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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. I've had a couple of these [url="http://www.guitarselectric.co.uk/product/precision_bass_scratch_plates"]http://www.guitarsel..._scratch_plates[/url] good fit, good price.
  2. Must try a barefaced myself one of these days. Like you though, I also gig an 80's SB1 and have to be really aware of good technique, not that that is a bad thing of course. I was aware at one point during a gig at the weekend just gone, that I had lapsed a bit with my palm muting and there was an awful lot of ringing going on from adjacent strings. Seem to get this more with the G&L than any of my other instruments but it's still my fave gigging bass. Anyway hope you are happy with your purchase.
  3. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1393399195' post='2379680'] Thanks for posting. Words fail.... [/quote] Same from me.
  4. [quote name='Diablo' timestamp='1393325790' post='2378653'] Very true, but in the absence of my deep knowledge on such things the ability to visit London, talk to people who know their onions, try several out and do it all on 2 days means I can make the most of a visit and hopefully come home with something. GAS and the sale of some stuff recently has taken over me....! Thanks for the shops above, looks like an afternoon on the phone and email and line up some visits. What I really want is an original 1974 J-bass, but there are none on the forum hence my shop search. Cheers, Rich [/quote] I'm sure I recently saw a 74 J on here.
  5. If you are coming down via the A1 might be worth checking out Coda in Stevenage. I was over there a while back and they had a few.
  6. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1393273903' post='2378180'] after house of the rising sun obviously [/quote] how did you know
  7. Another straight forward transaction with Terry. Great Bass Chatter, heartily recommended.
  8. gary mac


    Very nice, if I wasn't firmly in the micro head camp these days, this is the amp I would have.
  9. Congrats, looks like a good un.
  10. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1393191397' post='2377246'] Lovely crowd pleaser that Gary [/quote] That's what we aim for Debs
  11. Gigged last night with the newly fitted Pro Steels. So far so good. Plenty of oomph, bright but pleasingly so. Still sounding good at the end of a long, hot set.
  12. Feel for you. Maybe it has something to do with that particular model. I was handed one at a open mic night and played along very badly to Dakota, felt a total fool. The weight threw me, the action was way high and the strap was far too long for me, so the bass was all low slung rock stylee.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IdEhvuNxV8 Learning this one tomorrow. Not today, I rarely play my basses the day after a gig, well unless there is another gig
  14. Yes guess so, if you want to replicate it as close to the original as poss. With a drummer and guitars going full pelt, for me it was close enough, Maybe I was just being a tight wad
  15. I played this with the last rock band I was with and always enjoyed it. Didn't use any effects but drove the preamp side of the amp quite hard, just clipping slightly.
  16. A Sunday morning bump for my rather lovely bass.
  17. You are certainly getting the tinkering/modding bug Richard. Looking forward to seeing the finished job.
  18. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1393025244' post='2375502'] Keep my volume low so as not to offend the singer who often reminds me not to turn it up during the set..... [/quote] IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT.......... DO NOT PANDER TO SINGERS This sort of thing just encourages their diva tendancies.
  19. [quote name='Thunderpaws' timestamp='1393002501' post='2375186'] With my G&L my volume is at about 75%. Seems to work/sound better with my amp that way. Think it's fairly HOT. [/quote] I find the same when using my G&L. When I'm using a Fender P the volume tends to be on full but I do make adjustments with the tone setting.
  20. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1392839109' post='2373404'] I think you should keep it Gary or better still give it to me [/quote] Given your nicotine withdrawal, cravings and general humpiness, there is a risk that you might smash it up. Jesting aside, good luck with the quiting.
  21. Does Mr Chili have the oldest most vintage instrument on BC. Wow 1870.
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