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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. [quote name='PhilAllGaps1' timestamp='1392373500' post='2367838'] Hi, very interested. Whereabouts in Herts are you? Phil. [/quote] Pm'd you Phil
  2. Not sure Clarky but anyways I'm more interested in what was inside the case.
  3. Thought this would go pretty quickly at this price . May be off to Ebay soon. But as a tempter, I'll knock another tenner off, so it's just [b]£ 115.00 [/b]now.
  4. They look the business Mark, thanks for the link.
  5. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1392319077' post='2367387'] About $64,000 I'd imagine [/quote]
  6. Think I would be leaving the Ibanez intact and looking for a P bass. If you don't like it or the blues project doesn't pan out, you should be able to sell it fairly easily and still have your two others basses as they should be. Welcome by the way.
  7. Always one on a wall hanger and one on a Hercules stand. All others in their hard cases.
  8. Just strung a couple of my basses with Pro Steels. They sound marvelous at home volume level, so I'm looking forward to trying them out at gig volume next week. Having just read NJ's post above, hoping they don't go off too quickly.
  9. I love a bargain Loz but don't think personally I would risk it with an amp. Having said that I have had hardware, bodies etc shipped over, without incident. But on the whole items that were more robust than an amp. My last amp purchase was made the old fashioned way by taking a trip to Gig Gear, as I was fearful of having it posted within our own shores.
  10. Bask in the glory my man. I've experienced the same thing after a few recent gigs. It always catches me out and I don't respond to it very well, usually a mumbled thank you and slightly bashful shuffling about on the spot.
  11. Can't really answer your question about size etc. but would say unless there is a fault with the existing ones, i.e. not keeping the instrument in tune, I would save your dosh.
  12. [quote name='gavin.bass78' timestamp='1392057724' post='2364191'] Hi at the mo I'm learning pink floyd -money kings of leon-razz kasabian-fast fuse as I'm not in a band it's just for fun [/quote] Money, one of the first lines I learnt back in 73ish.
  13. .....can be so pleasurable. Just spent an hour or so cleaning and restringing my Wal and G&L and it has made me very happy. I'm so easily pleased these days
  14. Thanks for your interest spacey. Just checked through all my pics, thinking I had taken one showing the whole thing but it would seem that I didn't. My pics above do show just about every detail though. Let me know, if you really need the portrait shot and I'll sort it tomorrow,
  15. G & L should probably be on your radar. Many consider the P's that Leo designed at that point of his career to be the best. [url="http://www.glguitars.com/instruments/USA/basses/LB-100/index.asp"]http://www.glguitars...B-100/index.asp[/url] [url="http://www.glguitars.com/instruments/USA/basses/SB1/index.asp"]http://www.glguitars...s/SB1/index.asp[/url] The pups in the SB1's are seriously hot.
  16. Start work early, don't have a lunch break, finish late. Sorted.
  17. Thing is Myke, a lot of the set that I play, I wouldn't choose to sit and listen to at home. The band I'm with at the moment, unlike a lot of bands that I see about and bands I've been with in the past, tend to play stuff that hopefully is generally of a feel good nature and gets the audience dancing. Get the girls bopping about and the chaps will be close by and spending at the bar; this means happy bar/club owner and we get invited back. It works for us
  18. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1391986500' post='2363388'] Why?! [/quote]
  19. It can be so tough, so I'm not surprised you've had a restless night Lozz. You're not alone mate, I'm sure that most of us who have been in bands, have at some point been in the same position. For me, once it stops being fun then it's time to move on.
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