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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1387729081' post='2314949'] Gentle affectionate rubs to your sore head my dear friend x [/quote] Thanks Debs, This was not the treatment dished out by my band mates
  2. [quote name='bobpalt' timestamp='1387738344' post='2315108'] Played my last ever gig with the band I've been with for 13 years yesterday at the local Golf Club's Christmas party, before I retire to go travelling with the good lady. Brilliant! The guys made it into just the best night ever, changing the words of half of the songs in the second set (when the audience were well oiled) into anything that remotely sounded like or rhymed with "Bob" or "Sue" or "Bob and Sue"! (Sue is our lighting lady as well as having suffered wedded bliss with me for the last 37 years, so will probably be missed as much if not more than me by the band). Our front man must have told the audience half a dozen times that I was leaving that night, and in turn I was showered with hugs, kisses and adulation (!) from them. I dug my lucky bass players pork pie hat out of retirement, played the Pedulla Sue gave me 12 years ago on our silver wedding and don't think I made a mistake all night, and we all went back to one of the guy's houses for cheese, biscuits and whiskey afterwards. They gave me a big photo blown up onto that canvassy stuff to remember Breeze by, and its now in pride of place in the hallway, just in case any visitors don't believe I was once a 59 year old budding rock star...... Life just doesn't get any better than this, but as one door closes a new door has now opened to our latest phase of life as travellers, something we have wanted to do for ages, and now we are both retired and waiting delivery of our motor home has become a reality. Have to go now as I'm starting to well up writing this. Cheers to everyone here and have a great Christmas. [/quote] I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post Bob. Great to hear that your last gig with the band went so well. Sincerely hope you both enjoy your next phase.
  3. I experienced the same sort of thing, (assuming I've understood your description correctly) at rehearsal last week. First of all thought it was my newly acquired 70's P bass and I felt all glum and upset. After much faffing about with leads and instruments, finally tracked it down to one of the input sockets on my cab. Fortunately there are two sockets. With a busy gigging weekend I haven't had time to have a proper look yet, so I've just been careful to avoid the faulty one. Good luck, hope you get it sorted.
  4. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1387711659' post='2314743'] I'm not sure I understand your neck relief measurement. 2.2mm is a hell of a bow. If you straighten the neck out a bit then that will probably allow you to raise the saddles a bit. Straightening the neck usually lowers the action. I set my neck relief at about 0.30mm. 1.8mmG and 1.9mmE is pretty low too if you like to dig in. [/quote] I assumed the measurement was a typo
  5. [quote name='Absolute Beginner' timestamp='1387708267' post='2314677'] Thanks all. Can anyone recommend a good music store in Hertfordshire, UK - one relatively close to Hemel Hempstead ? Cheers. [/quote] Coda in Stevenage (they also have another branch, cant recall where) springs to mind. They usually have a fairly good choice right across the price spectrum.
  6. Pre Christmas weekend bump, for this lovely instrument. The perfect present for yourself or a loved one.
  7. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1387676766' post='2314532'] Due to timing cock-ups with the support act, got chopped! Oh well, another time, maybe! [/quote] What a disappointment for you. Still gives you time to polish up in prep for next time. We have just added "So Lonely" to our set. I have an enjoyable time with it, not on fretless though.
  8. Last nights gear, the last one for us this year, was ultimately a bit of a depressing one. The perfect end to the evening came during the pack down, when I used my head to break the fall of a lighting rig. This resulted in an impressive lump arising from the top of my head, in true Tom & Jerry style The gig the night before was a good un though. P.S. My head hurts.
  9. I've seen uglier mate can't recall where though. Just joking, I think it has a certain appeal, is different and interesting. Can't wait to see the results of your work.
  10. We got through unscathed, all friendly, happy and mucho dancing. Hope tonight's is a good one as well. Last of the year and then a period of rest and relaxation until our next one on Feb 1st.
  11. Welcome. Good first post but too early in the day for me to formulate any sort of answer. The most I can come up with at the moment is, my G&L is very loud
  12. We are playing a pub gig tonight. It was fairly hectic last time we played there, drunken herberts falling over the monitors and crashing into our space. Guess it will be even worse tonight. A night to be using one of my more roadworn instruments I think. Thanks for the warning Doc
  13. I'm listening and playing along to this [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhDUuEWgMcA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhDUuEWgMcA[/url] Mrs Mac is out and I'm enjoying an afternoon of Yes and a bit of Ozric
  14. I think the DR's sound nice 'n' growly, they are the ones you've heard at DefunkT gigs on my G&L SB1.
  15. You'll just make space for the next batch, when the GAS strikes later in the year
  16. I love the sound of flats on my P basses when playing along to northern soul and motown, at home and yet when playing with the band I much prefer DR Highbeam rounds.
  17. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1387541014' post='2313085'] Yours is exactly what I had in mind looks wise when I was telling BD what I wanted. [/quote] Mine is here and waiting for you. Go on, you're worth it
  18. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1387403736' post='2311689'] It's like the real version of what I asked the bass doc to build, Grangur has seen the bass doc version at my house; this is what I had in mind when specifying it. But more reliced of course [/quote] Yes, my one certainly wouldn't be classed as roadworn. Did the Doc do the relicing on yours?
  19. Indeed Clarky. Used it at a rehearsal the other night and it seemed very fitting when we played Brick in the Wall.
  20. Looking good, did you do the customising
  21. I internalized it mate Typical of me, seething inside but didn't say a word.
  22. So what have you got to show for you debt then?
  23. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1387457085' post='2312140'] Ooh, tasty! Love that track, in fact, off to play it on vinyl NOW!! [/quote] A bit more challenging than Wizard, I'm guessing
  24. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1387054755' post='2307889'] OMFG that 74 is gorgeous Gary and it has the perfect colour and neck combination .......stunning mate [/quote] Thanks Thunderbird, I'm really enjoying it.
  25. Spent a lot of monday playing along to Wizards Wish It Could be Christmas Everyday. I don't like chrimbo songs but we were due to rehearse it on monday evening. After having suffered for my art and played it probably a dozen times and getting it nailed, Upon setting up at the studio, our BL says, "Don't think we'll bother with the Wizard one"
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