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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. A put me out of my misery type bump Debs I think you are in mint condition. (I must remember to confess to my good wife that I have today unleashed a top chat up line and paid a compliment to another woman)
  2. gary mac


    Impressive. Good to hear about this kind of service.
  3. http://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/rothkoandfrostuk?_trksid=p2053788.m1543.l2754 I've used this seller a few times. Great service and quality product
  4. Time for another 36 hour bump, how time flies Getting on for 12,000 views now, I'm going for the Bass Chat record.
  5. I've left it alone for a day or two but plan to revisit it tomorrow, thanks for all the tips, pointers and info. Been looking at some Bernard Edwards clips, which is always a pleasure.
  6. I was very impressed with the Gotoh unit that I fitted to a P bass build. Not convinced it actually improves sustain, well not that I could hear but it's well engineered, efficient and easy to adjust. I would purchase another and certainly preferred the Gotoh over Badass.
  7. Are you keen for it to still sound like an Orange cab, or are you after a different end result?
  8. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1393922377' post='2385745'] Not vague at all - I can see exactly where you're coming from on that. [/quote] Same here, nicely summed up. Also as Pete said, need to relax.
  9. I'm actually suffering physical pain playing disco stuff . Last week we introduced Donna Summer's Hot Stuff in to our set. This is the first tune in years that has caused me any grief. It must be the galloping along pace, coupled with all the octaving. My hand feels like it's contracting in to a claw and the cramp starts in my forearm. I'm really not sure whether to persevere with it or come up with an alternative bass line. Additionally, I mostly play with a pick but this is one of the few tunes that I can't play efficiently with my trusty plectrum. I'm finding it works better with thumb and third finger, although I do lose a little volume.
  10. If it's always going to bug you, then I would say do it again Rich.
  11. Always a pleasure to see another vintage P.
  12. I was just playing along to Roundabout by Yes. Might see if I can have fun and incorporate a bit of Mr. Squire's work in to Mustang Sally at tonight's Social Club gig.
  13. I can't remember what it's like under the pick guard on that model. If no one comes along to answer, guess you'll have to take a peek under the pg. Sorry, no help at all really but I just didn't like seeing your question hanging here with no responses. Just wait till they all get home from the Bass Show, bet you will be inundated.
  14. Having decided not to go this year, due to the fact that I'm gigging tonight and was also concerned about the slap fest aspect, I had just been saying to my wife this morning, that maybe I would go along tomorrow after all. Changing my mind again having seen the posts above, about slapping and noise levels. not sure what to do now
  15. Chris, assuming that there is no actual water ingress through roof/walls/floor, then it just a case of controlling the humidity level. Slightly easier said than done mind. If you are willing to through some cash at it, then you need to look at insulation, ventilation, back ground heat. In the first instance and as a cost effective starting point I would look at putting a decent de-humidifier in there. Once this has had a chance to dry things out and lower the humidity then you can tackle the problem. Damp Proofing, Condensation control and water proofing was what I did prior to encountering my current health problems. Let me know if you want any advice, always happy to help.
  16. Chuffed for you, that looks lovely.
  17. Think DR Highbeams are my faves. I am currently trying out D'addario Pro Steels on a couple of my basses, so far so good but need to do a few more gigs to be able to make a comparison with the DR's.
  18. Also have used this site [url="http://www.axesrus.co.uk/Bass-Parts-s/1868.htm"]http://www.axesrus.c...arts-s/1868.htm[/url]
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