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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. Thanks for posting, will check out some of their other covers.
  2. Sometimes Rob, it is necessary, whilst turning the screw, to also give the saddle a gentle nudge in the direction you want it to travel.
  3. I quite like it. Not sure those neck pocket dimensions would be right for the standard size necks.
  4. I'm wondering if this case would be a decent fit for my Pro 1, or is the interior moulded for the shape of the different models?
  5. An I don't want to drop the price but might just accept a very near offer for one day only type bump .
  6. At last nights gig we stuck the Slade one in during the encores. I enjoy that bass line. A couple of weeks back we rehearsed a mash up of Wizard and Slade, so that will be getting an outing over the next few weeks.
  7. gary mac

    Totally stoked!

    That is rather excellent
  8. Handsome. As a pick player I find the covers are a real pain. Love the look though.
  9. Until I watched a documentary on BBC 4 recently, I didn't realise how well regarded he is by other musicians. He has worked with so many artists since the ELO days. Mr Blue Sky always make me smile when it comes on the radio. Report back to us on what other treasures are lurking in your Dads collection.
  10. Is it the same with all of your basses Richard?
  11. Our pub gig last friday was 39 songs.
  12. [quote name='MarkW' timestamp='1385983644' post='2294242'] [font=Calibri][color=#000000]It was a two-gig weekend for me. On Saturday we played to over 200 people at a charity gig in aid of the British Heart Foundation. We were on absolutely top form with a fault-free blistering performance, and the punters had a fantastic night. Unfortunately last night’s three-set gig at a local social club wasn’t quite so spectacular. [/color][/font][font=Calibri][color=#000000] [/color][/font] [font=Calibri][color=#000000]For a start we were all knackered from the previous 2 am finish, severe jetlag had just caught up with our keyboard player after a fortnight in LA, and I was suffering from a horrendous head cold that made everything sound as if I had my head in a bucket. The main problem though was the mix on stage, which was atrocious. In fact atrocious doesn’t even begin to describe it. The only thing I could hear all night was the drummer and the odd bit of vocals – nothing else, and crucially not a single note I was playing. Despite this, everything was going swimmingly until we launched into ‘Don’t Stop Believing’, which we’ve done dozens of time before, and every time in E. For some reason that I still can’t fathom, last night I did the whole thing in F. Could hardly be worse really, could it? As the only one who couldn’t hear it, I was on stage wondering why the rest of the band weren’t giving it their usual grunt. I assumed that because it’s the bass line that drives it and I was feeling out of sorts I probably wasn’t giving it enough welly. So I really dug in. God alone knows what it must have sounded like to the punters out front, but given the hysterics the rest of the band were having I’m assuming not too great. [/color][/font][font=Times New Roman][size=3][color=#000000] [/color][/size][/font] [font=Calibri][color=#000000]Ah well – as one of my old band leaders used to say: If you’re going to make a mistake, it may as well be a big one.[/color][/font] [/quote] Sympathise Mark. I did the same a couple of years back with Johny B Goode. Sound was bad and I played the first verse half a step up to my band mates
  13. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1386005276' post='2294542'] Why was it banned? did MDP complain or something? or was the thread getting a bit naughty? [/quote] He didn't complain but it was all getting somewhat personal and in some cases a bit nasty.
  14. Someone will be happy, congrats to you both
  15. [quote name='Jonnyboy Rotten' timestamp='1385846741' post='2292891'] Wow...hard to believe it is older than me! Looks like its a three or four years old! [/quote] It really does, thanks
  16. [quote name='AntLockyer' timestamp='1385846476' post='2292886'] Thanks for that. My friend worked at Fender in 1975 and was hoping his stamp would have been in there, I can see from your pic that it isn't. It is still astonishing though. Even my wife thinks it is wonderful looking [/quote] Our wives concur
  17. Unless you are hideously heavy handed, it might be worth attempting to tap it back it in. A small hammer, something to protect the area and a softly softly approach.
  18. [quote name='jayk' timestamp='1385954078' post='2294065'] I know rest is an obvious one but would you recommend seeing a Doctor and having the problem checked out? [/quote] This. Whatever advice us lot can give you, your first port of call should be the Doc. Good luck.
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