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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. Apart from a quick trip out for a coffee this morning, I've been semi comatose on the settee all day. Gigging absolutely exhausts me, still love it but think it might time to retire.
  2. Looks like you got yourself a good deal
  3. Not one of our best last night. Second number in and the venues sound limiter did its job. Bloody hateful things. We discovered that it was very sensitive to G chords, so spent the night worrying with every approaching G. I made a few mistakes, caused by being too tired, watching the limiter and being on auto pilot. Having said all that, the audience loved us and were up and dancing from track one, set one and we have more bookings.
  4. A weekend bump. Surprised this hasn't gone yet. Dealers are selling similar, although not in such good condition and without the original case, for £200-£300 more.
  5. [quote name='ukulelelab' timestamp='1401306472' post='2462349'] Thanks everyone. That one spent the 80's and 90's locked away under a bed and is very special. It even smells good! [/quote] Know exactly what you mean about it smelling good, feel the same about one of my P basses
  6. Thanks for the bump. It doesn't control anything but midi devices can be connected.
  7. Bitsa's also get the the thumbs up from me, well some of them do . I've made up a few in recent years and two of them in particular turned out impressively good. One I sold on here last year and the other I still gig with and play at home most days.
  8. No messing about with Ian, made contact to say he wanted my speakers and came round and paid the next day. A fine BC'er
  9. If you have a P Bass project in mind, I doubt that you will find a better quality neck. It's as good as a USA made neck but a lot less expensive.
  10. That does feature some rather lovely timber.
  11. Will be interested to see how this turns out. The pickguards are available from an American site, can't recall who it is at the mo but I'm sure you can google it up. They are expensive though. I got the Bass Doc to make a single ply black replacement for my SB1. Do you plan on using the genuine G&L pups? They are most certainly worth the cost and are very, very punchy.
  12. Bump for a good bit of kit, which is at a bargain price.
  13. I should have said that the string was faulty, not a problem with my fitting abilities
  14. Has the inner core snapped? It can happen if not crimped properly. I had a problem with D'addario strings when restringing. Got on to their customer service lady and a new set were sent to me immediately.
  15. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1400762497' post='2456729'] I think that's unfair and presumptuous. I prefer to email, I'm not very confident on the phone, I don't enjoy phoning people I don't know. Email is way more comfortable for me, and I'm no timewaster - if I make an enquiry about something it's because I want to buy it. [/quote] Same here. With an email I can consider what I want to ask and ask all the questions in an orderly fashion. A phone call can be subject to distractions, poor sound quality and interuptions. My first enquiry is almost always via e mail. The ones who don't bother to respond, might get a second chance, just in case the email got lost in cyber space. I've e mailed Bass Direct a few times of late about a couple of different basses, I've had a reply every time, even out of shop hours. Now I've not actually made the purchase yet but that doesn't make me a time waster. They will get my business when I have the funds for that new instrument.
  16. I would certainly try a change of strings as the first option Rich. Had the same a while back setting up one of mine using old strings. A nice new shiny set of Pro Steels and all was good again.
  17. [quote name='Link' timestamp='1400873261' post='2457847'] Never thought of looking at online lessons are they as good as face to face ones? [/quote] I guess face to face has to be the best but online is certainly a viable option and it won't cost you anything, to at least test it out with some of the free ones.
  18. I always take a back up bass and amp. Never used either but law of sod dictates that if I left one at home, then that would be the very time it was needed.
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