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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. [attachment=158831:024.JPG][attachment=158832:018.JPG]
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1396011804' post='2408988'] They're a waste of time, really. I just use a very sharp knife - a lot easier to wash up, too. [/quote]
  3. This decrepit old sod wouldn't dream of disagreeing with a man of your expertise.
  4. Love it Mark.Great work by all involved.
  5. Welcome. Plenty of P bass love around here.
  6. [quote name='lowlandtrees' timestamp='1395870396' post='2407544'] Tried a guitar and got myself a really expensive bucket of firewood. [/quote]
  7. Welcome Mr Bramble, glad you've got yourself registered.
  8. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1395863630' post='2407412'] Yes, bit sneaky, they`ll take your money, but then refuse payout stating the responsibility was yours to read the small-print. [/quote] Which is exactly why I won't use them. They are sneaky, robbing gits I mostly use Paisley Freight these days.
  9. [quote name='I am not excane' timestamp='1395844701' post='2407028'] My bad [/quote] No worries, it meant that I revisited the thread and got to look at all those lovely pics of another cracking Wal bass.
  10. [quote name='greenmanhumming' timestamp='1383837611' post='2269809'] Provisionally sold, pending payment, and 3 more people in the queue if it falls through. Thanks for all the interest! [/quote]
  11. Hi chaps. This area of the forum is not heavily frequented, so although you are in the right spot for tutors, I would suggest that if you don't get a response, head over to General Discussion and put the question in there. Most likely that someone from your neck of the woods will spot it and be able to recommend a tutor.
  12. I'm chief in charge of poster delivering for the band. Depending on the distance involved, some get posted, some hand delivered. Some venues put them up, some don't bother. Typically, the ones that don't bother will be the ones that like to have a moan about the lack of punters.
  13. just as i hit the post button you put the black option on
  14. I've always thought the L2000 would look even better with a p/g. Will look forward to seeing the finished article. oh and the p/g would be black if it were mine.
  15. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1395771628' post='2406111'] Well, I solved the problem. This is what I did to solve it, in case it helps others who read this: I took the bass to bits, looked at the wiring, saw that it all seemed good, wondered about de-soldering it all and rewiring it up again and replacing the pot at the same time, decided against doing any of that, put everything back together again having basically done nothing, and the problem has now gone and it sounds great and works perfectly. Thanks for all your help everyone. [/quote] Wouldn't it be splendid if all repairs could be carried out using this method?
  16. ...............and another bump come and buy my rather lovely bass.
  17. Whoever buys this is going to be very happy. Not very often they come up for sale in such lovely nick and with all the original kit.
  18. Sometimes it is possible to rectify this fault by carefully bending the wiper. there are a number of vids on You Tube that will show you how. But if you are not worried about preserving the original pot you may as well just splash on a decent quality replacement.
  19. that looks in remarkably good nick, lovely
  20. [quote name='paulconnolly' timestamp='1395605802' post='2404307'] After updating on this thread this morning I've done Get Lucky, Even Flow and Reelin' In The Years. A great way to spend a couple of hours [/quote] All good fun to play
  21. Lovely looker. Bet it sounds huge, with those pups and the rather large pole pieces. Nice buy.
  22. Hope you get it sorted Richard. Will be interested to see how this op goes.
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