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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. My recently acquired 74. I did post this up in the P bass thread but it belongs here as well. [url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/httpwwwflickrcomphotosgmac190/11357465273/][/url]
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1387133982' post='2308547'] It really would - but I don't deserve it. I've been a bad boy this year. you still deserve a treat Mark [/quote][quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1387133878' post='2308544'] It isn't. No way. Actually it's awful. I'm saving you from yourself really. In fact I've gone round Gary's a couple of times and I'm working on getting it road-worn. But it's a slow job. It's going to take a long time. Give me a few years ad we might just get there. [/quote]
  3. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1387236994' post='2309857'] I was totally unaware that there were supposed to be any shielding issues. [/quote] Same here. I've had my one from new, back in the 90's and no issues at all.
  4. Thanks Chris. I know that black is not the most popular finish but this does look damn fine and the neck/fretboard is just lovely. The covers will be coming off though, love the look but as I mostly play with a pick, they need to go.
  5. Have fun Shell We shall be playing it next weekend, along with Wizard.
  6. I dont know what clearance is required on that bass, try a google search
  7. 5p coin for a saddle, well that's a first. so assuming your action and relief are correct, is everything good at the nut?
  8. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1382972195' post='2258621'] + 1 to all the above & Needle files are great but the small string slots may need some careful attention with something smaller - like welding tip cleaners - [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Tip-Cleaner-Needle-file-set-guitar-nut-files-/170996340430?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item27d02d16ce"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item27d02d16ce[/url] When/if you get a proper set of nut files it all becomes so much easier [/quote] I'm going to order a set of those, thanks John
  9. [quote name='Nibody' timestamp='1387031189' post='2307591'] Now you're just showing off another stunner Gary [/quote] It is rather lovely. Wife is out shopping or lunching or something and I'm sitting here playing along to some Floyd. It's what Saturdays were made for
  10. These are the ones on my 75 [url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/httpwwwflickrcomphotosgmac190/10510662806/][/url]
  11. My new arrival, a 74 P. [url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/httpwwwflickrcomphotosgmac190/11357465273/][/url]
  12. Good man, make sure to say hello.
  13. ... I know mate but I have another incoming today and although I love them all, I enjoy having a change now and then.
  14. This would make a lovely Christmas pressie to yourself type bump.
  15. [quote name='endorka' timestamp='1386907473' post='2306312'] As far as the creating of basslines goes, one of the best things you can do IMHO is become more aware of other instruments. Jennifer [/quote] Got to agree with this, simple, common sense advice that is often overlooked.
  16. I had forgotten Stray, went to see them a fair few times.
  17. Very nice. I am awaiting delivery of a 74 in the same colour combo, should be here tomorrow. Enjoy yours.
  18. Welcome aboard, from another Herts Bass Chatter.
  19. sounds like a promising project,............form an orderly queue bass chatters
  20. Last time I encountered the same thing (if I have understood your description correctly), it was due to the pick up being too close to the E & A strings. Like booboo suggested, lowering it a little sorted the problem.
  21. Price reduction bump............there won't be another............If it doesnt sell at this price, I'm going to enjoy it for a while longer
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