disregard that I am not worth one more moment of his attention. All the other Basschat members that have had dealings with this chap apparently think he is wonderful. To me, he is the worst kind of timewaster, even if it is over a very small item. I didn't leave any feedback for fear of rocking the boat and causing a dispute that have no time or energy to get involved in , but it does make you wonder how reliable some people's feedback is. Are folks as likely to leave negative feedback as they are the positive kind when usually they are buzzing after buying something new that they like or getting paid for an item they wanted to sell? I couldn't really care less about such a small sum of money, but it is not nice to go out of your way to be fair to somebody and then be treated in such a contemptuous way. The chap is welcome to the strings, but he is not welcome to treat me like an idiot. That is Mrs Dingus' job. [/quote] I can totally understand why you would be hacked off
  14. Worth the wait then Paul? Looking good with those strings, sets it off rather splendidly.
  15. That is good Lozz. Not in the market for a new rig but a good heads up
  16. If I had a road crew, I would certainly still be using my old 90's Trace rig. Absolutely loved the sound. Like others have said there are some real good second hand bargains to be had.
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