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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. Same as TimR we send out posters. Some put them up but just as many don't bother. A lot of them have Face book pages which they don't use to promote the gigs. Got to say a fair few of them just don't help themselves and yet still moan when the gig isn't well attended. On the plus side some are very good.
  2. I'm suffering a bit today Pete. A couple of hours back, when I was out in the cold my fingers/knuckles were giving me grief. Ok now that I'm warm again and have had a couple of Ibuprufen. Will give it another ten minutes or so and then have a bass session wish you well mate.
  3. Love a bit of Ozric. Mrs. Mac doesn't So only listen to them when she is out.
  4. Paul S, was it wise to poke this one again, it's been all quiet and peaceful for best part of twelve hours
  5. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1385115307' post='2284561'] Brief hijack...sorry... I set up my 50th jazz a little while back and adjusted the truss rod .I asked about it at the time and was told, right turn to tighten (less relief) and left turn to loosen (more relief). The adjustment is at the body end of the neck. I also have an 83 jazz that I may need to adjust but the adjustment is at the headstock.... Is it still right turn (clockwise) to tighten and left turn (anticlockwise) to loosen? Or does that change as the rod is the other way round? [/quote] Same rule applies Rob
  6. My head is not working just yet, so I'll come back to this when the caffeine has kicked in.
  7. Thanks Thunderbird. I'll just enjoy for a while longer.
  8. That should cheer you up then Result
  9. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrO4YZeyl0I"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrO4YZeyl0I[/url] Learning this one this evening.
  10. Try not putting an commas, full stops etc. within the price figure
  11. Good luck with the sale Bob, it's a lovely bass this one. Enjoy your fishing, hats off to you mate if you are going out in these conditions.
  12. One of the things that I really enjoy about my current band is that when we get to a rehearsal room to nail new material, everyone has learnt their parts. This usually means that as long as we feel the songs work, we can get four or five rehearsed up and ready in one session.
  13. Ta, but I have a full compliment of body parts, although they could mostly be described as road worn. Cash always welcome though.
  14. Are they suitable for the P bass shape/size?
  15. A saturday morning bump for my lovely P bass Look at the pics
  16. That looks like it would do the job well enough and for not too much expense.
  17. Nice one. Know exactly what you mean about the smile when the case has been opened.
  18. [quote name='AndyBob09' timestamp='1384416540' post='2276323'] On a subject unrelated to cost, can someone assure me that a prostate exam will be nae bother? I'm dreading that! [/quote] It's not actually painful, just not pleasant. I think the main thing is to relax, which, is as you can imagine not easy when you see the Doc gloving up. One of those grin and bear it situations, I'm afraid.
  19. There are a fair few of us on BC who have had a run in with the 'orrid Prostate Cancer and have got through it. Let's hope it has been caught early and he gets sorted.
  20. [quote name='STLS' timestamp='1384098433' post='2272706'] Your prayers might be answered, as we are looking into being a distributor at this present moment in time [/quote] Welcome If you want to advertise/sell on here you need to check out the Affiliates Forum
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