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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. I've used this supplier and always enjoyed very good service and excellent products [url="http://www.rothkoandfrost.com/decals-print-stickers/"]http://www.rothkoand...print-stickers/[/url]
  2. gary mac


    Welcome, enjoy the site.
  3. [quote name='Westie9' timestamp='1404993909' post='2497647'] Another birth year here for me too.... Very nice... Good luck.... [/quote] Thanks and bump
  4. For me the answer would be, does it sound good/do I like it as it is? If yes, then leave the existing strings on, if no, then replace them. But for pity sake don't ask for string recommendations
  5. Looking good. I have similar on my USA Deluxe, as can be seen over there on the left
  6. Maybe Thunderbird should have contacted Thomann but he explained perfectly clearly why he didn't, still no need for such a snotty response from Warwick or some of the posters on here.
  7. Bob, didn't you say over on Talk Bass that the seller was supposedly in Penzance?
  8. Just been reading your post on TB, what a sorry tale. Welcome to Bass chat. Really hope someone will be able to assist you.
  9. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1404853995' post='2496455'] Stunning P [/quote] Thanks Kev.
  10. Bumping again and just wanted to say "IT'S VERY CHEAP"
  11. That looks like a winner Rob. I've been impressed with the quality of the Japanese Fenders and really think they represent great value. I've been gigging Prosteels on a couple of my P basses over the last six months or so and really rate them.
  12. No worries. Sorry can't help. I guess some Google searching will get you sorted
  13. Have you tried contacting Wal? I emailed them a while back and had a very helpful reply within a day or two.
  14. Same here but will leave it to you, we don't want to be bidding against each other.
  15. Check out this site [url="http://home.provide.net/~cfh/fender2.html"]http://home.provide....fh/fender2.html[/url] Actually can't recall if it covers Japanese instruments but if not, it's still a good reference source for Fender stuff
  16. Check everything is intact, no missing screws etc. Try to see if the truss rod nut is sound and not burred up and ideally check to see that it functions. Check for rattles, fret buzz, fret wear, high frets. etc. Check control pots function etc. Unless it has been seriously abused, I'm sure it will be fine, all the Japanese ones I've owned and played have been of a very good standard.
  17. I don't think that's a bad price for a retail outlet. Being a Japanese one there is a very good chance it will be an excellent instrument. Obviously give it a thorough going over and then decide if you like it. You can then always make an offer. Good luck.
  18. Hope it goes well St. Albans certainly has a busy music scene, I did a pub dep over there a couple of weeks back to a large and enthusiastic audience.
  19. Another thumbs up for Plug in Baby, always goes down well when we include it.
  20. Good luck, hope you raise loads of dosh. Remember to enjoy it
  21. Can relate to your frustration Paul, I've experienced the same and it can be very, very annoying. Tend not to worry so much now, having accepted that there are a fair number of ignorant twats about and that as membership numbers increase, then so do the chances of encountering more of said twats. On a plus note, there are still plenty of BC'ers who are a pleasure to deal with, the feedback forum being all the proof you need. Go have a look and have your faith re affirmed
  22. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1404753981' post='2495443'] did you tell her you was only the bass player tho? [/quote]
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