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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. Tempted but not sure about buying from a business with the user name Ratfart
  2. Great work Paul, great write up and great photos, it's all great I love the look and sound. Sounds like like it was a real worthwhile project for you and you've ended up with a rather lovely instrument.
  3. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1394748626' post='2394883'] There's one here for £75 - not even a couple of weeks fag/beer money.. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/231334-harley-benton-mandocaster-reduced-to-l75/"]http://basschat.co.u...reduced-to-l75/[/url] [/quote] Yes, was looking at the ad earlier. Think I fancy something more traditional but it is tempting for that dosh.
  4. Thanks for that Tim, very helpful. Will check out the one you have and the other link.
  5. [quote name='richardd' timestamp='1394715941' post='2394319'] Will get some up later Gary Cannot stop playing it. [/quote] I understand . that is a cracker
  6. They are rather lovely. Where are the pics?
  7. Any tips/pointers, as to decent makes, what to look for, what to avoid etc.
  8. Hope it goes well James, good luck.
  9. Good on yer Report back after the gig and let us know how it went. don't forget the Gramma pad on Saturday
  10. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1394614116' post='2393225'] By the way, and [i]apropos [/i]of nothing, has anyone heard from TIM recently? [/quote] He spent some time checking out my P bass for sale ad
  11. That is an excellent price for a really good piece of kit. Already got one, otherwise I would have it
  12. I think there is most certainly an element of just wanting things that we perceive as being better and to a certain degree being able to afford to pay more as we progress through life. My first car was a ten year old Mark 1 Ford Cortina, at the time I loved it, cherished it and thought it was all I needed in a car, may be it was but I wouldn't want it now.
  13. Well done Mick Nothing in my diary for that day. Looking forward to seeing you all again.
  14. Some of you must be getting bored with this getting bumped every 36 hours or so. The only way you can stop this, is to come and buy it.
  15. I'm ok Jay, thanks. Was just wondering the other day whether you would still have my P bass, glad you have, it's a good one. good luck with your sale.
  16. Wow Jay that looks incredible. I'm not in the market for another P bass at the moment but that is very tempting, good luck.
  17. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOLvGYHemPo"]https://www.youtube....h?v=OOLvGYHemPo[/url] there you go
  18. There is a video that has been posted on here previously. I seem to recall that all the tonal variations were explored and explained. Don't think they all heavy and I have been very tempted myself.
  19. those old Tom & Jerry cartoons are just so good. Got them on a free app on my phone.
  20. You've got me worrying now Mine has been very reliable to date but after four or five years of regular gigging, I think I should get a spare valve. Mind you, I do carry a spare amp, so it's not too much of a worry.
  21. We knocked out a damn fine set last night, to our smallest crowd ever. The punters flocked in from yards around
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