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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1392921091' post='2374272'] I know! I mean it's a tortoise. It's not like trying to catch gamefish is it? [/quote]
  2. Who needs sensible advice when GAS is calling?
  3. Not gigged with either, although I have tried out a few Mark Bass amps and have been impressed by all of them. If the Ampeg is giving you the sound you like and is reliable, may be save yourself the expense. If you just fancy an upgrade, then hope you enjoy
  4. 36 hours and 2 minutes since my last bump [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1392710679' post='2371760'] With 10,270 views, have you thought of charging an entrance fee Gary? If you'd charged 25p a look you'd have paid for this ages ago. [/quote]
  5. A very enjoyable afternoon tea time read, thanks Tim. The bass player in the That'll be the Day show was using one for a good few numbers. It sounded impressively good.
  6. Mr Discreet's recommendation is a good one John. A while back now, I finally got cheesed off enough to ditch IE, went with Google chrome. It was a good move
  7. Richard, sorry to hear this. Hope you get sorted pronto.
  8. Click on the link Tim, you will have fun. Lozz there was a whole lot of pretty impressive instrument swapping going on last night.
  9. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1392657094' post='2371168'] £20 for unlimited adverts is bl**dy cheap compared to the fees on eBay/Paypal and gets you a specialist bass audience Up to you [/quote] Thanks Clarky you have saved me from having to type that
  10. That does have a pleasing feel and groove. Not my usual sort of thing but I enjoyed, so thanks
  11. Welcome aboard. This site is one I've used for parts http://www.axesrus.co.uk/ BC'er Kiogon does some splendidly good wiring kits,
  12. They do use some lovely looking timber. Love the headstock design as well.
  13. Anyone seen it, not the film with David Essex but the travelling show? Wasn't sure that I much fancied it but my good wife got us some tickets and told me not to be a miserable git. Ended up having a thoroughly enjoyable evening, some great muscianship from a talented, versatile bunch, playing a bit of everything, from early rock 'n' roll, pop, rock, disco, motown, glam. Even a Chas 'n' Dave parody. Some nice basses used during the evening and very tasty bass playing. Anyway, recommended. Next time it visits these parts, we will be booking tickets.
  14. Think I would be tempted to replace the blown speaker, assuming that is the only fault and then get an extension cab. Maybe a 1 x 15". Giving you a nice powerful rig. Back in the days when I could lift the kit I had a Trace combo. It was good but always seemed to lack a little something, until I added an extension cab, which really did the trick. I'm sure I would still be using it now, if it hadn't been necessary for me to go all lightweight.
  15. Very interesting Chris, I will certainly be tuning in.
  16. Lovely, I was seriously tempted by this when littleal was selling. Need to sell my 70's P bass to free up some dosh. by which time this will be gone I'm sure
  17. Not sure that I've put the complete album up. Check it out though it's worth a visit.
  18. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1Jv7s3CXGM&list=PL8A317D8F1BE2ABFE[/media] Some very nice bass work on this one.
  19. Yep came to the same conclusion as you Lozz but beat you by a few years.
  20. Glad you sorted it. Hope you enjoy the bass, they are a lovely looking instrument.
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