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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1404733134' post='2495114'] Hey, Edward how you doin? Nice to see you back.... love the shirt [/quote] concurred
  2. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1404727557' post='2495029'] Buy the stringray and think of it as the reason you're giving up smoking. No money on cigarettes, lots of money for gear [/quote] Good plan and one that I certainly went along with.
  3. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1404677898' post='2494679'] Apologies again for missing out your G&L Gary, great bass, wish I`d remembered to include it [/quote] No worries Lozz, you did a great job, despite the G&L tragedy.
  4. Great to meet up again and to meet some new BC'ers.
  5. Some real surprise results, I thought. It was much tougher than I imagined it would be. Great work by Loz.
  6. He is ok Clarky, life has been a bit hectic is what I heard.
  7. Will you bring it along to the bash tomorrow Lozz? Would like to take a look at it.
  8. A very warm welcome mate. Enjoy the site.
  9. Meant to say it might be a good idea to screen out the cavity with the correct type of tape or paint.
  10. No you don't have to have the brass plate. Plenty of my P basses don't/haven't.
  11. If you love the sound of the Overwater, then there's your answer. Mind you, I guess it will sound different with the frets out. No help at all then .
  12. Yes about the same for me and have to agree, it is a good website.
  13. Enjoy it mate but have no doubt, there will be a bout of GAS along at some point in the not too distant
  14. [quote name='4-string-thing' timestamp='1403898849' post='2487602'] In my experience, the smaller the kit, the better the drummer! [/quote] I sort of know where you are coming from I was depping last weekend, the band that were on before us had a very very efficient drummer, rock solid, grooving, nice swinging feel and didn't break a sweat. Oh and a little kit. The Drummer in the band I was with is damned fine as well but with a bigger kit.
  15. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1403863294' post='2487172'] You're welcome to drop by.......... [/quote] Good man, might just take you up on that in the not too distant.
  16. Mind you given my post count, should keep my mouth shut
  17. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1403856424' post='2487060'] Woo Hoo a thousand posts..... I really should find something more productive to do with my time [/quote] Congrats, now go get a life
  18. Still happy to bring along my G&L Lozz.
  19. Wish you all the best for your new venture. I had a few sets of Wizard pick ups and was always happy and impressed with the service.
  20. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1403790312' post='2486425'] Thanks Gary - I'll tell Dani at rehearsal tonight. [/quote] Please do. Enjoy your rehearsal.
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