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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. Sounds like it's the right move for you. Good luck with it, hope you enjoy this one.
  2. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1395323741' post='2401111'] Bolt cutter in case of extended guitar solos. [/quote]
  3. I have been mocked by my bandmates for turning up at gigs with a flask of coffee. As JapanAxe a head torch is always in my gig bag. Migraine medication has been useful on a few occasions.
  4. Thanks for the info Steve. My local store only has a couple, one being an Epiphone and the other a Stagg. Maybe I'll have to travel a bit. On the plus side, I now have a mandolin case, my lovely wife got me one for my birthday yesterday. So this will spur me on to find something to put in it
  5. That's a shame So, are you disbanding or on the search for a new vocalist?
  6. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1395249364' post='2400224'] I know someone who plays guitar they have for 30 years they spend a lot of time and money on it and frankly he is still rubbish. I don't want to be that guy [/quote] He might be rubbish but does it matter? He has the time, he has the money and presumably he is enjoying. I've been playing since 1973 and as I've said on here before my enthusiasm is still greater than my talent and that's hopefully how it will continue to be. I'm by no means a virtuso player and my technical knowledge is limited but that has not stopped me from being a popular choice within the local music scene. Actually I suspect that's the very reason that I have stayed reasonably busy on the band front, Hopefully that does not sound big headed, it's really not meant to be, I was just trying to illustrate the point that it's not necessary to be able to replicate the bass lines of Jaco (for example) to be able to get on and play and enjoy playing. We are all different of course, it's just a case of finding that elusive happiness
  7. Yes saw this on FB and felt really disappointed for all involved. Really hope she gets the recognition she deserves and that Nige and the others can move on to something else that works for them.
  8. That looks good in the pics, might have to pay a visit to a local Maplins and take a look. Thanks for posting.
  9. I've been feeling that although my playing has improved through regular gigging, it has actually stagnated a bit in recent times. I practice most days but over the last few years it has been mostly learning sets for depping and new tunes for the covers band. So nothing structured, just getting the songs nailed. It has been bothering me a bit, so I started looking at lessons online. Checked out Scott's site, liked what I saw and signed up last week. Thoroughly enjoying trying out some different techniques and styles.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GfPlnkDwu4 and this B52's one. Not a challenging bass line.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZLLPaX4SS4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMOgSdc8OAI These two in readiness to hopefully add to our set.
  12. I cheated, couldn't keep my eyes closed and had to take a peek. Don't think I would have identified many of them correctly.
  13. Glad it went well bet you can't wait to do it all over again.
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1394905734' post='2396574'] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif] If your muting palm is being shredded by rough bridge barrel screws it's a simple enough matter to buy shorter ones, and the problem is no more. I've done this several times over the years. [/font] [/quote] Yes, same here Mark, I've purchased shorter ones and even sometimes just cut them down, tedious job that though
  15. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1394902041' post='2396519'] I use palm muting with a pick. I have been playing for many years and have never injured my self doing it!! [/quote] Same here. I do need to be careful if the saddle screws are sticking out proud of the bridge though. For me palm muting is preferable to sponge, because there will be some notes that I don't want muted.
  16. [quote name='Andy O'Neil' timestamp='1394734811' post='2394632'] Here's a free bump! ..with a question i have a 75 P also - and it has that same darkening around the pup under the pickguard. Whats the deal with this? Just curious if you knew, always wondered ! best - Andy. [/quote] Don't know the answer to that, sorry Andy but thanks for the bump. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1394743064' post='2394757'] If I had the cash it would have been bought, glass boxed and displayed on my bedroom wall!! Please someone buy it, in case I win the lottery and will subsequently need major negotiations with Mr Space Chick! [/quote] Debs, I've heard that Mr. Space Chick is very understanding and agreeable chap. He did mention to me that there was a perfect little space for a p bass on the bedroom wall, honest. [quote name='jamondrums' timestamp='1394744590' post='2394796'] Beautiful bass. As good as it looks. [/quote] Thanks Jay. and Mr. Phsycoandy Bump
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